How to sell more, monetise your marketing, and deliver your remarkable brand value with social selling and digital marketing
We often get caught up in the day to day, and actually forget our marketing, or rather think that what we are doing is marketing. While blogs and videos and checklists and ‘tripwires’ are great tools, we need to know how to assemble them into a single, purpose driven strategy.
First, I need to ask you a question - Did you know that you could be missing out on 67% of your market?
My session will show you how to define this missing market, and develop a digital workflow that will help you assemble all of the pieces of your digital environment so that they are all working together.
I’m going to show you:
How to Identify the gaps in your business profit models that are costing you potential revenue and increasing your costs
How to create and deliver your real value for your perfect audience beyond the single, transactional approach that most businesses currently deliver
How to turn social media and online marketing into an active, profit based action, instead of passive, cost-based
We often feel overwhelmed and confused about what to do and when. This workshop will show you some key business models and strategies that will help you further develop sales across the board, in all your activities. It will show you how to become strategic, as well as create positive action to further expand your business in the digital space
So please join me for my session on “How to sell more, monetise your marketing, and deliver your remarkable brand value online”
Digital Leadership Podcast interviews by Doyle Buehler - The Digital Entrepreneur
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[email protected]
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#Breakthrough – Unleash Your Remarkable Brand Value, Influence & Authority
(C) 2018 Doyle Buehler
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