He is SO funny!!
ОтветитьIs he related to Unknown Hinson? By ways of a womerns wilz an suchlak?
ОтветитьTodd Barry is a very talented comedian, but he's not nearly as popular as other "big name" comedians who seem to have massive followings. I believe very strongly that I have uncovered the main reason as to why this is......Todd's comedy and pacing requires just a tad bit more thought and patience then a lot of others, and unfortunately SOOOOO many people are stupid and/or short-sighted with miniscule attention spans **usually all the above**.....with Todd, its kind of a case of IYKYK.....Hopefully sooner than later, MORE WILL KNOW!
ОтветитьTwo words. Pootie. Tang. Your welcome.
ОтветитьMy cat didn't like this 😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьHis face has become more sufferable with age
ОтветитьInsert "he's underrated/he should be more famous" vomments here.
ОтветитьHaha I love his voice and he's so funny.
ОтветитьHaha yes everything is expensive in new York I couldn't afford to live there. It's pretty reasonable where I live.
ОтветитьOne of the best!
ОтветитьHahaha I love the cat treat joke hilarious haha
ОтветитьAwe his cat is beautiful haha
ОтветитьThere's no way the audience is laughing this much at every joke, it sounds fake. Mildly funny.
ОтветитьControversial but I think he’s a good comedian.
ОтветитьOne of the greats. Idk why so many comments are suggestions TB is underrated..
The man has been a legend for over 20 years. Just because he doesn't do podcasts does not mean he is not known.
I'm so excited to see him in Phoenix this November. I'm going to the show straight from work and won't have time to stop to get something to eat. Do you know if the club sells hot dogs?
Still doing Covid jokes? Come on, Todd!
ОтветитьNo! Was the Italian dressing good or was she right?! Don't stop the joke there!
ОтветитьCome back to Copenhagen Todd!
ОтветитьSUCH a brilliant comic. Thanks, Todd & All Things Comedy!
ОтветитьIs this NPC humor? So boring 🥱
ОтветитьTodd Barry is a national treasure. His comedy is in its own category, like Chapelle and Demetri Martian or Aaron Belisle
ОтветитьGood luck with those injections.
ОтветитьThis guy has been on point for years now, I’ve seen him semi consistently in his specials and appearances in various shows as well as the movie roles I believe he mentioned in this set. I really hope TB has some nice paydays so he doesn’t have to be a hard working comic just to eek out a living.
ОтветитьIs he really didn't get bear story or just joking and playing dumb? She was inside of the house, bear was outside, inside a car. Or I didn't get it?
ОтветитьWe used to have a little dog and a small python, now we just have a big python.
ОтветитьGreat special 😂
ОтветитьThe question should not be how did you get it, but why did you gett it?
the covid stuff didn’t age well. sounds quite foolish now
ОтветитьTodd reminds me of a Doctor….who happens to also be great at comedy.
ОтветитьGreat performance! Is it me though, or is the sound quality a little...meh?
ОтветитьSince Comedy Central Presents, I have always been a fan of Todd Barry. He is such a consistent stand-up comedian, definitely in the top 10.
ОтветитьThe first joke hooked me. It reminded me of the Chappelle Show skit he was in where he had that line…. “What you need is a bigger set of titties and a boyfriend.” Titties!
Ответить9 minutes in, still waiting...
ОтветитьI put this on repeat on all my devices when I sleep at night... Really should have a couple ten million views.
ОтветитьThis guy is absolutely funny wow
ОтветитьHe’s hilarious
Ответитьno but 👍! 😄
ОтветитьHi Todd, my dad and I were in the front row of probably your last(though hopefully not) ever show in Kelowna. He was the Saxophonist who's an expert in deer related insurance claims. You truly did spoil him for stand up though because I don't think he'll get another chance to set up the Third Conchord for his closer ever again. That was a life changer for us man, thank you for bringing your sun to our tomato drying festival(work in progress... or maybe just right)
Ответитьman I wish I could see this dude live before he croaks
ОтветитьI love how he’s circling the photo of him and Charlize with the laser pointer.
ОтветитьWhat an unrelenting string of hilarious, brilliant jokes with the greatest delivery imaginable. Epic.
ОтветитьHis delivery seems so effortless I love it. What talent!
ОтветитьHe slips in and out of the 4th wall so casually
Ответитьwas it good
ОтветитьOne of the OGs. Still so funny. Love you TB.
Ответитьmore on that in eight months
ОтветитьNote to self: talk to someone else