The BEST Classic Arcade I've Ever Seen! The Half Moon Family Fun Center at Weirs Beach!

The BEST Classic Arcade I've Ever Seen! The Half Moon Family Fun Center at Weirs Beach!

Fleabitten Adventures

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@TheMikeLawz - 24.07.2024 22:29

This place looks awesome. Don't think anything can beat Funspot in Laconia also. The entire floor they have of pure retro games is unmatched

@michaelwood9866 - 24.07.2024 22:39

i am a huge arcade fan......favorite games are star wars arcade by atari and tron/discs of tron. can't forget kangaroo either.

@michaelwood9866 - 24.07.2024 22:40

btwe i just saw a walkthrough of mall of america and that place is huge!

@matthewnaylor4412 - 24.07.2024 22:52

Time Crisis think on the ps1 brought back memories great game, cool place sadly now few and far between.

@QW.821 - 24.07.2024 22:54

Yes more arcade tours please. Also check out The Archive in Bridgeport

@oldskool1979 - 24.07.2024 22:54

I so miss those days !

@WilliamBrown-qx1fx - 24.07.2024 22:55

Let me know if they have the legend of Zelda donkey Kong that's the first one with Mario and LU that was Stargate and I grew up in arcades

@WilliamBrown-qx1fx - 24.07.2024 23:15

I got up to the fleet admiral the second one was the better version the first version absolutely sucked

@WilliamBrown-qx1fx - 24.07.2024 23:16

Here's one you might remember do you remember dig dug that one was one of my favorites

@imzardoz - 24.07.2024 23:29

why not play the basketball one???

@andysorensen1737 - 24.07.2024 23:46

I’ve seen plenty of dual Galaga/Ms. Pac Man cabinets out in the wild where you can play either one. Pretty slick if you ask me.

@JohnMiller-vv6xu - 24.07.2024 23:55

Funspot has vintage also

@JessCarlson - 25.07.2024 00:46

I spent the summer in Laconia with my first boyfriend and his family (he was from there) during the break between senior year of high school and my first year of college. We used to go here EVERY Friday night with his friends and it was ALWAYS a good time. That was in 1993 and he's passed away since. This brought back some amazing memories (and a few tears)...thank you for sharing this!

@Foxonian - 25.07.2024 01:44

The place brings back memories of what the old Palace Playland arcade up in Old Orchard Beach Me. looked like in the 80's. Really should make the trip up to Weir's Beach sometime to check this place out.

@sirmister4411 - 25.07.2024 02:31

Ok you reached your goal ! I’ll be waiting for the promised video lol. Let’s go

@azohundred1353 - 25.07.2024 02:38

So many different eras of the arcade reside in this place. Everything from 1950's to modern cabinets. It's almost overwhelming. I agree, this has to be the greatest arcade I've ever seen and I'm glad to see any place like this open nowadays.

@dauwis1971 - 25.07.2024 02:51

Great video ! I have never been there but we love to some day. The flooring in the 2nd building looks like old bowling lanes wood to me. Thank you !

@DrTopGun - 25.07.2024 03:42

This arcade is awesome. Anything similar in my neck of the woods, it's a retro bar filled with legendary machines like Pac-Man, Outrun, Galaga, Terminator, NEOGEOs, X-Men, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, some pinballs, and so on. Anyway, again a nice video, and thank you and be safe out there.

@Nothinghere0101 - 25.07.2024 03:52

No Mall :(

@ThatWilyOtter - 25.07.2024 04:20

I would have liked to see you play some of the really old vintage games, like the baseball or basketball. Even that newer chameleon game looked interesting.

@shannonyoast6906 - 25.07.2024 04:28

As always great video 👍

@NikkiRoesslerBFDIFan64 - 25.07.2024 04:42

Hiiii!!! I never heard of this place, although I heard of Funspot which also is in Laconia, NH. I so want to visit both those arcades someday thanks to this video you made! ^_^

@griffredux9966 - 25.07.2024 04:45

Such a fun place and spot up there in NH! Hoping to get back up there this Summer myself. Thanks for the vid/tour!

@charleskuss8428 - 25.07.2024 06:27

Oh crap, New Hampshire is real? I thought it was just some made up Canada

@Downhuman74 - 25.07.2024 07:25

Too many of those casino-style coin munchers for my taste. I miss the days when you would walk into an arcade and find row after row of video cabinets with another full row of pinball tables in the back.

