Bean The Grey's FIRST TIME in a BIG Aviary...

Bean The Grey's FIRST TIME in a BIG Aviary...


2 года назад

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@ryanmichalski3490 - 23.11.2021 05:48

Amazes me that you have to praise them for doing a virtually meaningless task or try something new. That's where i wouldn't have the patience. 1st time they showed any kind of fear I'd be calling them out like "you little chicken** get your a** on that stand" and the bond would be shot right then and there.

@ryanmichalski3490 - 23.11.2021 05:49

Calm down!!? nothing even happened! parrots are just WAY too fearful for me! Who would want to deal with that for 40 years? blows my mind

@mommyfindingfit - 23.11.2021 06:41

I know this has zero to do with the video, but I don't know where else to ask. My daughter is learning the drums, and over the weekend, we became the proud parents of FIVE rescue parakeets 😱 We're limited in space as to where their cage can go in relation to the drums. Can my daughter play around them? How can we acclimate them to hearing the drums? She hasn't played yet, because I didn't want to give the poor babies a heart attack.

@shuermarvin577 - 23.11.2021 06:47

So cute. He wants you to pet him.

@allinsonsherratt418 - 23.11.2021 07:20

Miss my grey so much, but at 60 too old to get another one. Love watching your videos & Bean is wonderful to watch❤️

@k8h991 - 23.11.2021 07:37

Capri is awesome

@neatnancy8824 - 23.11.2021 07:45

I would've just wandered around the yard, do some clean up or something just so he sees me and knows its ok rather than stand there staring at him with tension in the air...

Walk around, go near & far so he understands its ok.

BTW love Capri cam.... doesn't matter how shaky it is.. its good to see a different perspective & what she finds is interesting to film.

@emilia2411 - 23.11.2021 07:54

Good job the the video work Capri! Keep it up

@ryanmichalski3490 - 23.11.2021 11:30

Parrots are way too neurotic and self serving for me! I get NOTHING from them except frustration at the fear

@cozinhandocomakeide2695 - 23.11.2021 13:28

a word that defines your channel: amazing. when the notifications of your work arrive, I'm sure it will be worth watching. your content always shows much more than the images! you can see his dedication and love for what he does, always wanting to make his followers satisfied. thank you very much for the beautiful work. God bless you and your family 🙏 a big kiss from Brazil 🇧🇷👍😘

@lexburen5932 - 23.11.2021 14:25

you being hesitant, makes the bird hesitant. should have put the camera down, and go back in your house and check 5 minutes later how it is going. eventually the bird will relax knowing that nothing bad is going to happen. Reward for positive behavior to stimulate :)

@michaelhoggard591 - 23.11.2021 14:39

Put a buddy with him out there! Maybe that would help him get used to it.

@_banports129 - 23.11.2021 15:46

Is your last goal with her is letting her being able to free flight and is this one of the pre-step?:)

@k9gabriela893 - 23.11.2021 18:56

I would go out of sight briefly, reappear,acknowledge the bird but not if in a very hightened state, go about your business for a short while, repeat

@banditkingofthebuns1882 - 23.11.2021 19:50

If that was my Bonni, I would probably sit in there with him. I know, I know, babying too mych

@DrMugg88 - 23.11.2021 21:08

I sure love your videos/birds and gratz to 300k :)

@kookoothebirdgirl1 - 24.11.2021 00:08

I love Bean!! 😍😍😍

@barbsyorkies - 24.11.2021 00:59

U are so good for ur birdssss t.y...for being u....and Beannn he like thissss....

@b22mbi - 24.11.2021 02:37

@greyosaurus is also named Bean!

@Chibeagle - 24.11.2021 04:58

grats on 300K!

@shellyshannon5226 - 24.11.2021 05:49

I would give him 10 minutes and go back, give him some scratches, leave for 10 minutes, go back. I would definitely this for 45 minutes then bring him back in with you and treat him. Repeat every day until he is acclimated to the aviary. I would also move in some familiar toys so he can play.

@10191927 - 24.11.2021 08:42

Bean is so cute

@badif957 - 24.11.2021 09:00

The best thing to do would obviously be to give him a companion. He is so lonely in this aviary, it is heartbreaking to see flock animals being kept as single pets.

@twistymisstea3439 - 24.11.2021 10:18

He seemed happy but aprenhsive. In the wild mom would make them take flight. You handled it well!

@AH9T2 - 24.11.2021 11:02

more bean content please! 🤗

@raideurng2508 - 24.11.2021 14:24

Looks like it might be a little chilly for him, he's all floofed up

@eloun87 - 24.11.2021 18:41

Hi there, i would like to ask you what should i do if my parrot has no problem with stepping on my hand when i have sleeves on and he/she cannot see my skin,but doesnt want to step up when i try with my finger he/she also tries to bite a lot when i dont have long sleeves on. what should i do, please help ;-;

@dino_chicken8739 - 24.11.2021 20:55

What aviary is that?

