Camera Shy Baby Muppets

Camera Shy Baby Muppets


55 лет назад

12 Просмотров

Here are some chicks ranging from a few hours old to a week or so. They are Wyandottes, Silkies, Wylkies (Satin Silkies) and the big one is a Barred Plymouth Rock that had a rough start in life. Some will be for sale eventually as point of lay pullets, cockerels or replacements for our egg production flock. Some, like the Plymouth Rock chick, are from other egg producers' eggs/farms that we hatch and/or rear for them.

That "brrrrt" noise they are making is because they don't like the look of my phone, silly muppets! I never thought that a phone was so scary, but I suppose it is if you haven't ever seen one before. Turkeys are the same about non-approved hats. They will get over it. Normally the chicks will take any opportunity to peck your finger nails of be picked up for a 'scritch' or even a lie down.

We have some bearded genetics in our silkies, so the bearded boy, whichever one that is, is destined to be called Couch after a particularly famous member of the YTPC.
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