Awesome journey of vast unknown species
ОтветитьLovely video, as always, Dani. Soan is a really funny fella, isn’t he 😂
ОтветитьKali "hindu goddess of destruction" ❤
ОтветитьAaargh the western roll and a bito a nip in the air memories
ОтветитьI feel like I've heard this intro music somewhere.
ОтветитьHere's what is mind blowing , nobody on earth will ever touch that big rock againe in our lifetime😮
Ответитьअयोध्या मे मूर्ति स्थापना के दौरान प्रकट हुए साक्षात हनुमानजी, नतमस्तक हुए पुजारी, उस भक्त के सारे बिगड़े बने काम...जिसके रोम रोम में राम...श्रीराम का नाम याद आते ही उनके योद्धा...संन्यासी और राजा रूप की छवि उभर आती है...लेकिन राम का एक ऐसा रूप भी है...जिसकी तस्वीर आते ही हर माता की आँखें प्रेम से छलक उठती हैं....आज हम श्री राम के उसी अद्भुत रूप की बात करेंगे...सिर्फ़ बात ही नहीं करेंगे...उस रूप की कुछ निशानियां कुछ सच्ची तस्वीरें भी दिखाएंगे...ये रूप है भगवान का रामलला रूप...यानी श्रीराम का बाल रूप।
ОтветитьGlobal Warming ~ what a joke this guys keeps playing! what a joke!
ОтветитьForce field of aliens energy helps them ships there & back with no deaths. All ok & heavily studied.🌐🪬
ОтветитьIs rotten commercials with Governor useless act like he cares about veterans after he encourages illegal aliens to kill Americans in ca
Ответитьmission impossible Antartica😅
ОтветитьAnd when was this exactly?
ОтветитьThose cups had 2008 written on them?
ОтветитьEvry pices born on north and south poll and then ochen .. expedition cair fuly
ОтветитьBeyong a certain point no-one is allowed to explore Antarctica.What are Govts hiding.
ОтветитьThis documentary is blaming fishermen and climate change for the loss of fish while they catch and kill thousands.
ОтветитьJulie, blessing, 2014
Ответитьhey flat earthers where’s your ice wall
ОтветитьIf a science vessel came to earth and took up thousands of people for scientific study and killed them off, you think different then.
ОтветитьHow can you even survive
Antarctica is so cold
Lovely. 👏🏽👏🏽 thank you
ОтветитьThe Tangaroa is a modified fishing trawler. Fun fact it is the sister-ship to the Amaltal Enterprise. The southern ocean can produce waves upto 16 meters in harsh conditions easily throwing the 70 metre ship around like it was a dingy.
ОтветитьHow cold is that ocean? If there boat sinked there fd
ОтветитьCrack me up these programs in the name of scientific research its like every country has to flog the dead horse that is Antarctica large swaths of that continent have been contaminated by the millions of tons of diesel burnt by scientists in the name of research WTF.
ОтветитьShe handled the hell out of that cucumber
ОтветитьGlobal warming might actually be a good thing in this part of the world.
ОтветитьA great film, but please be more careful with the music. There are times when it is so intrusive that we can't hear the commentary or the people involved in the documentary 😒😒
ОтветитьThe captain and its donors are looking for something else. The sack keeps everyone else busy.
ОтветитьHehe he said he didnt know what type of specie that is but holds it in his hands
ОтветитьShe didn't love her husband or children at all. She let her children grieve on their own.
ОтветитьDie Erzehlen diese Menschen haben eine Auge mit Weltraum Raumschiffe Computer Tastatur ( im Auge haben die eine Computer Tastatur die den Weltraum Raumschiff steuern und diese Menschen Befehlen den Weltraum Raumschiff zu schiessen jetzt ob die Weltraum Raumschiffe noch da sind das weiss ich Darcho J. Gorilla Cyborg nicht [ information von jahr 1985 vor Der Disco Music Hall FFM ] )
ОтветитьWhy they throw back that big stone to ocean? They not interest to see or check on that stone? Try to break that.. maybe can find some micro ecosystem that lives on that stone?..
ОтветитьI'm not going anywhere where vodka freezes
ОтветитьAnd you killed them
ОтветитьI enjoyed it very happily.
ОтветитьVery enjoyable to watch. Despite many of the sad sacks in the comment section, we found this fascinating and despite their alleged mass murder of the marine life, they discovered a lot about the health of the environment. Condolences to the doctor who lost her husband. We feel that it was the right decision and only hers to make to stay on board. She was with people who knew her and supported her.
ОтветитьGreat documentary.
ОтветитьSo much love to you and sorry for your loss Dr Hall.
ОтветитьFake - you can tell this is all studio green screen.
ОтветитьJesus Christ aka God yeah he made all that stuff you’ll never understand
ОтветитьWell all these scientists dibiod all these specimens
ОтветитьWhat’s waste Taxpayer $$$$$$$
ОтветитьVery interesting, really enjoyed this 👍
ОтветитьOnce past the rough Drake passage, Antarctica has crisp air, calm waters, & volcanoes 🌋 at the ends of the earth that bring our clouds which the enemy can redirect from God’s snow ❄️ treasuries.
The ice wall which surrounds the ocean 🌊 waters is the only way water 💧 can be contained 🙂
Love to her that lost some one 😢
Ответитьmasyaallah ❤😇
ОтветитьA $6 million 50-day expedition
Disembarks from Wellington, NZ heading due South
A 7000 nautical mile journey
460 km of crushing sea ice
17 other ships sailing from all directions to the Antarctic.
The Mission: a census of Antarctic marine life
The ship, the Tangaroa, helmed by Captain Andrew Leachman
44 scientists and crew on board.
The expedition is one of a lifetime. And we get to be a part of it, albeit vicariously, but hey, we can practically feel the icy winds cutting across our faces, and taste the spray of the ocean. How amazing is that? Spoiler alert: they discover some amazing sea creatures never ever seen before. See what happens when you bring sea creatures from the deepest darkest depths of the ocean floor to the surface. More importantly, we experience the remarkable strength of the human spirit. And feel deeply for Dr. Julie Hall, one of the scientists on board, who experiences a personal tragedy and has a horrible decision to make.
Enjoy the magic of our planet 🌏 and remember to treat it gently.