The Only Vel'Koz Guide You Need in Season 14...

The Only Vel'Koz Guide You Need in Season 14...

Azzapp LoL

1 месяц назад

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@teitonii - 24.11.2024 15:56

i thought this was just gonna be "buy horizon" and then a normal game video

@Frogasaurus - 16.11.2024 23:56

Thank god im studying quantum mechanics i would never be able to touch this beautiful character without it

@edgetheedgy3418 - 15.11.2024 16:58

I'm really curious about luden 10 sec cd and stormsurge combo wich is 3 sec how can it proc luden 2 times let say luden proc after you full combo someone it goes down to let say 7 which stormsurge proc 3 seconds which leave other 4 so how can it proc 2 times? xXPLMath69Xx ?

@luchtin - 09.11.2024 23:55

Gracias amigo, siempre vuelvo a lol a jugar Velkoz y me encanta

@SolarMoth - 08.11.2024 09:13

oh man i am studyin!

@fraser3290 - 07.11.2024 11:00

Can you explain TP mid? It is purely for macro maximising cs early?
And why heal over exhaust support?

@bencenagy876 - 06.11.2024 21:54

OMG... I just tried this supp build and its op asf.... ty you mate! love you!

@doomnotron - 06.11.2024 11:50

Zappy dappy

@blackhole6958 - 05.11.2024 21:19

Gotta love the old school outro

@adriannedelacruz7547 - 05.11.2024 16:50

I just came back to league after a long break and I've been losing matches with Vel'koz, I often win my lane and then eventually lose because of the struggle against tanky enemies and this information is very helpful thank you Mr. Zap

@chesterbelle - 05.11.2024 01:42

ty for the best content

@proplayeruniverse6650 - 04.11.2024 13:17

Instructions unclear.I ended up building Sunfire Aegis into Black Claver second and third Moonstone Renewer.Dislike.

@aragornxyz8004 - 04.11.2024 12:38

bro love you, big ups!

@SamuraJCZ555 - 04.11.2024 11:25

Can you do the same video no Hwei?

@antoineboucher5391 - 04.11.2024 09:25

Question, are the item builds also viable for lux? (2 Mid and the support build

@lilyuumo - 04.11.2024 08:45

Ngl i am not a fan of manaless item on support. I tried it so many times and wanted to like it but I just hate the way it feels. Obviously ur just better than me so that's why u dominate but as a trash emerald player/ squid enjoyer i hate it. Regardless, I liked your video and watched the entire thing. Congrats on challenger

@Kamiisama69 - 04.11.2024 05:12

zap zap

@littlecoconut5858 - 04.11.2024 02:20

Genius Mr. Zap, induct new players to learn velkoz so that they can tank the winrate thus reducing the chances for a nerf!

@cecelium807 - 04.11.2024 01:53

Switch back to Vel after the sol rework cos he didn't feel fun anymore (they could have just made his last kit scale). You have been a great help in inspiring me to play him again. And Vel is such a fun champ in this season that evem when loseing i still feel i can bring it back even though he may be a low impact champion XD. His kit just makes it feel more that it was player error than bs matchups. Ty for the guide iv been playing supp vel w/ wrong items it seems XD keep up the great vids.

@unknxwnuser31 - 03.11.2024 23:57


@eliekaram8291 - 03.11.2024 23:47

stop picking this champion you dog **

@pitopatonfolo2506 - 03.11.2024 23:29

Why did you change the title the first one made so much more sense

@tox_ph0b0s80 - 03.11.2024 23:25

I had similar intuitions about Horizon first after the item changes.

However, I'm not totally convinced about building it first. Oftentimes, I actually think it's better to just rush Liandry because characters gets so much HP so quickly now. It does have a very good build path for lane, 3 books are nice and it's 300g cheaper. So those are factors to consider.

One thing I tend to think about though is, let's say due to its combination of ability haste, good damage, and price point Horizon has the highest effective value at the time of first purchase. My problem is that 5-10-15 minutes down the road I think I'd almost always rather have Liandry. Why?

Because Liandry is filling a specific role and I feel that horizon really doesn't. Personally, I find the vision on Horizon to be incredibly overrated due to it's conditionality and cooldown. In other words, it's not anything close to on demand vision of a character that I need, and if I need to use abilities on a different character before then I lose my ability to track the character I want.

