Varus was like "Why don't you play Bot then and I'll be support."
And Azzapp said "Ok sure." and won.
Ugh as disgustingly good as Azzapp was here, & very much so deserved the win just like Jax, that VARUS did not deserve the LP, like see me personally, this is a game where once I saw that Varus waste R like that? I would sit in fountain until enemy ended. Unfortunately I would rather take the dive & ensure he gains nothing (while I only lose a bit knowing I'll always get it back later) but that this waste of space player does not get a free ride out of me. Nah f that noise. Bannable mentalities like this go unnoticed & still this Varus climbed one victory further while being the epitome of undeserving of it. League sometimes man.. "Sometimes many, must be sacrified for the BM of one.." - Me, I'm just that petty.
ОтветитьVarus was honestly right, about himself of course. Dude gets focused and flashed on in every engagement with little opportunity to carry. Easy to flame him when you never have to show on vision to get CS while he's glorified bait for enemy engage. Him getting one kill on lulu for his flash early doesn't "instantly win the game". And then he gets his wave taxed by support when he's inches from it so he rage R's and gets labelled a "troll" as engagement bait.
ОтветитьI have never seen azzapp before so i was like WTF man THOSE Qs like my god !
ОтветитьJax was indeed really good
ОтветитьLegit don't see a problem with the enemy comp. He's playing lethality Varus so he's not even supposed to be in close range past lvl 11.
ОтветитьI just started watching thebaus and I like how he edits what he just bought, I'm glad to see it here too!
ОтветитьI always perform well playing vel koz in plat due to people never understanding the damage this champion has
ОтветитьHad a game this the other day. Our midlaner was up 6 kills at 10 minutes, and at 17, my Jinx, who I roamed away from, comes mid after a good bot gank gets ys the tower. She's 1-4 with really good CS and 3 solo plates.
Our mid decides that he's the main character, and the next FORTY-SIX MINUTES are an uphill 4v5 with a splitting trundle and udyr, me, a sona with 200 ping, and a Jinx who wasn't doing so hot in laning.
Enemy team had a Nasus, Zed, and MF, and I basically had to show my team that gods can blees and the game was winnable. That wasn't even my last Promos match.
lmao with theese thumbnails
Ответитьthat Varus is DISRESPECTING my GOAT COLD Palmer... SHAMEFUL
ОтветитьThis just happen all the time, and if I'm the carry sp, I would tell them to shut up keep playing, and a report for bad attitude.
Ответить"Ummmm ackshilly me inting in front of your face level 3 was only due to my immense game knowledge, someday when you reach my intellectual PROWESS you might understand how to play with similar efficiency 🤓"
ОтветитьActually towards the end varus wasnt trolling, he tanked the tower so it wouldnt take out the 3 minions so you guys could keep going for inhib tower after. Might be by accident that he did this though
ОтветитьI don’t know how this dude got master. “Look at topside champs I can’t win ever” Gragas, diana, and yasuo? For real? May as well never play ever again then like ?????
ОтветитьNot sure if you are sick or its just your voice being strained, still I hope you get better soon Azzap.
ОтветитьJax cooked
ОтветитьYeah that Varus is a loser😅
ОтветитьYou sound very sick, get better buddy
ОтветитьIt's main character syndrome. He believes it's not possible to do anything so game is over.
ОтветитьDon't smoke weed that much, you barely talk in this vid :D jk love u watch u everyday
ОтветитьCongratz that's the low elo experience as the Varus ran around doing nothing wasting the heal. Gotta play the 1v9 in low elo. Can't expect a single person in the game to have a brain cell at all.
ОтветитьOnly an ADC main could get lane first blood, CS advantage and two turret platings and declare the game unwinnable
ОтветитьTrying to get the same mental fortitude than Azzap in low elo, unfortunately, its a asylum with only 1% of player being sane and wanted to win the game.
Ответитьto be fair azzapp shouldnt be picking a fight with the varus anyway. Anyone can see that argument isnt going anywhere from the beginning.
ОтветитьThese comments would make u think varus was flaming like 2016 tyler1 and inted but bro just said enemy comp is better and played on. Calling him a troll is kind of a stretch.
ОтветитьIronic that the least level headed and least useful player on the team is named after the most level headed, most talented player in the Premier League rn lol
Ответитьthe answer is YES
ОтветитьBro cooked hard with that thumbnail
ОтветитьAzzapp you need to confirm if that was BLG bin for us pls🥺
ОтветитьVery can win.
Ответитьthis is so good
Ответитьzapzap! I watch your videos everyday <3 thanks for the awesome content :)
ОтветитьLeague is game that resonates with brats. They just throw tantrums whenever they find an inconvenience and, since it's easy to lose a game because of one player, they get rewarded for it most of the times. They love it. They love how they have the power to ruin a perfectly winnable game just because they want to. If anything, a game like this, where they can't prove their point, is ten times more frustrating to them than games where they actually lose. League is probably the best condom ad in the world, to be real.
ОтветитьThat Varus would've dodged, but was probably about to be banned for it. Guarantee he had his mind made up that the game was lost at champ select
ОтветитьHow defeatist league players have become
ОтветитьAfter they all died bot you should just stop caring what varus sais and tell him "Dont worry bro ill carry you if you cant ;p"
Ответитьjust want to point out varus taking tower aggro and saving the minions is what let you guys push that hard and fast, and then let you win the game.
Ответить"This jax is good", looks at nameplate huh, no way right? xD
ОтветитьClick bait tumb
Ответитьlets go a game with minimap!
Ответитьis thuis the real BIN??
ОтветитьCan’t believe someone could have the insight that the enemy team is better drafted and NOT feel extra pressure to do something creative to come out victorious