The Icon Returns: Reimagining the 2026 Chevrolet El Camino!

The Icon Returns: Reimagining the 2026 Chevrolet El Camino!

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@crearetv9978 - 19.12.2024 21:24

Just looks like a lowered colorado

@juice4895 - 13.10.2024 18:30

What you rendered looks like a Hyundai mixed with a Colorado not a car truck.

@DhruvKataria-xj3uf - 24.09.2024 17:55

Thanks skinny pete

@Darkeiser.7 - 18.09.2024 09:13

Is this a joke because if he down 100% I got a Santa cruz because I like the styling

@I_name_All_my_guns - 15.09.2024 23:37

That's ugly and Chevy doesn't have the balls to do anything fun

@tommcconathy2511 - 15.09.2024 18:52

I think y'all should stop talking about vehicles that will never be. Just build it if you imagine it. Stop playing on the computer and get out in the garage.

@LarryCollier-tw3hy - 15.09.2024 04:11

Yay yaya😊

@jasonbennett2349 - 15.09.2024 02:20

It looked nothing like an El' Comino. Not a very good rendering, in that it did not capture the iconic look of the most awesome El' Camino. Love El' Caminos always have always will. Hopefully a design more akin to the one and only will be brought forth and not this Colorado imposter. Lol.

@ceez1 - 14.09.2024 16:37

That’s a pickup truck not an El Camino. Get it right.

@loribonner6884 - 14.09.2024 15:49

It looks NOTHING like an El Camino it looks like an S10 ...UGLY

@JasonHoffman-h2q - 14.09.2024 06:51

To do it justice take the Malibu or the Impala and put a truck bed on that frame and keep it low. IMHO.

@robhutchins3379 - 14.09.2024 05:44

I have a 1973 El Camino it was my project truck it had a 400 small block 6.6 out of my old ta fire bird but I love the new el Camino style the future of the new roads

@StephenEwing-p8h - 14.09.2024 04:28

How about a two door all electric driver hybrid with 400 horse+. I was thinking of a turbo charged V8 but knew that would not fly in today's market. We have been building trains for 80+ years with all electric driver and a massive diesel engine generator that could power many things no just the vehicle. Ford actually tried to touch on this idea with the lighting but then they messed it up and forgot the diesel powered generator that would be able to power a home if needed. Could Chevy actually get it right? No car makers have to this date! A small company in Canada is soon going to overrun the larger truck industry in a few short years. Doing exactly that all electric driver diesel trucks that can run down the road all day long and save the owner 30 % in fuel savings. Without destroying the world trying to make batteries that kill our environment and influence inflation buy using up precious metals. We have the tech to save 30% with out destroying the environment and economy, and just won't. And we made CFL bulbs even though LED had been invented already. God forbid we could power a home with a car or go camping for a week or any of the other amazing things a small power plant could actually do.Just imagine the power goes out and you still have power, go figure we can't have that. God forbid!!! May I just ask what is wrong with this world. We as a consumer can't even get safety in an automobile. That in it self is supposed to be safer.
All I can say is I hope they don't just make it a cookie cutter, and stick with the theme of an inspiring story

@duncancox2243 - 14.09.2024 02:34

The AI images are irritating as all get out! Who made this idiot video?

@Todd-h1p - 13.09.2024 22:49

Ummm ... the Golden Ute??? GM already has an el Camino.... just like how they did the 2005 GTO ... the El Camino has just been in Australia this entire time ... there's no need for useless renderings when it already exists

@benhaymond3391 - 13.09.2024 21:04

If you're going to bring back the El Camino make it look like a freaking El Camino don't make it look like a truck

@mconfluence - 13.09.2024 19:54

This would be a great looking truck/car, but the v-8 would take it over the top. The grand-slam would be a manual transmission behind the v-8 engine.

@FermeRagnaruches - 13.09.2024 19:33

Make it electric with 2 doors and a bench having 3 places.

@raymondmcclain9083 - 13.09.2024 19:02

Looks like a Colorado to me!!!!

@hayden.43167 - 13.09.2024 18:43

WHYYYY do manufactures keep bringing cars back if they're not sticking to the facts..that's clearly a chevy Colorado same thing with the bronco..congratulations for ruining another classic

@aureliogarcia1223 - 13.09.2024 17:03

I'll guess we'll need to wait and see how it looks if its a reality!

@Mynamejack9 - 13.09.2024 15:42

Nothing about this shit says el Camino!!!! A kitted up Colorado if anything 😂😂😂😂😂

@jean-pierrerobitaille8299 - 13.09.2024 13:40

This rendered picture is perfect! I wouldn’t be surprised that the people at GM would do something about it. I don’t think it would be big enough for a V8 but surely enough for that 2.0 turbo ltr @280 hp with a 10 speed transmission like they put in them little Cadillacs. Sure would bring attention!

@saywhaaaa77 - 13.09.2024 07:48

Good video, but turn down the flashing it made it hard to watch

@josephzimmerman3384 - 13.09.2024 06:26

That new "el camino" has nothing an el camino has or even looked like, that looks like more of a Colorado or some other sad chevrolet model. That was by far the worst "remake" of a classic

@BigFatAndWhite - 13.09.2024 06:15

As long as they don't wussify it and make it an ev

@seandelong1296 - 13.09.2024 04:59

So stupid looking

@cec3ful - 13.09.2024 04:21

I would love to buy one of those for myself they would be very nice ❤

@theman-recon6065 - 13.09.2024 03:37

Looks to much like a truck, put the so called 2025-6 Chevelle front end on it and ease the bed more the old school look..another word a cowboy Cadillac lol..a 50 year plus owning 72 El Comino..just saying

@chuckdavis8016 - 13.09.2024 02:04

Just 2 doors passenger space...that would be a seller...and access to the bed while flat footed on the pavement

@darrellhart5498 - 12.09.2024 23:56

That Would be COOL with a 6.2 liter.....Yeah

@ManMountainMetals - 12.09.2024 19:51

El Camino/ Caballero is a car truck. What you rendered looks way more like a truck than it does a car.

@BigLoMayne - 12.09.2024 18:29

Looks interesting. It won’t happen.

@mattlee6845 - 12.09.2024 06:27

After what Chevy did to the Blazer I hope they dont do it.

@raybrickles7667 - 11.09.2024 23:35

Just bring the Holden Ute over to America.