If I'm on support I'm getting like 2 items max before the game is done in most circumstances. So those 2 items have to be really providing something unique. To me, the best things you can get are these:

1.) Liandry to deal with not only intentional HP 'stacking' but also the absurd amount of HP gotten through levels, runes, passives, etc.

2.) Void staff to deal with magic resistance. With just those two items you are essentially 'future-proofed' against any possible threat.

People tend not to like Void Staff on Velkoz, but the better you are at the champion I find the more magic damage you tend to do. Why? Because in a lot of scenarios, getting your true damage off on every target you encounter is impossible. But it's not impossible to tag them with a Q, a W to proc Liandry, or an R to help finish someone off. Basically, the more accurate you are with Q and the more poke you can get done with it, the more magic pen matters.

Also, void staff is increasing the damage of your scorch, comet, and Liandry since those are all magic damage.

@Aubyn - 03.11.2024 22:04

Good day, how applicable is this to Hwei? for both mid and support

@Sudro_ - 03.11.2024 21:49

Can we apply this knowledge to other control mages like Xerath, Orianna, etc. ?

@majki2684 - 03.11.2024 21:06

It's all what I need

@scottlewis7654 - 03.11.2024 20:55

Is the full magic pen build with Malignance good anymore? So basically the nuker build but with Malignance instead of ludens? That's been my personal favorite build into squishy teams. Why has it swapped from Malignance to ludens?

@mmg4946 - 03.11.2024 20:44

it's time to copy from the GOAT
great guide btw. loved it

@mmg4946 - 03.11.2024 20:31

When you dont need metafy because you watch all Azzapps streams

@lumiere6402 - 03.11.2024 19:44

Do you know why your winrate didn't skyrocket? All thanks to my bork, rageblade Vel build. I'm gonna gatekeep the winrate so that riot wont nerf him

@catsike1457 - 03.11.2024 19:43

Why would you name the title a build video and not a vel koz guide instead? Imp that would lure me more then a potential compilation of clips off your stream with a build

@THISASAINCHANG - 03.11.2024 18:53

Is sperm build bad now?

@ggggggg3044 - 03.11.2024 18:44

persona ost

@gt-hq1vf - 03.11.2024 18:35

Do you think it's OK to build tear first recall as support velcoz and then rush horizon when the enemy has tank support?

@kaylynn709 - 03.11.2024 17:01

thank u 😸😸

@starliaghtsz8400 - 03.11.2024 16:53

horizon focus is such a good item, i recently and started rushing horizon on zoe support instead of going the usual lichbane stormsurge build.
beat my ego, accepted im not gonna be the main damage dealer, and shot straight to d3 (usually hovering em4-em2)
get horizon guys, its good shit

@TheFire0712 - 03.11.2024 16:20

Whart about dark harvest for supp ? Not worth it or too situational ?

@snakeinabox7220 - 03.11.2024 16:09

How to be a good Vel
Step 1 pick Vel
Step 2 build bork, nashors, rage blade
Step 3
Step 4 profit

@alejandropicazo7000 - 03.11.2024 16:08

And my vel cock TOP guide?!, dislike

@ToriiKittii - 03.11.2024 16:02

Zap zap

@jakubpruszczak9169 - 03.11.2024 15:55

Hey, do you consider taking Grievious Wounds into champions who have an extremly lifesteal or omnivamp although it is thought as a useless item?

@IdrawManga - 03.11.2024 15:52

So Darkharvest Velkoz supp is no more ?

@Kywu - 03.11.2024 15:49

What about ghost summoner ? is it bad ?

@depredator4572 - 03.11.2024 15:47

What about velkoz APC?

@raispist3677 - 03.11.2024 15:44

Hahaha. Me go Ctrl+C , Ctrl+V. Thx

@kacperolszewski9033 - 03.11.2024 15:30

So... is Dark Harvest really not worth it now? I love dark harvest and spammed it on mid and support in previous split, now it's gone? I didn't think It got nerfed that hard but my Vel'koz has 20%wr after 10 games, so changing runes for sorcery might refresh my mindset

@LoLxD-ze4wq - 03.11.2024 15:30

i dont even play league i am just watching this champ cuz he looks funny

@leochanel1 - 03.11.2024 15:29


@yaroslavyevsieiev5890 - 03.11.2024 15:29

Riot takes notes to nerf Vel to the ground next patch
