Christmas Thrift With Me For Home Decor 2024 | Never disappointed thrifting!

Christmas Thrift With Me For Home Decor 2024 | Never disappointed thrifting!

Missy Wayt

4 месяца назад

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@LizGarza-x9u - 12.11.2024 02:42

Please don’t spray your windows it is hard to take it off.nine dollars for that flag is a great price love the store where you are shopping so many things to see I’m going nuts over here I’m yelling at you to get this and that , I would love to buy so many things at great prices I have to turn away it’s just to much for my little ❤️ heart ❤️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️🎅🌲🤶🏻🤗🤗🤗

@LizGarza-x9u - 12.11.2024 02:44

It’s me from Houston Texas

@wwfarmhouse9055 - 12.11.2024 02:51

So awesome to hear about how much you have sold in your booth. Always fun thrifting with you 😊

@kristastern2616 - 12.11.2024 02:53

great deals at that store, I would be interested in buying from your store

@barbarab.6444 - 12.11.2024 02:59

Again your booth is just so cute. You have the knack to know what is going to sell! From what I could see of your sweater, its very pretty. Sure I would be up to buying from you if you had something to sell that I was interested in. I would be interested in your Playlist also. Just wondering how the girls are liking all their Christmas decor? Are the lights keeping them up at night😆?

@catherinekennedy2968 - 12.11.2024 03:04

I enjoy seeing your booth, and what sold.

@MyLittleVintageHome - 12.11.2024 03:21

How exciting that your booth is doing so well. I know it must be such a relief to know that taking this big step is working out for you. I would love to be able to one day soon make the same leap of faith.

@marlenebearden8799 - 12.11.2024 03:27

Do you still have the red A.A. Milne book that I saw in your booth??? I would love to buy that from you and will happily pay for the shipping!!

@tammiwhitacre3814 - 12.11.2024 04:24

I’d be willing to purchase items from you via PayPal!

@Autumnsoullane - 12.11.2024 04:26

Oh wow, all the treasures

@laurabeatty7857 - 12.11.2024 04:31

Yay Missy! Glad to hear about all of your sales and that your booth is doing so well!

@amysaunders4589 - 12.11.2024 04:45

I am so glad I found your video last week. I am enjoying all of the 😉😉🙋🏽‍♀🙋🏽‍♀

@jennesskh - 12.11.2024 05:06

I would be interested!

@daphnekk - 12.11.2024 05:18

I would be interested in the $18 House Advent Shelf. Can you tell me how much shipping would be to Sparta, TN 38583?

@BecomingaGreenstalker - 12.11.2024 07:05

Wow! You found so many great items. I’m glad your store is going well!😊

@martamiller762 - 12.11.2024 07:20

Those green pine cone ornaments are so pretty

@martamiller762 - 12.11.2024 07:23

I would order many items right now. Would use PayPal.

@DoctorCara - 12.11.2024 09:17


@kimsinclair6190 - 12.11.2024 10:40

So many great items and at really good prices.

@rosemaryfann6725 - 12.11.2024 12:26

Definitely would purchase something from everyone of your shopping excursions……🤣

@jackiecotter3736 - 12.11.2024 13:34

Great finds love watching you 🇦🇺

@pammcdaniel3580 - 12.11.2024 18:07

Yes, that would be great!

@marymcghee3023 - 12.11.2024 18:08

Reasonable prices in that store. Cudos to them! I wish other thrift stores would take their lead.

@vtgrnmts1 - 12.11.2024 18:13

I love seeing your booth! I wish I was closer because I love so many beautiful things!

@michellehammer6699 - 12.11.2024 18:19

Another great video, Thankyou for sharing your appreciation for our Veterans 🇺🇲❤️,we couldn't do all these amazing things, without their service & sacrifice 🙏😇💯I love the handcrafted rocking horse,how beautiful.Congrats on your booth doing so well,take care & God bless🤗🐾🐔🎄

@ScandinavianNana - 12.11.2024 18:21

Hi Missy, I'm so glad that items are selling well in your booth. I would imagine as folks find a treasure or two there, they make return visits to see what is new. I know I would.
What a great thrift store this is! I saw a number of items I would have bought.

@teresajavins5172 - 12.11.2024 22:35

Yes, I would be interested in purchasing if you decide to sell to viewers.

@Tammyevans972 - 13.11.2024 17:46

Thank you for mentioning Veterans Day… my son was a veteran but has sadly passed away. So it means a lot to me!! Thanks for another great video Missy🌲🌲

@susanlandis2882 - 14.11.2024 02:32

Hi Missy❤️ Your videos are so sweet and wholesome, thank you for sharing your heart

@LisaHale-bk8xd - 14.11.2024 06:51

Sounds like your booth is doing many pretty things...trying to catch up on your videos I am getting over the flu
