F2P Abyss Guide Floor 7 -Genshin Impact

F2P Abyss Guide Floor 7 -Genshin Impact


4 года назад

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@andrewhao2507 - 16.10.2020 09:55

ah here im at floor 4 7/9* at ar27 working my way up. just realized how precious mora is after reaching abyss floor 5 due to having to upgrade 2 teams, which previously i only had one strong team. do you think its better to tackle floor 5 when im ar30 with some higher level characters ? right now i feel like im lacking alot of artifacts as well

@TedyNT - 16.10.2020 13:02

thanks for the video, I'm now at AR 26 but just happened to almost finish floor 5 5/9 stars, however I'm wondering where you get all these gladiators stuff ? I'd beaten the andrius and wind dragon but no luck for these items. what alternatives set can you recommend? I'm using Brave Set instead gladiators with the exile imo.. I didnt know that White Tassel is better than Crescent Spike for abyss, thanks for that! any help and answer is much appreciated. subscribed for f2p player :)

@vubinh8821 - 19.10.2020 20:46

Thnks for video <3 very helpfull

@dogeiscute3639 - 23.10.2020 18:38

I don't understand ur video because your team didn't reach 6 stars in floor 7. I have Razor and Qiqi but I still can't beat chamber 1 and 2

@petergorgioski2043 - 24.10.2020 10:22

It sucks to have zero ice characters. I honestly don't want to invest in keaya or whatever because his garbage and I'm just waiting for qiqi or chong at this point. I'm honestly surprised I haven't got them yet considering the amount of pulls I've done

@cartman7570 - 01.11.2020 11:29

This guy: clears floor 7 on free heroes.
Me : crying in 5 stars.

@sighser4388 - 04.11.2020 21:38

can u make a team out of my characters for this floor?
I have fischl dps chongyun dps xingqiu sucrose noelle barbara kaeya. Those are the 8 characters i plan on using, but i also have a lisa that can replace kaeya? what chars would u put in each team? Ty in advance, dropped a sub

@Chibisuuuu - 26.06.2021 02:15

Is it a good choice of characters, please I'm struggling with floor 7 TT

1st half: Yanfei, Razor, Zhongli, Kaeya
2nd half: Rosalia, Childe, Klee, Lisa

@aDossin - 24.11.2024 20:19

ar 38 and i cant clear it up im actually going insane rn 😭 1st half: national team (benett, xiangling 220 er, xingqiu (224 er), sucrose) 2nd half aggravage keqing: (keqing 40:100 ratio, nahida, kirara, kuki shinobu) HELPP
