You just rock!
Ответить28th comment 🎉🎉🎉🎉😂
Ответитьgeez Rux, sorry about the bot comments on this
ОтветитьDecember 1st is my birthday!!🎂 I have my rising and moon in Libra ♎️ and I was born on a Sunday. I’m looking forward to this day!
ОтветитьThank you again Rux
Ответить🌠✨💫🌜Thank you,🌈⭐☄️🪐 Rux 🌞🌟⚡🌌 for sharing your knowledge and insight with us on another astrology update as always 💙🌹🫂💋🙏
ОтветитьI was born on a dark newmoon libra 28 deg conj Scorpio sun Virgo rising Venus ret sag 3rd house I have a mercury ret conj Saturn Scorpio conj sun 2nd house I do alot of things same time Mars Aquarius 5th house
Ответитьshe speaks in 1.5x
ОтветитьThank you, Rux! This time hearing Gemini Sun sounded more like what is going on for me, moreso than the Sag Rising.
ОтветитьHi Rux, you mean for Aquarius Rising ♒🏺 it's better Not to invest and neither make any Business Decision. Keep everything to a Level of Analysis & Ideas 💡💭🤣
That's a Cool Strategy 👍 even when it Comes to Business. You don't make any Rational Decisions 🎉
❤sagittarius ♐ rising..happy birthday 🎂 to all Sagittarius ♐
ОтветитьWanted to do a rectification regarding to my birth time- so wait till mercury retrogarde is over Right ?😊
ОтветитьLove your energy! 😊
ОтветитьIt’s my birthday on the 3rd😊
Ответитьi feel this is a very strong Mercury Retrograde this time! Really annoying. Thank you for the insights 🥰
ОтветитьThank you 😊
ОтветитьSorry, but I never get useful info from her, I’m a Taurus and it’s always so vague and not important
ОтветитьYour message is spot on, Rux. I feel the need for personal caution despite the enthusiasm I can already, feel, as if it is not necessarily meant for me, and so I am forced to sit and wait despite my need to act in accordance with my needs. This nee moon is trining my natal Leo moon at 10, so Im feeling it but not jumping into the pool despite my Neptune,Pluto trines and sextiles to Jupiter. It isn't easy!🙃
ОтветитьThank you ❤😊
ОтветитьThanks. ❤❤❤
Ответить100% spot on Rux. As a Cancer rising, I have just been rehired by a school I worked with over 4 years aga. Fortunately, I don't have any big expectations. I just think it will be good for me mentally to go back into the workforce after semi-retirement.
I hope I can honorably fulfill the new obligations that I will be undertaking as I will be working with children who need "life skills". This is quite different from my previous experience. Nonetheless, I intend to do my best to exceed the expectations of my friends and colleagues. ❤❤❤❤❤
go show some love to Mrs. D and read her new ebook The Skin Radiance Recipe
Ответитьloved this video, I would only add for people to read 'The Skin Radiance Recipe' by Mrs. D it helped me a tonn
Ответитьgirls, you should show some love to Mrs. D and read her book 'The Skin Radiance Recipe', it will change your life ❤️
ОтветитьRux, you’re at 170K! 🎉Congrats and thanks for the new moon update😄
ОтветитьI’m excited to see what unfolds. I’m a Leo Rising/ Sag Moon so lots of 5th House action going on here lol 😂🤍✨
ОтветитьAwesome 👏 thank you!
ОтветитьThank You Rux!!
ОтветитьI like you, I like your work
ОтветитьThanks a million 🌹 this is exactly what I need to hear💌 Capricorn
ОтветитьIts conjunction with my natal Venus. Hopefully something in my love life I am highly single
Ответитьfeelin the pink eyeshadow! 💞
ОтветитьNM right on my Neptune 12H Sag at 9 degrees.
