Liu Bei Insane Shotgun Damage | Honor of Kings

Liu Bei Insane Shotgun Damage | Honor of Kings

Kyoui TV

2 месяца назад

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@krunainmoba - 06.12.2024 15:45

Bro finally recognized him as a jungler😂😂😂

@krunainmoba - 06.12.2024 15:47

Also you can use seige breaker for more damage.

@krunainmoba - 06.12.2024 15:48

That li bai outplay was hilarious😂😂😂

@faryuHSR777 - 06.12.2024 15:59

Hey kyoui is luara trash? i play five match with her and only win once

@youagain8447 - 06.12.2024 16:24

Out of topic, but good news for those wanting to have Charlotte, because she's available in the Freebie Frenzy event in global, so you could grab her there alongside other heroes including new ones up to Meng Ya (except for Han Xin), FOR FREE no less. Unfortunately, she's the only SNK hero available, there's no Mai, Ukyo, or Nakoruru in the prize pool.

Well, i guess it's time to ban Charlotte in Ranked to avoid the newbie Charlotte rush xD. I did the same last week for Mai after the SNK pack dropped, but honestly it wasn't that bad. The worst thing inexperienced Mai did was missing Skill 2, but their dmg was still high even with messed up combos. Charlotte, on the other hand....

@VTClapsHoK - 06.12.2024 16:43

Out of Topic Question:
Global and PH Chat are Sending Codes, WHICH EVENT is it? I thought that free skin event was Over.

@APProGamers - 06.12.2024 16:48

Can you do Mai Shiranui in jungle lane

@superbuneary8819 - 06.12.2024 22:30

Is butterfly still op?

@misguidedkpopper8674 - 06.12.2024 23:01

Liu Bei is insane OP early game. If you can end the match early, he's super good. If it goes into lategame his usefulness falls off a lot because in game tf he just doesn't have as much juice but still really good. His jungling speed is insane.

@blueshadow4081 - 06.12.2024 23:39

He is strong yet he is b tier from your list

@nikokorpaniuk7048 - 07.12.2024 00:25

when season ends?

@mithunkhadka7393 - 07.12.2024 03:40

Which jungler or assassin jungler do you suggest in current meta I hate to play tank junglers

@Leyen730 - 07.12.2024 06:14

American style🗿🇺🇸

@ludmillassandopoundEr - 08.12.2024 11:07

I ma play him top lane cuz I am bored.