@mgratk - 25.07.2024 16:18

What a cool arcade. Love all the retro games. My favorite old school arcade game is definitely Galaga. Other favorites are Joust, Donkey Kong, Centipede and Millipede, Elevator Action, and, well, a lot others. Great video.

@Jeremy123-y3q - 25.07.2024 21:03

Very cool!

@TraderTif - 26.07.2024 01:02

If you get a chance, check out the Spring Lake Arcade in RI - one of the oldest in America and full of awesomeness!!

@georgef551 - 26.07.2024 23:13

As soon as you walked into the 2nd part of the arcade, it's a dead giveaway it was a bowling alley. You can see the red foul lines, and the wood caps covering the gutters, literally as you walked in.
That also means the approach went to the exit, which is odd, and short.
This was the same way when Whalom Park (Lunenburg, MA) was a thing. It was home to the world's first candlepin alley with automatic pinsetters. In my youth, the covered up the gutters similar to here, but kept the annoying bright bowling lighting, and sanded the floors to a bright, natural color. These didn't work well trying to play CRT-based machines which were 70s era. Most of the games were EM-based, including the pinball machines. At that time, I thought it was hokey, maybe dumb. With age, you realize that was actually good stuff in reality.

@BoomlandJenkins - 27.07.2024 02:20

Almost every year from 1989 to 2000 I vacationed to Laconia. We always went to Funspot and the boardwalk arcades, waterslides, and drive-in. Glad to see it is still there in some shape.

@Jonny4384 - 27.07.2024 18:34

This arcade brought back memories! Not too far from where I reside is an arcade that you play a flat rare for 1 hr of continuous pay!

@snakeplissken44 - 28.07.2024 20:36

I remember dodge city from my childhood at some point. I think it was canobi lake.

@TimeLimit - 28.07.2024 21:56

Omg I used to go there all the time. Make sure to check out funspot while youre there which is in the same town and is the BIGGEST arcade in the WORLD!!!!!

@KimL1000 - 07.08.2024 19:50

The good old days. Awesome video.

@sta - 07.08.2024 21:18

i put these videos on my other monitor while doing excel work and its the perfect pace. keep it up

@nillwilne7430 - 10.08.2024 20:20

Taking trips across the lake to Weirs with a pocketful of change was the peak of high school

@streetdancer100 - 15.08.2024 22:30

If you go to Fishermans Wharf in San Francisco they have an awesome vintage arcade. All the games are real vintage like from the 20's up to the 60's its great.

@misterburns103 - 03.09.2024 02:46

Omg i had forgotten about wack-a-mole. A lot of memories with my dad in the arcade. I wish there was an actual After Burne/II there.

@BuddhaFpv - 07.12.2024 17:23

I spent so many saturday nights in my highschool days hanging out around there, getting drunk and high with friends and just loving life, this was the arcade that at some point had some "adult" themed games that you couldnt find anywhere else. I sure do miss the good times...ill have to back and visit at some point.

@_KarlS - 14.12.2024 19:07

thats really cool that they have a double San Francisco Rush set up
a lot of people had that for the N64 at home i dont think i have ever seen one in an arcade
is this place open all year or just the nice seasons?

@demianschultz3749 - 14.01.2025 19:27

Nice videos man, very entertaining and informative but I can´t believe you went right passed Galaxian and didn´t mention it, it is up there in the hall of fame together with Galaga, Pac man, Ms. Pac man and Centipide that you mentioned before. ( I am more of a Galaga dude more than Galaxian though)

@sonicGames06 - 24.01.2025 02:59

Best classic arcade? Bro, I suggest you check out Galloping Ghost Arcade in Brookfield, Illinois.

@KevinKellough - 13.02.2025 05:28

You might want to fix your ceiling tiles doesn't give a good impression

@Maryl1973 - 27.02.2025 03:35

Very interesting. Nothing like an arcade on a rainy day when on vacation. I prefer pinball myself and there is a pinball museum that I went to several years ago. Silverball Retro Arcade, Asbury Park, NJ

@juanchomacaraeg8646 - 08.03.2025 16:59

I was there upon my arrival at NH after I checked out Funspot that time
