Moscow has incredible metro
ОтветитьAs a Bostonian, I'm jealous. We lack those rings, so when a line goes down, it is a massive hindrance. When the trains aren't on fire, they are insanely slow.
ОтветитьIt's simple: Napoleon gave them a second chance to plan the city
ОтветитьThe video should be Why Moscow Metro is well designed
ОтветитьI live in France and Paris sucks. Metro in Paris is a labyrinth.
ОтветитьKoltsavaya line ❌
Hanza ✅
"more than new york (1.7 BILLION!!!) AAND toronto (300mil :p)" didn't even start the video and already I don't trust any statement in it. Yeah, also 2 is bigger than 1.999 AAND 0.0001
ОтветитьIsn't it a coincidence that a good number of countries with the best public transportation are authoritarian? public transportation allows the government to control people's flow compared to private transportation methods, hence the incentives to fund public transportation.
ОтветитьThank the USSR
ОтветитьIts incredible how huge the city is and how efficient it is to move around. We rented an apartment far from center and went to red square many times and it took 20 min. We loved visiting from the US. ❤
ОтветитьI can see Russia is a very clean country. No trash lying around like here in the US. Its disgusting over here.
ОтветитьYou map of the London Underground is incorrect. That was just promotional art.
ОтветитьMoscow is way ahead of it's time. Kudos to visionary leaders!
ОтветитьПрочирикаю мой спич: Я горжусь, что я москвич !!!
ОтветитьAmerican here, I recently got into the Metro 2033 books, and I honestly thought that metro was like scifi future since its an alt timeline. Props to you guys, also y'all got some pretty good authors
ОтветитьBlackrock dont like this....😂😂😂😂!!!
ОтветитьTbh during the 4.5 hr gap there is little to no traffic so you could take the bus or a taxi and it wouldn’t take that much longer
Ответитьim not sure the 4 hour gap is for maintanance. i belive its for economy, because you cant make taxi drivers too mad when building this metro system
Ответитьthe dude speaking is french yeah
ОтветитьJust to point out a fact: Beijing has 522 subway stations.
ОтветитьLisbon is doing a circule line to now
ОтветитьNew York, are you watching this? You have so much to improve. Your subways suck and they are disgusting!
ОтветитьIt isn't all about profit, like in America. Next.
Ответитьhomogeneous society, that’s why
ОтветитьTo think that title alone could have ended very badly for you in 1950s America.
ОтветитьMoscow is not well designed. As you said it has the worst traffic problem in the world largely because of its center-oriented design. In the morning all traffic goes to the center and in the evening in the opposite direction, it's not rare to spend from 2 to 4 hours in traffic to go to work and back home if you don't use public transport. Public transport is good and versatile, but as you can see it does not save the city from traffic. Also, they build more and more and larger roads and the world practice has shown that it only worsens the problem. And this also can't be called "a good design" when you morph a city into one large always congested highway. And don't even let me start with poorly logistically connected outer parts of the city.
ОтветитьDelhi has two circular lines
Ответитьim sorry first one using faceID to pay? while Chinese metro system,..... ok
Ответитьi thought thats a channel with one video about moscow transportation system, opened channel videos - all propaganda...
Ответитьamazing! these are the same legendary caves of Mordor.
on another channel they said that they only have shovels, bast shoes and balalaikas
. who here has played metro exodus . I watched this video purely out of interest from the video games . Hahaha
metro very uncomfortable, especially in rush hour and dangerous for health if you don't have strong immunity. You literally can't even get on the train. There's no place to even stand. And in the metro also you can see traffic jams towards in city centre in the morning and back in the evening. Because city designed bad it has a big circular migration.
Buses in many areas go very badly. Very rarely and crowded with people. They often get stuck in traffic.
Sidewalks are just dangerous. Sleeping terrorists with beards rush through them on bicycles. In the summer, the dregs on scooters are added to them.
Plus, the sidewalk is falling apart underfoot, especially new tiles (also very slippery).
I think you know nothing about this hole shit city.
