UNAFFORDABLE in Denver? Can You Afford to Live HERE? Cost of Living 2024 Revealed!

UNAFFORDABLE in Denver? Can You Afford to Live HERE? Cost of Living 2024 Revealed!

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@warrenlangsford9535 - 11.03.2024 08:42

Thanks for your work on this.. very interesting. I think those looking forward a long way, like for their kids' kids, teach and prepare them to look internationally for similar desirable places (out of the EU and US, which are collapsing, as a result of which the falling value of the dollar is a huge factor).

@tuannitro3387 - 11.03.2024 07:02


@beng4647 - 11.03.2024 04:34

I heard it's just a bunch of scummy NYers.

@michaeloconnor6683 - 09.03.2024 06:03

You would really do yourself a favor if you didn't talk like a a high schooler -- like I mean man?

@autotunerfanatic2586 - 08.03.2024 15:30

I wonder what california new york colorado canada all have in common!
I live in NC and waves of people moving from different states mean that this great state will soon become like those unliveable states.
They all vote for the same trash and then don't know why things become unaffordable.
