Lex Luthor Is NOT Superman's Only Good Villain

Lex Luthor Is NOT Superman's Only Good Villain

Comic Lads

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@Colton-x7e - 15.10.2024 17:16

i really think bizzaro is our best bet out of this list of appearing in the next movie because we already have lex luthor as the main antagonist. i could definitely see the finale being lex using bizzaro as a last stand against superman but eventually superman reasons with bizzaro and the two part ways and lex is defeated.

@zacsmallwood7738 - 16.10.2024 08:39

My favorite Superman villain has always been General Zod. I like the idea of other kryptonians surviving and being villains. There's all kinds of different stars it would be awesome to see other star radiation powers. Maybe I'm overthinking.

@aidanborchert8277 - 18.10.2024 07:07

EASILY parasite is my favorite

@youtubeistryingtocensorme - 19.10.2024 20:47

I’m just trying to imagine Danny Devito or Jim Carrey or Kevin Hart as Mr. Mxyzptlk. Just imagine that.

@youtubeistryingtocensorme - 19.10.2024 20:55

Suicide Squad kill the Justice League is not part of the Arkham verse and there’s nothing you people can say or write that’ll make me think otherwise. And you can fight me on that.

@estebanrivera2990 - 23.10.2024 16:33

Hey I think another rogue gallery that is very underrated is Thor’s rogue gallery, I mean it nvm gets brought up in any conversations (at least in my circles maybe I’m in the wrong circles) but Hela, Loki, Surtur, Ymir, Karnilla, Ego, Destroyer, Desak, and Gorr are all very good to great and even all time villains that play huge roles in marvel’s development. Is there a chance you guys could make a video talking about Thor’s rogue gallery? Idk I kinda want to give his villains more credit than they get

@johnholliday7042 - 28.10.2024 21:40

Ultra humanite is the most underrated Superman villain. He was Superman’s original arch nemesis before Luther. He was Superman’s total opposite an evil genius paralyzed from the waist down and had a lot of recurring appearances before he died and was replaced by Luther. But they brought him back later where he moved his brain into an albino gorilla so he no longer has the weakness he had before.

@GenericProtagonist118 - 02.11.2024 05:02

Like how Batman's rogues mirror him I think that If one were to actually try then even Superman's rogues could work.

Toyman: Naivety vs. Childishness

Metallo: Found Humanity vs. Lost Humanity

Atomic Skull: Uncontrollable Destructive Power vs. Controlled Destructive Power

Parasite: Power to Give vs. Power to Take

Silver Banshee: Blessing vs. Curse

@sarafontanini7051 - 03.11.2024 09:34

my favourite superman villain is Cyborg Superman. Jsut a man driven to madness who thinks superman ruined his life and goes so far as to wear superman's face in his attempts to ruin his life. A shame DC decided to try and force him to be a green lantern villain and then later a supergirl villain of all things (by completely changing him to be a different character entirely).

Parasite is another fun one, especially the version with the lamprey mouth. His desire for gaining power and the way his abilities work make him not jsut a good pick for a superman foe but also transplant him to fight other heroes. Sadly his main weakpoint is he's not exactly ambitious and isn't a mastermind so his plots aren't typically complex or interesting.

some other underrated ones I'd bring up are based purely on design and concept and such rahter than how they're written in the comics:

Kancer: superman's kryptonite cancer tumour made into a flesh and blood monster. It's LITERALLY superman's cancer, how is that NOT a cool villain idea?

Ignition: I know jack shit about the guy but he looks pretty cool and seems to be a fairly decent "minion" type villain

intergang: yeah they're just mobsters and that's not super compelling but at one point in the comics the writers did some WEIRD stuff with them that was pretty fun, with the gang being involved in making superpowered clones of their founding members made to take over the gang and the gang sometimes using advanced technology to get a leg up in the underworld of metropolis, so this specific version of intergang where they went weird with them is one I feel is underrated as most media just stick with the old classic mobster version.

Dominus: this dude was only a villain for a story arc but he seems fairly fun. An illussionist/reality warper who tries to make superman conquer the world as part of a convoluted scheme to become a deity or something. He has a fun look being this robed man with a floating head and hands.

Maxima: a female alien warlord who initially wants to make superman her husband/breeding stock but becomes murderous when he rejects her. I feel she could be a compelling villain if they played up her warlord status. Also she was a member of the SUperman Revenge Squad, which is neat.

Encantadora: an illusionist who uses her magic to manipulate superman, even poisoning him with a kiss. Essentially she's Superman's Poison Ivy, but there's enough different about her that sets her apart.

Satanus: he's LITERALLY the DEVIL who wants Superman's pure soul.

Conduit: THIS is a fun one, an old classmate of superman's from smallville who is aware of his secret identity who uses this knowledge to taunt him and threaten everyone he loves culminating in a battle in their old high school. His story is pretty underrated.

@majinsole8554 - 05.11.2024 02:14

He’s not great really, but I just love Parasite- especially the STAS version of him.


@AG-od3dc - 07.11.2024 08:42

Parasite, Mongol, and the Ultra-Humanite.

@jaymaynard2567 - 08.11.2024 09:26

Zod! Not much of a hot take, but it is what it is.

