How to Build the ULTIMATE Silent Gaming or Workstation PC

How to Build the ULTIMATE Silent Gaming or Workstation PC

Linus Tech Tips

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@NiceOwl84 - 01.07.2020 02:32

Even back in 2014 Linus be putting in exhaust fans backwards and magically gets fixed in another part of the vid. Asking your father in law for help I see in this one.

@vernoldham - 09.07.2020 01:07

My OCD goes off when people use the word dampening to mean reducing waves (sound waves in this case). The word you want is damping. Yes, pedantic, but nerds gotta use the right words.

@Saxshoe - 16.07.2020 02:05

It's a shame annotations no longer work

@bao9380 - 22.07.2020 03:30

Damn, he has been carrying around that same screwdriver for 6+ years now..

@arifp5524 - 27.07.2020 13:39

How to build a silent PC?

Turn off your cpu

@loudkidondiscord42069 - 01.08.2020 10:11

where is the tech tip?

@diptanshumankodi3192 - 19.08.2020 00:00

Mike's voice could put me to sleep 🥺 is so husky beautiful

@kristapsjj8520 - 19.08.2020 17:33

could you please do the same video only with modern hardware?

@edsknife - 22.08.2020 08:19

That intro is like nothing I've ever seen from LMG

@DigitalPraise7 - 29.08.2020 20:03

You skinny little bitch.

@c81hd - 31.08.2020 17:04

Do yOu mIsS FeArlEsS TOo

@robertaries2974 - 03.09.2020 22:38

Coming from Sept 2020, I was not expecting that intro

@nissev2665 - 06.09.2020 20:25

That's a lot of PCI-e slots haha

@_Chames - 26.10.2020 14:15

get gayed

@reidklyf5510 - 26.10.2020 20:13

whos here in 2020

@joxovich5655 - 23.11.2020 04:50

This should be done again soon! Especially now when its getting colder. Its relevant now yes?

@EricMeatlikeaking - 16.12.2020 22:32

What this your old intro or something?

@timlin5186 - 18.12.2020 18:09

Who is watching this in 2030

@markusbluebird3229 - 24.12.2020 01:18

Too big

@iainlove7496 - 26.01.2021 19:22

this into seems like a apple add

@SvenZwaaneveld - 07.02.2021 13:09

Nowadays no ankle strip right?

@peterpeterson4800 - 24.02.2021 23:00

My man really just plugged in the HDD LED the wrong way.

@Kireobat - 17.03.2021 19:10

This intro is really good. I wish they could use it in their current build videos.

@BobRooney290 - 30.03.2021 07:53

you're doing it wrong. get a cheap rackmount and a 4u chassis. mount in basement, and drop 1 usb 3.2 2x2 20ft cable and 1 hdmi 2.1 20ft cable. that's all you need. from the usb cable, you can hook up a multiport usb hub for a wireless controller/mouse/keyboard/soundblasterx G6. there, now it's 100% silent in your living room. enjoy.

@oceanofglass - 12.04.2021 03:26

i know its been 6 years but i just noticed you forgot to plug in the second cpu power connector

@evanwattson - 24.04.2021 13:41


@izzatti7446 - 26.04.2021 04:35

One of the best intro in ltt

@midgardwhat - 28.04.2021 22:20

crazy to think theese parts were the top of the line

@alinaseri7951 - 30.04.2021 11:14

super professional as usual. thank you so much.

@MikeBurnsArrangedAccidents - 09.06.2021 15:28

Old video but still some good information here. I wasn't aware that Seasonic was making fanless power supplies in 2014. They have 700W ones now. BeQuiet is a great company. Their fans really helped quiet my computer, though I'll be switching them out for Noctua NF-A12x25 fans which proved to be 3dB quieter in tests. I was surprised that you took the fans out of your BeQuiet heatsink. Didn't think that was an option for an I7 processor. They've got standalone sinks for 90W processors and below but nothing for the 125W gaming processors of today. Noctua has been teasing a 3 Kilo one since 2019. A silent GPU is the holy grail. The Palit GTX 1050 Ti KalmX 4 GB graphics card is the only thing that comes close, and it's near impossible to get a hold of one. It can play all the 1080 pre-2018 games perfectly on max settings, but for 4K it's supposed to be rubbish.

@brock5604 - 24.06.2021 01:31

look at all those pcie slots!

@Srihari123THECOOL - 28.07.2021 18:11

Uhhh thanks, recommended? Love the intro though! BRING THEM BACK LINUS

@fringeanomaly9284 - 10.09.2021 00:07

The intro was ssooooo awesome .. bring it back

@Nereals - 20.01.2022 00:15

right now go back in time and buy some bitcoins)

@RVerlinden04 - 15.02.2022 00:29

Still using this case(only in red) 😂😂

@AROAH - 26.03.2022 18:09

It’s like a completely different channel

@Autotrope - 04.04.2022 13:24

Linus seems personally invested in quiet computing, which is nice and comes through in stuff like this. Other channels will give lip service to noise levels but they don't seem to care as long as it can be measured at a "noise normalised" level which is significantly louder than what any quiet computing enthusiast would aim for anyway. Small details like Linus opting for a super sized air cooler over an AIO show he gets it

@alfderbabybenz7092 - 17.05.2022 17:13

what a gay and 2014 intro hahaha. otherwise its great!

@bacon.cheesecake - 05.06.2022 17:51

1$ per gig being considered cheap, damn how far we've come. My wd nvme ssd is rated for twice the speed at 2 gigs per second, but it's barely more than 10 CENTS per gig, it's only 3 times the price of a equivalent hard drive.

Development in other sectors have been pretty meh in comparison, compare the best card of the time, a 980, to a 3090 and the results are a bit disappointing. Instead of double performance for a tenth of the price, it's 3-4 times the performance, which sounds pretty good, but it costs waaaaaaaay more.

@-VexyRS - 11.07.2022 17:42

For anyone watching this in "the future", put the video to 1.25x for a more modern Linus experience

@theoriginalbingchilling - 16.12.2022 19:02

Holy crap that intro is amazing

@attilavs2 - 21.12.2022 03:24

Modern linus would be screeching at the lack of noctua components

@turco7917 - 01.01.2023 02:54

Hello im from the future

@tempino273 - 28.04.2023 03:56

Man I remember being in middle school when this video came out thinking a 980 was expensive...we didn't know how good we had it...

@tiloalo - 02.08.2023 20:06

It's a pity that the website silentpcreview is now just a long list of ads with no information about noise level anymore... was probably sold

@tasertime115 - 11.08.2023 16:26

This video needs to be remade for 2023