ОтветитьHello gorgeous
ОтветитьI said “slow down” right before you did
ОтветитьToti romanii care sunteti in Anglia si in alte colturi ale lumii va rugam votati Elena Lasconi!!! daca aveti sincer sustinere pentru un bolsevic legionar aparator al unor asasini macar NU mai votati decat sa-l votati pe Calin Georgescu! Nu ne trimiteti pe cei care locuim in Romania inapoi la Rusia inapoi la bolsevism inapoi la dictatura! ROMANIA ESTE LA O COTITURA ISTORICA RAMANEM IN DEMOCRATIE SAU NE ARUNCATI VOI CEI DIN DIASPORA INAPOI IN DICTATURA CACI ASTA NE ASTEAPTA CU CALIN GEORGESCU DICTATURA MILITARA LEGIONARA!
ОтветитьLooks like a Positive Reading. Thanks Rux.
ОтветитьThank you Rux! You are my best astrologer, Aries rising, moving countries and starting a phd
ОтветитьWoah as a Sag rising this was soooooo spot on, it’s mindblowing. The vision I have about the new study I want to do feels HUGE, it feels like the key to my soulpurpose. Told my parents about it and they did not understand why I would choose that over a “normal” study. I did not get the most exciting reaction from them which honestly made me kinda sad, but I am okay with them not understanding, because I see the vision and feel the sacredness of it. I also don’t have to prove anything to anybody. I’m doing it for me and I believe my decisions :) <3
Happy birthday Saggies!!!
❤ Thank you!!!
ОтветитьYou didn't really add in the trine to leo for cap risings interpretation
ОтветитьWow you really brought an archived memory of having to log in early to sign up classes
ОтветитьMy Birthday is December 1st
ОтветитьWow, so many Pisces doing so much. I want to meet one, hear their adventures and thoughts. I don't know any of me, your Pisces are always doing so much.
ОтветитьHello Astro Mom, I am not late ha-ha, Virgo Rising, Sagittarius Sun, Venus in Sagittarius at 10 degrees, Sun at 4 degrees, Lilith in Sagittarius at 13 degrees, Mars in Gemini (RX) at 5 degrees, Midheaven in Gemini at 15 degrees, Rising at 17 degrees, Moon in Pisces at 21 degrees; bring it on ha-ha. Speaking of enthusiasm and energy, I also have Mercury in Sagittarius and trust me even though fatigue is part of every day's life, my energy isn't low :). The Full Moon was a banger, I had some unfortunate stuff; my cell phone was stolen, my car had an issue and needed to be repaired plus an accident at home plus an unfortunate issue with my pair of glasses (the optician placed the lens not correctly and my eyesight was blurry and I felt more headache than the one I already feel since I work mostly from the computer and I happened to find out that it was placed wrong myself). Although some of the expenses made, especially towards the eye issue, weren't needed, I don't regret anything, I am not bitter or holding grudges to the optician for her mistake. The 27th of November, which was my birthday, was as you mentioned on the November video an outstanding day truly :). Family relationships are something I'd love to be mended; I am trying to be as tolerant, and I am trying not to remain bitter for their wrongings; I am not a saint either. My AutoCAD certification is coming to its end, the exam is to happen, I believe, in the first two weeks of December and I am already thinking about the future, yet I wish to take it slow, my schedule for December is busy and I need not to over-extend myself for once (I know, I always say this yet it hardly ever happens). Trying to strike a balance between others' opinions and mine is crucial to me and I try not to hold grudges. As for risks, although I wish to get off the TNF drug for my auto immune and I am seeing another rheumatologist in the upcoming days, if their approach remains the same as the one from the current doctor, I'll accept it, no need for risks, Mercury is still RX. In general, I aim not to hold grudges and look for the good in myself and people, striking a balance between being naive, optimistic, and suspicious. As always, thank you very much Rux, apologies for the wall of text. I wish you a wonderful New Moon and I love you 3000.
ОтветитьI feel like this almost every new moon. I also have bipolar 1. I dont know about this formula but I will listen. Thanks for the information, your smile and energy ❤