Pulp Fiction | D&D | TTRPG | Web DM

Pulp Fiction | D&D | TTRPG | Web DM

Web DM

55 лет назад

50,913 Просмотров

Pulp fiction and adventure influenced Dungeons and Dragons so much, and it's fun as heck to boot. You should know more about it!

Filmed in February 2020, we're still social distancing y'all.

Read some pulp and support Web DM: Clark Ashton Smith Collection: https://amzn.to/3hydOPg Tales of a Dying Earth by Jack Vance: https://amzn.to/2YHpOFr Conan the Cimmerian Complete Weird Tales Omnibus: https://amzn.to/30SsRx9 The Complete Works of Lovecraft: https://amzn.to/2YIdlBw

Get Theros and support Web DM: https://amzn.to/2UT6VOI

WE'RE WRITING A BOOK! Sign up for our mailing list for more info: http://eepurl.com/gDXzGr

**GET MORE WEB DM! HELP US MAKE THE SHOW! Check out our Patreon- weekly podcast, show audio, discounts, discord, and MORE - patreon.com/webdm **

Thanks for watching! Don't forget to subscribe, comment & share. New episodes every Wednesday.

Check us out on Facebook - http://bit.ly/2oGKLOg
Twitter - https://twitter.com/WebDMshow
Instagram - web_dm

Want more? Check out:
Our D&D Player Race playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wa9OyLmkSq8&list=PLNnRdBIGJX6zwd9Xtq8HjqulKdreQwE8N

Our DnD DM Inspiration List: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpR_xxNIAcc&list=PLNnRdBIGJX6z0LLCS-eNb9GKuCYq2gQB2

MONSTERS! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1wglNm3D2w&list=PLNnRdBIGJX6zL0KsGjGJEzRlarr5DM4jz

Our PC Class Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-nO8vIJP-E&list=PLNnRdBIGJX6w_CYqXW87R8KhUaL0mjl9r

Written & Hosted by Jonathan Pruitt & Jim Davis
Produced, Directed & Edited by Travis Boles

Complete 5e Classes Playlist: http://bit.ly/2oGuhG1
New to 5th Edition D&D? Check out this playlist - http://bit.ly/2pbZN1K

Castle by Dwarven Forge http://bit.ly/2MwH0Ld
Music by John Branch -https://branchoutguitar.com
Web DM Theme by
Kyle Newmaster - https://kylenewmaster.com
Motion Graphics & Logo Design by
Ryan Wieber - https://ryan-w.com
WebDM Fan Art by Adam Miller - www.adammillerart.net
Table by Forest and Hammer www.forestandhammer.com

5e Dungeons & Dragons is here to stay, and Web DM is here to help!!! Jim Davis & Jonathan Pruitt have been playing Dungeons & Dragons for a combined 30+ years, and on Web DM they demystify, dethrone, and defrock this Dungeon we call Dragons! Subscribe to our channel for weekly videos on 5e Classes, Monsters, DM Tips, and more! Join Pruitt & Jim as we kick down the door and talk some serious Dungeons & Dragons!


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