@SickVidsNick - 14.11.2024 21:27

With the increasing use of AI in our daily lives, Brainiac would be the perfect villain in a modern Superman movie

@Robert-c7x6n - 21.11.2024 09:15


@kevrulz06 - 22.11.2024 06:28

Superman's rogues gallery is absolutely #3 in comics behind Batman and Spider-Man (with Flash being #4 and probably X-Men being #5). I really like Lex and Brainiac the most. They're his two greatest villains. Lex is the worst that humanity has to offer, while Brainiac represents what Clark could've been without his humanity.

@fishbowel4601 - 02.12.2024 17:30

Bizarro is hands down one of my favorite comic characters. Especially from the outlaws, smart bizarro will never not be cool to see

@jackdalegoman2.066 - 06.12.2024 07:55

Here's my fancast for Mr. MXYZPTLK, Danny Devito.

@tylerplumb1449 - 19.12.2024 19:11

I like cyborg Superman

@arindamchatterjee8983 - 20.12.2024 08:37

Lex Luthor



Genaral Zod


Vandal Savage


Cyborg Superman






Ultra Humanite


Superboy Prime

Anti Monitor


Atomic Skull

Manchester Black

Mister Mxyzptlk


Silver Banshee



@Hi.im.V - 23.12.2024 04:41

Shoutout to rebirth outlaws

@blaisexrusso - 25.12.2024 16:35

Superman, the animated series is criminally underrated. I'm glad you guys are giving it credit.

@scaredycat7118 - 29.12.2024 10:33

MAWS versions of Myx, Parasite, and Brainiac are honestly S tier for me. I love how different Myx is yet is still very much Myx, he's still a little shit. Parasite was never my favorite, even in the DCAU, but MAWS instantly made him one of my favorite villains ever. Brainiac... Jesus, I don't think I've ever seen an adaptation of Brainiac be so deplorable and easy to hate. He is that evil in MAWS, if you know you know

@Noir-ON-FN - 30.12.2024 22:25

i think the best superman villain is 100% cyborg superman i whish you would have talk about him

@wadeaiken1948 - 05.01.2025 08:03

Superman villains you didn't mention:

Terra Man
Ultra Humanite
Manchester Black
Solomon Grundy

@PaulGarrett555 - 05.01.2025 23:56

My favourite Superman villain is Lobo

@yellowmartian - 11.01.2025 05:28

I would like more Mongul with Warworld.

@edgarroig3010 - 11.01.2025 15:49

Metallo is my favorite

@YoelSchwarz - 14.01.2025 12:35

Bizarro, Artemis, and Red Hood have such great chemistry with eagh other.

@rogerioburlacenko2335 - 15.01.2025 04:25

Nice list......one vilain of superman for me is INTERGANG....one group is really opost of Starlabs (if this is total cool and nice version) , is a good group and another type of chalengers for superman and superfamilly for not one monolit of corporation of lexcorp and Lex Luthor....varios versions in comics and media of criminal group is very fine, and TODAY histories is good chalenge for superman.

@emaculatej650 - 18.01.2025 03:17

Does Lobo count

@brisingr14 - 22.01.2025 06:56

I forgot a lot about these villains since I haven't watched much Superman lately except for Justice League the animated series

@Nunbutvibesant - 26.01.2025 04:17

This was a good list but I’m surprised you guys didn’t mention Superman villains like Darkseid, General Zod, Toyman, Mongul, Parasite or even Doomsday

@travelingjazzman117 - 29.01.2025 07:53

I'd say I have TWO favorite Superman villains: Parasite and Brainiac. They both are fascinating to me.

@orlandoyork2587 - 02.02.2025 14:50

I like both Lex, and Brainiac.

@robwilkes8436 - 06.02.2025 07:16


@dueamoeba3226 - 11.02.2025 17:47

Parasite is def my favorite

@dilemmawhatson - 12.02.2025 08:36

Bro all this talk of the animated series, I’m surprised Parasite wasn’t mentioned in here

@lincolnholocinski-francis9063 - 13.02.2025 02:41

Lex, then Parasite

@bluetarantulaproductions6179 - 17.02.2025 05:28

I have been a big fan of Superman since I was a little kid. My first exposure to the character was both the comics and re-runs of "The New adventures of Superman" (1966), then Superman: TAS. My favorite three Superman villians (other than Luthor, Zod & Doomsday) are Bizarro, Brainiac & Mr. Myzpitlik (mis-yezz-spit-lick)

@TheThing1961 - 20.02.2025 08:50

Yes I like Superman's rogues gallery but when you mentioned the usual suspects when they talk about rogues gallery, you mention Batman and Spider-Man but you forgot The Flash.

@TheThing1961 - 20.02.2025 08:50


@wmpickconsoleboy9107 - 25.02.2025 02:39

My favorite Superman villain is Brainiac

@Dj-ow4op - 26.02.2025 01:31

My favorite is Lex, but i would love if Lobo, Mr. Mxyzptlk, Parasite and Livewire got a lot more love.

@d3structive1 - 27.02.2025 22:48

No Lobo!?

@d3structive1 - 27.02.2025 22:49


@i.r.c3337 - 13.03.2025 04:53

My favorite is Manchester black

@ryandaly01 - 16.03.2025 07:15

My favorite Superman villain not covered in your video is the Parasite. Ugly purple monster who can siphon Superman's powers in close proximity, so Superman can't take him out with his power; he has to use his brain.

@comiclads - 05.07.2024 20:19

Let us know who YOUR favourite Superman villain is! 🤔👇
