Medium Format Landscape Photography in New Zealand Day 5

Medium Format Landscape Photography in New Zealand Day 5

Stephen Milner

2 года назад

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@jdpst20 - 13.03.2022 17:54

Ahhh been loving this series! After I spend two days in Twizel and hiked Mueller Hut and saw Mt. Cook and that BLUE BLUE water which is just mesmerizing we headed south to Central Otago. Drove through the desert part and visited several wineries finally ending back in Queenstown.

Also, for your panorama photos are you just using the X-pan Crop? Last question, what pack are you using? I'm looking for something large like that where I can combine camping/hiking gear and some photo gear. For Camping/hiking I would carry some water, jetboil, dry food, headlamp, layers for clothing, small poncho/tarp, some hygiene stuff maybe a hammock, then for photo stuff, camera body, a lens or two, maybe drone and 1 film camera like 500CW or Canon. Are the compartments organized or is it one large bag.

@RussWeymouthPhotography - 13.03.2022 18:50

Beautiful panoramic photos - I can just picture them hung on a wall.

@bshe23 - 13.03.2022 19:41

amazing adventure !!
really nice picture´s !!
enjoy the time !!

@miguelwaterhouse1551 - 13.03.2022 20:20

Very nice series

@hugovangool - 13.03.2022 21:25

Amazing adventure, really nice shots

@jasonlamarking - 13.03.2022 23:25

Great work Stephen! Love that GFX 50SII. Curious if you camped on the mountain that night or hiked back two hours?

@rolf_siggaard - 14.03.2022 00:22

Such great and engaging story telling. Exceptional footage and well edited presentation. Not to mention the quality of your images. Well done. You deserve a large following.

@brunosalazar8088 - 14.03.2022 05:27

Beautiful, beautiful pictures!!!

@AliZaidi - 14.03.2022 08:42

Hats off to you Stephen for all this hard work... !! Lovely shots Oh Yeah!!

@paultaylorphotography9499 - 14.03.2022 10:13

Stunning work mate I shot the wanaka tree a few years ago was an absolute mission there was at least another 20 folk there at sunrise 😂 I guess not so many tourists around now. Right back to the vid loving it cheers

@baladino - 14.03.2022 10:14

I’d love to see a video where you plan for your trip and pack your gear. Those considerations would be something many people would find useful. That tree on the lake looks like something out of an Arthurian legend. Epic ! Thank you for making this content. By the way very tasteful edits !

@paultaylorphotography9499 - 14.03.2022 10:23

Outstanding mate no pain no gain you must have suffered a lot of pain well done lad cracking episode. Loving your voice overs clear you’re putting a huge effort into production quality keep on doing what you’re doing 📷❤️📷

@mickcookson8009 - 14.03.2022 23:34

one word Stunning.

@SinaFarhat - 15.03.2022 00:16

What a wonderful place to experience!
The photos are great!

@bernardmcmahon7947 - 15.03.2022 23:17

Another great video Stephen and as ever beautiful images. What a stunning country. 👏

@sandracoufreur6965 - 16.03.2022 12:01


@nh-ss5pw - 17.03.2022 02:47

thumbs up 👍👍

@Luigi13 - 28.04.2022 06:10

Hello Stephen, Fujifilm should make you their ambassador for the medium format, you describe and show very well the features and workings of the camera with excellent shots. I have the crop sensor XT3 Fujifilm camera with 3 lenses and when I see what the medium format does it is night and day and this is with the 50 megapixel. When you take a panoramic shot you basically do it with one shot not like it is done with full frame cameras, and the result is amazing a lot of detail. I am enjoying these segments and I will be watching many more. Cheers.

@geofflongford2008 - 05.03.2023 04:56

Like the panoramic version of the tree. The first square crop had too much dead space in the foreground in my not very important opinion. Keep up the excellent content.
