That was back when the Magyars were still Turkic. Then after the Mongol invasion of Europe they become Ugric all of a sudden.
ОтветитьSeriously: After having survived the first battles, those zero IQ narcists did not even consider "fire-cover" by the longbow archers our army types knew back then? It is horrible to consider, how millions of Germans died because of dumbass leaders in every part of our history. 🤔
ОтветитьTalk nomal please
ОтветитьA video could also be made about János Hunyadi's campaign against the Turks
ОтветитьIt's funny. Nobody is willing to donate to the king to resolve these horse raider issues, the king had to seize the money and everyone calls him the devil. What is the guy supposed to do? Just let them?
ОтветитьYou'd think after half a millennium of this shit, European generals fighting the mongols would read of the previous battles vs steppe nomads and be like "oh yeah, we should probably scout the woods on our flanks at all times if we're gonna advance.
ОтветитьHad us in the first half, not gonna lie.
ОтветитьA sacrifice to the algorithm!
Ответитьdo they have endless ammunition?
ОтветитьAll the Hungarians splashing their goulash in excitement in the comments.
Ответитьanyone have clue on how they had so much ammo on them that they shoot for hours upon hours ? wtf is their ammo limit
ОтветитьBro got baited hard asf 😂
ОтветитьThis is worse than carrhae
ОтветитьHow on earth did they not run out of arrows? They were shooting ALL DAY long.
In 'Mount and Blade' the Mongol horse archers do this same lethal (some would call cheap) tactic but they only have a maximum of 100 arrows.
This army seemed to have over 1000 arrows each which would be heavier than the horse could even carry!
Frankish horde.
ОтветитьHow does it work every single time? I know Asian horse archer tactics was used so many times at some point ppl had to figure it out? How is it still effective since Roman Republic times up to 910?
ОтветитьThe feigned retreat got me too, although unlike the Frankish commanders I have watched many videos about this tactic.
ОтветитьA better@exciting than Cowboys movies
ОтветитьWails of lamination? Do you bloody know the difference between lamentation and lamination? Is English your second language? Idiot.
ОтветитьWho the f*ck are "the Glomatians"?
Never heard of those guys! 😮
Great video, thanks
Ответить"For GOD so loved the World that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whoever belives in HIM shall Not perish but have everlasting life "John 3:16
Ответитьباحال بود مرسیی با اینکه پارت بعدیو نمیزاری ولی تونستی بزن
ОтветитьAgain smaller Croatia on map..
Come on its 10.century...
De administrando imperio (is the work of the Byzantine Emperor Constantine VII. Porphyrogenet from the 10th century written in Greek). -------->Christianized Croatia can raise up to 60,000 horsemen and 100,000 foot soldiers, up to 80 sagenas and up to 100 condurs. Sagenes carry 40 men each, each condur 20 men and small condurs each up to 10 men. Croatia had this great force and multitude of armies until the time of Prince Krešimir I. (949.AD).
NEXT TIME : Fix historical issues, Bosnia belonged to Croatian Kingdom, not some 'serbian' cattle knyaz 😂😂😂😂
Lol this kid obviously never played total war.
ОтветитьIt went on for so long, I was beginning to wonder if the ambush would even happen
my sacrifice to the algorithm
Ответить"Wails of lamination..." Um, perhaps wails of lamentation? Or were the Magyars encasing their foes in thin sheets of plastic?
ОтветитьI literally walked out into the kitchen when the franks started chasing them down, thinking it was done.
And then BAM!
I got suprised just like my frankish ancestors (I'm bavarian)
I don't know Rick, looks fake to me ! Nobody has that many arrows ,how could they have arrows for a whole day ? (Not extracting back the shot arrows.)
ОтветитьAs usual the mere mention of mounted archers causes the historiographer to lose their mind and begin with fanciful tales.
ОтветитьYou make it appear as though the riders have endless arrows. They do not.
Ответитьthe Battle of Eisenach was WON by the germans. Burkhard died but the magyars suffered high losses and run.
ОтветитьI hit the subscibe button several times until it cracked, as demonstrated at the start of your video.
You now owe me a new phone.
This battle has a history of several thousand years. Hungarians (Royal Scythians, Parthians, Huns)
Ответитьwhy is it only 360p? seems odd for such quality content
ОтветитьWhere was zhukkov
ОтветитьMagyars, they are mean.
ОтветитьA Magyar you know when u see em
ОтветитьWhere was napoleon
ОтветитьNortenos were in the flanks.. including Fresno bull dogs.. no fear
ОтветитьThe amount of demoralization that the franks must have felt at that time was probably immeasurable. They must have felt that God had abandoned them.
ОтветитьSagittis Hungarorum Libera nos, Domine!
ОтветитьThis really suck a horrible time to be a part of that country
ОтветитьDo a video about the magyar invasion of Roumania 895-899, a nation who was not united ,but like italians divided into petty duchies ruled by independent dukes(voievozi or duci in romanian)
895-896 The magyar warlor Tuhutum invades the duchy of Byhor around Oradea and killed the local Avar duke called Menumorut who's son Ahtum flee south to Timisoara.
But the magyars pillaged that county to .
And next they invaded the duchies of Apulensis (ruled by Ion) and Napoca/Cluj (ruled by gelu) that made the most famous Roumanian province called by the savages ,,land beyong the wood" or Transilvania in latin at the battle of Mesesul or river Almas when the 20000 strong roumanian army was sorownded by hungarians and had a long heroic rezistence before the two dukes were killed (Gelu by an arow trhrow the heart),the leaderles duchies were conquered by the maghiars and then Tuhutum was crowned grand chief of Ardeal/Transilvania
One year later he invaded the Duchy Of Oltenia and at the battle of Targu Jiu duke Daniel used hungarian tactisc agains the fino-ugrics during the battle that turned the besiegers into besieged , and the horde was dead with it's warlord , but the maghiars kept Transilvania until 1918.
That's the invasion.
When nomadic people raid Europe they usually leave, but the Hungarians stayed. They're one of the few non-Eurpoean groups in Europe.