@tshaffer9681 - 24.11.2021 21:47

Poor bird is cold. They are wearing jackets. If they are cold the bird is going to be colder.

@ACockatielsSong - 25.11.2021 00:05

You have a great aviary! Someday, my birds will have something like that. I think Bean did great. I would have left, too and then would have checked on him now and then.

@robynellis1882 - 25.11.2021 02:37

Do you guys have a walkthrough on how you built this or other aviaries? I would like to build one for my babies in spring. Thanks in advance.

@jahanara5958 - 25.11.2021 11:16

I love your guys vids ♡♡♡ LOVE YOU

@paradisebirdcare8950 - 25.11.2021 19:41

I also was reading someone's comment about hand signals. Since I don't work with the larger birds only my 14 budgies, I don't know if I can employ this idea myself. But I was imagining having a hand signal for danger. And if maybe you can create one that tells your bird "We have to go NOW, there's no butts about it'" and if you can figure out how to accomplish this and share it with all of us, we would be grateful!

@jeanneh9742 - 26.11.2021 18:28

After Thanksgiving yesterday and all the family shaming that goes on there I hear Jamie Leigh saying “good job” directly to me. Thx Jamie Leigh. Another great teaching video. I hope my 2 quakers will be ready for an outdoor aviary in the spring. Happy Holidays all!

@jenniferthayer1324 - 28.11.2021 09:45

❤️ love ❤️ love ❤️ love ❤️ and more ❤️ love.

Much appreciate 😊🦜🍀.

God bless ❤️.

@lesliekaleen4439 - 29.11.2021 00:29

Can you show us your outdoor setup and where you got it? Also, your opinion on calico macaws?

@sylviaelse5086 - 29.11.2021 03:23

Nowhere to hide from an aerial predator.

@robmorgan1214 - 29.11.2021 11:03

Bean is happy but wants a friend (preferably with birdie bread) to hang out with him and enjoy the new environment... That's where you fit to his emotional equation.

@billphilips8522 - 29.11.2021 16:52

let him adjust. birds can get used to anything, given enough time.

@myspud9254 - 29.11.2021 23:27

I’ve been a companion to a Congo African Gray, Marron, for over 20 years. She’s a great bird. Smart, funny, healthy. She has taught me a lot about being a bird. I’ve had her since she was 3 months old and have reinforced with her confidence, setting her up for success, letting her make decisions, having appropriate ownership of some things or spaces, because she is different than any other companion pet I’ve ever had. She seems to ponder a lot of things.
Seeing how far Bean has come is a testament to your care about him and willingness to let him come into his own. This was a great first experience for him in the aviary. I thought his body language when you backed away was fine. He was probably trying to figure out how to handle both the new space and being alone. I would have probably pulled out a lawn chair and sat at a distance for a while (passive presence) so he could see me but also grow his confidence about being there on his own.
I do have a question for you. I noticed the aviaries have no covering on at least a part of the roof. Have your birds been okay without it? I’ve always provided at least partial covering so the birds can choose to be shaded or in the sun/light. But also so they feel some protection from predators who might fly at them from above. I live in the desert and have many different types of hawks, falcons, and even great horned owls who hunt a lot of doves and quail, rodents and other small animals. Marron has seen this happen in the yard through the window and finds it disturbing. She has even literally screamed when a hawk comes too close to the window. So because of this and of course the intense sunlight here I have sail cloth panels over the aviary roof.

@boh365 - 30.11.2021 03:28

My birds don't feel comfortable if they're too exposed. They love flying INSIDE trees where they feel safe and hidden, particularly after lunch when they rest, lol. Perhaps he would appreciate a hideout with foliage. Just a thought, mine are free and a different species so they have different needs.

@birdman7135 - 30.11.2021 05:03

Do you have a materials list for that large aviary?

@robinmaze2188 - 30.11.2021 06:02

I wonder if he gets ancy just because is new. Like a kind of excitement. May be scary n new but he wants it. Just guessing. I do not know

@juliehudson5728 - 01.12.2021 16:08


@JJ-rf7dg - 07.12.2021 05:48

How old is Bean? I have one at 24 yrs old.

@thekarenszoo - 21.12.2021 16:20

He likes being in the aviary but he doesn’t want to be by himself

@meaganmoney5990 - 13.06.2022 13:54

Awww he wanna fly to u when u go to leave that's all cute!

@Laris_wassollderaliassch_ - 07.08.2023 12:40

He was like "I dont wanna go inside yet but stay with me pls Im not done observing"

@Precious0706 - 21.08.2023 09:21

Setting up small cameras will help ❤