Крутое видео👍
Ответитьbecause in all of russia there is a metro only in moscow
ОтветитьRussian urbanization was heavily influenced by Soviet-era centralized planning. Under communism, cities were planned with industrial zones, large housing blocks (Khrushchyovkas), and a focus on collective living. Post-Soviet urbanization has been marked by suburbanization, spatial inequality, and informal development.
In the Latin American case urbanization occurred rapidly in the 20th century due to rural-urban migration, driven by industrialization and agricultural decline. Unlike in Russia, much of this growth was informal, leading to vast self-built settlements (e.g., favelas in Brazil, villas miseria in Argentin
amazing i want to go and ride the public transportation now
Ответить34 years old, live in Moscow for all my live, don't even have a driver license =)
ОтветитьWhen you say about prices, don't forget about our salaries, they are not as big as in Western Europe or USA. For example, $1000 is good for Moscow and VERY GOOD for other Russian cities.
ОтветитьImagine making a 10 minute video about a feat of urban planning and calling it "insane".
Ответитьme - yeah metro series game
ОтветитьSeriously china and Russia have some of the best infastructure and innovation but government........meh
ОтветитьI was in Moscow believe it’s the more beautiful l, advanced and efficient than the whole western imperialist capitals
ОтветитьThe pronunciations 😂
ОтветитьMy uncle visited Moscow to report on the collapse of the Soviet Union back in 91'. He told me years later about something that happened in his Hotel. It was breakfast and he asked for some milk for his sandwich (My family loves milk), and the staff told him "we can't serve milk, but shall we give you a glass of vodka instead?". Still find it hilarious to this day. XD
ОтветитьТолько знаете на что это всё чудо построено? На рабском труде сибиряков за 150$ и массовом обворовыванием республик.
В столице Якутии до сих пор деревянные туалеты снаружи. А сейчас, якуты смотрят на 60 млрд рублей(Которые были затрачены на блокировку ВПНов) вот так: 🤤.
И что после этого лучше? Нью Йорк, финансируемый десятилетиями, или Москва, построенная на рабском труде и обворовывании?
New york has no sexy art in the city, I must dig history in moscow
1. 環線設計的智慧
莫斯科的交通系統獨特的地方在於其環線設計。城市中有三條主要的環狀地鐵線:貝亞薩線 (Baya CA Line)、莫斯科中央環線 (Moscow Central Circle, MCC) 和環城線 (CA Line),它們分別在不同的區域提供直接聯繫,避免了傳統徑向系統的問題。傳統的徑向系統要求乘客進入市中心換乘,再前往目的地,這樣不僅浪費時間,還會讓市中心的車站過度擁擠。而環線系統可以讓乘客在不同區域之間快速轉換,縮短旅行時間,提升整體效率。
2. 交通多樣化與連接
莫斯科的交通系統並不僅限於地鐵,還包括了MCD (莫斯科中央直達線) 和MCC (莫斯科中央環線),這些長距離交通系統能夠將城市郊區和市中心無縫連接。此外,莫斯科的公交網絡也非常廣泛,市內幾乎每條主要街道都有至少一條公交路線,年乘客量超過8億到10億人次。除了傳統公交,莫斯科還在大力推動電動公交車的使用,並計劃在2030年之前將所有公交車轉為電動。
3. 效率與科技的結合
4. 美麗的車站設計
5. 未來的發展與挑戰
儘管莫斯科的公共交通系統極其發達,但它仍面臨著一些挑戰,其中最顯著的是交通擁堵。儘管莫斯科擁有世界一流的地鐵和公共交通設施,市區的車輛數量仍然十分龐大。這使得莫斯科的某些區域,尤其是M11高速公路,經常陷入擁堵。為了解決這一問題,莫斯科正積極推進共享汽車模式,並已擁有全球最大的共享汽車隊伍之一,這不僅減少了市民的擁車需求,還有助於環保和減少交通壅塞。 總結來說,莫斯科的公共交通系統無疑是全球最為高效與智能的系統之一。儘管面臨挑戰,這座城市不斷在改善和擴展其交通基礎設施,並且在全球範圍內為其他大城市提供了寶貴的交通規劃經驗。