How To Become A Brand Manager

How To Become A Brand Manager

Brand Master Academy

3 года назад

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@mrunmayichoudhari1352 - 10.05.2021 16:33

Can you make a indepth video on this please

@rohandeshmukh1109 - 10.05.2021 20:17

This is incredibly helpful, Stephen. I have been following your channel for a couple of weeks and the content is quite valuable.
Keep it up!

@vaibhavtripathi4483 - 20.05.2021 11:07

i want to become a brand manager
can you please upoload more imformation about this?

@ntcuong01ct1 - 01.08.2021 13:13

I have a question: Brand manager can take care with the Financial team about the cost of goods sold, right?

@nikolalabudovic5926 - 10.08.2021 15:56

Hello, thank You sir for this extremely useful video. I have one question. What do you think are the odds for someone who has degree in psychology to clean the road to becoming a brand manager? :)

@Linchin555 - 10.01.2022 07:14

Nice explanation of the brand manager but I want to know more of sale and marketing from director to low post👍👍👍

@WaseemAkram1411 - 26.03.2022 22:42

I am very much interested to be a brand manager but I was in customer sucess and cx role for around 7 years now . How do I pivot .pls guide me .
PS: I have done a course of Branding from CXL and Brand Management from London school of business.

@nycto16 - 24.06.2022 09:46

Brand management is the most coolest job in the world, no hate for others but young people nowadays are obsessed with computer science and coding lol it's so boring plus studying cs is useless. Marketing is the most coolest, demanding, high paying field to study and work in.

@YU-bh9wy - 11.10.2022 04:48

What do you start off as in order to get to be a brand manager level role?

@Ola.s.a - 09.01.2023 09:36

Hello, what is the difference between brand manager and brand strategist?

And thank you Stephen for your videos 💕 they are truly helpful

@asmrtingles3911 - 06.02.2023 10:08

To become a brand manager, what degree would you recommend to take in college?

@Hrittalks - 31.03.2023 19:47

Can someone suggest gud online courses for brand management.

@Gandalfsomme - 15.05.2023 00:21

Thank you so much for this video, I have been in sales, and managed teams for years and wanted to apply this a brand manager position. This video has pointed me in the right direction on where to start my journey and have the confidence to apply to a job posting I saw this week!

@binu4547 - 29.08.2024 04:33

Hello, is it possible to become a brand manager as an influencer manager? I have a product manager and ux background and I am thinking of possible career progressions. Thank you so much!
