Goldsmiths: But Is It Art? (Episode 2 - Part 4)

Goldsmiths: But Is It Art? (Episode 2 - Part 4)

Vaughan Walton

14 лет назад

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@girlyvoice3210 - 09.03.2011 04:33

Roisin, what a legend.

@Muonium1 - 23.10.2011 08:46

The most utterly useless, self-indulgent, and painfully uninteresting people on the planet. I hope if we're ever threatened as a species by some astronomical cataclysm, these worthless gits aren't given the keys to the bomb shelters. They're really the ultimate in social parasitism.

@MrFalconford - 08.03.2012 21:45

is it necessary?

@biruburu - 12.04.2012 19:34

there is nothing impressive about roisin, and no, what she is doing is NOT ART. Call it what you will, try disguising it with the notion that it is supposed to be some sort of thought provoking piece of work, but at the end of the day, all it really boils down to is common theft. there is really is nothing thought provoking or marvelously groundbreaking about taking someone else's work and claiming it as your own. :/

@1414mwh - 06.06.2012 02:26

I don't get it. Most people are drawn to art that is aesthetically appealing, and yet it seems like the idea of creating something beautiful has been completely abandoned by many of these artists. Art doesn't have to make a statement. It's like they're trying to say something profound and yet it comes across as immature. They're dropping all of the thought provoking qualities that the familiarity of beauty creates for an ugly summation of the obvious. All I see is crap on crap and politics.

@1414mwh - 06.06.2012 03:14

I guess the real point I'm trying to make is that something beautiful can be interesting, thought provoking, and emotionally evocative in a way that art intent on being so usually isn't because people don't like to be preached to, especially concerning trite issues like war, race relations, or your own personal melodrama. Art is better when it comes through you rather than when it's all about you or some boring idea.

@clashloverben - 15.10.2012 11:38

really liked these.

@JOJOKYRA - 06.02.2013 05:13

Today world is synthetic, materialistic, fast and demanding, ruled by money. Today art is the same. Art lose its initial intention to connect the two worlds - spiritual and material. Beauty or whatever call it is by-product of this bond. Today we can identify art that represent this bond, but as gesture, a synthetic imitation. Simple test if I'm right - if there is a "material art" as much more expensive material you put in it - the more "art" it became? Hello Damien Hirst - laughing at as gay

@sablechicken - 21.03.2013 20:06

"Good job me" She took a big crap in the middle of the sidewalk...and people ask why in the world did she not poop in the toilet? She claims that this was the question she wanted people to ask.... Therefore....good job you. This is so lame.

@Frenchkissist - 13.04.2013 16:55

you think something that is purely aesthetic driven isn't political? that's called capitalistic sensibility.

@G4700 - 13.05.2013 21:58

wow. the comments on this video show how lost people are in understanding the virtues of contemporary art.

@neikaplay - 13.09.2014 22:16

Very interesting and thought provoking as a goldsmiths grad and an artist and teacher, It was so interesting to see people in the comments describing these people as the worst of humankind and the audacity of charging money, etc. I think the thing people miss is that this whole system of an art school to train art stars is in itself some kind of myth which many cling to. There is also an art market which supports certain schools of thought in contemporary art and if these young artists are able to engage in this specific art market what is the issue? There are other kinds of art systems eg. For craft, for commercial commissions where artists paint and draw traditionally. This is fine but this art serves different purposes within the broader scheme. Which they had followed up with the painter and the military paint gun guy from the first episode though.

@soysaucegirl2007 - 02.04.2015 04:16

Anyone know the music at the end here?

- 18.03.2016 02:18

The art market is a way for rich people to invest their money safely with a good expectation of return. Pretty much the same as tulips back in the 17th century in the Netherlands. Useless items that are traded based on the assumption of value from a false market. Eventually, it'll burst.

@quietman71 - 14.02.2018 00:35

"If people are thinking, 'Why has this girl done this? Why is this girl not making her own work? Why is this girl taking work from somebody else and claiming it as her own? Why does this girl not want to be original?' those are exactly the questions I want people to think about, so good job me."

Ummmmmmm, there's one tiny problem there.... Most people have a simple answer for those questions:
Because you have no talent.

There. I solved your questions for you, ya hack.

@jackincorporated8480 - 23.05.2018 10:38


@ayondayv - 03.07.2021 14:30

I’m obsessed with the Irish woman. Not only is she hilarious, I actually think she’s quite clever to scheme her way financially through what is normally a very classist industry. Almost as if she just said, fuck it, and is doing whatever she wants and will piss people off in the process. I tried finding more and couldn’t find anything except her cashing in someone’s wage slip and an attempt of identity theft of some Italian artist.
