Lionel Messi ● The World's Greatest Playmaker - Passing & Assists 2016 | HD

Lionel Messi ● The World's Greatest Playmaker - Passing & Assists 2016 | HD


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@theevolution4938 - 25.06.2016 15:41

Epic video!!!You show nice Messi video I love your channel❤️❤️❤️

@kyversilver6969 - 25.06.2016 16:10

Messi es simplemente la personificación del fútbol hecha hombre.

@PedrooRainho - 25.06.2016 17:15

Playstation team and a too much skilled player. Lucky us.

@probulldog1413 - 25.06.2016 18:45

He should do the nutmeg King

@alyabdallah3087 - 25.06.2016 20:02

The greatest of all time

@woutervanwallenburg7074 - 25.06.2016 22:57

he makes football look so east

@fuzzupuzzu - 26.06.2016 03:54

Hes simply too much, outstanding work on the video, the camera angles are hypnotic!

@dhruv1906 - 26.06.2016 08:13

well...what do i say...messi is.indescribable.. your videos are also indescribable.... we just can.enjoy...magical player...magical video

@trendingyoutuber2735 - 26.06.2016 12:24

Subscribe our channel for best sports video -sporty geek team

@wailer27 - 26.06.2016 12:57

kaleidoscopic vision is NOT a compliment, it means his vision is fucked. I really hate that commentator's pathetic attempts to say wacky things to emphasise his excitement, it doesn't come off, it sounds unprofessional and childish.

@maan2125 - 26.06.2016 12:59

He isn't the greatest for the goals he scored, the trophies he won or the records he broke.
He isn't the greatest for the way he behaves when he gets tackled, the way he praises his opponents or the way he credits his teammates.
He isn't the greatest for the dribbling he does, the key passes he provides or the assists he gives when his team mates are in better positions.
He isn't the greatest for the balance, agility, vision, quick reactions, precision, ball control, positioning, finishing or the free-kicks.
He isn't the greatest for the modesty, the consistency or the pressure he takes upon his shoulders.
He isn't the greatest for the example he sets in the field for the players, the crowd, the fans and the little kids dreaming of playing professional football.

He is just smart enough to know how to be the greatest at them all.

@trendingyoutuber2735 - 26.06.2016 13:05

Subscribe our channel sport geek to see more messi video

@messiandmjrock95 - 26.06.2016 14:04

Should've made the video after the Copa Centanarrio final - the last game of the season.

Anyway, "it is outrageous. OUTRAGEOUSLY ENTERTAINING!"

Magical Messi! <3

@CinekVeB - 26.06.2016 14:20

The best player all of time.. King! <3

@mh7gamer419 - 26.06.2016 14:46


@rexthepekingese5435 - 26.06.2016 20:23

Ozil is the best playmaker right now
and xavi,figo, zidane were the greatest playmakers ever so dont cry now.

@wesxila6 - 26.06.2016 21:17

Hats off to you, LM10, for making such a professional and beautifully orchestrated video. Everything from the music selection, high quality footage, and of course the genius of Messi, gave me goosebumps the whole video.

@gideoncaplan6814 - 26.06.2016 21:31

only one aspect of the game that he is the best at. At least 10 classes above every other player on the planet- ridiculously talented

@kleenkuffmuziq - 26.06.2016 23:00

his passes are like a devastating chess move you never saw coming

@U.P.up. - 27.06.2016 00:53

Siguiente nivel

@lilaphanmaha38 - 27.06.2016 05:54

Messi sucks miss penalty

@tonatiuhgonzalezzambrano9082 - 27.06.2016 06:19

Tronco sobrevalorado que haga ganar algo a su selección :v

@anthonycisneros8189 - 27.06.2016 16:53

it's sad when messi loses on the finals but he's going to get revenge jes going to play harder like he played in 2014 2015 season he didn't win the copa America but he's going to get stronger so he could win the copa America la liga copa del Rey super cup champions League and other

@kay2382 - 27.06.2016 20:02

specialist on not winning world cup lol

@pakhyalaazadari5422 - 27.06.2016 21:03

the legend.... the king of dribling......the king of everything......just gives his retirement for international carrier..... I am crying.... very big fan of him...... living legend just ended for Argentina...... :(😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😢

@christophervang4774 - 27.06.2016 21:15

Dude I love these videos that you make! Super great! Super amazing.

@lindacyventura6740 - 03.07.2016 17:19

muito bem esse cara messi

@ricardohernandez3848 - 04.07.2016 15:40

I love messi cuz when I am mad and I see him on tv playing soccer he makes me feel a lot better and happier (p.s messi rules the Real Madrid 🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷⚽️

@ricardohernandez3848 - 04.07.2016 15:40

And he inspire me to play soccer

@AmSi2218 - 09.07.2016 15:00

I don't know how to describe the greatest ever player in the history ,there no words to describe his magic, his talent, his pure skills etc etc but one thing for sure is that I'm very lucky man to live in his era. P.s...And i am somone who has seen play Maradona too.

@brendanhiggins8963 - 11.07.2016 12:54

messi is just unreal the way he passes the ball

@Erich_U - 23.07.2016 15:24

Interesting thing about this video: Most of the chances he creates are wasted by his teammates! If he could just finish his own plays. ;-) And all this is just from one (!) season. And it's only one aspect of his game! Add dribbling, scoring... And he's been doing it for a decade already! Simply the greatest player ever. When you watch videos like this you realize how absurd it would be for anybody else to win the Ballon d'Or. Certainly not somebody who was just fortunate enough that his teammates pulled of a small football miracle at the Euros.

@aravind1994 - 07.08.2016 14:12

Great video :D Loved it.

@HarshaVardhan-rz9zv - 04.09.2016 10:51

He isn't that good.He has been rated 86 on FIFA 17, remember. HOw can he be the greatest playmaker ? Payet is better than him.

@dizzyiguana981 - 18.01.2017 03:44

make a messi and Dani video.

@milanawal4903 - 19.01.2017 07:03

they said messi is nothing without xavi and iniesta now messi is playing as xavi and iniesta combined...the greatest of all time.

@juanestebankruhsanmguel1960 - 13.11.2017 03:45

best playmaker,best dribbler,best goalscorer,best freekick taker,messi 2016 was one of the most complete players ever to live

@anveshagarwal2314 - 28.12.2017 12:13

Firstly seeing those spaces and then so accurately placing ball in those spaces for teammates!! Really incomparable ❤️

@anveshagarwal2314 - 28.12.2017 12:13

️How does he see the spaces no one else can? It's really tough to see those spaces when u r on field. Is he really a god and watches the game from above!!

@ACHILIS09 - 04.09.2018 05:47

What amazes me the most is how he makes all these passes seem so effortless.

@C.J.80 - 02.01.2019 15:07

💞👑👽💞G.O.A.T💞👑👽💞The most Intelligent, Innovative, Imaginative, Intuitive, Skillful, Talented, Gifted & Blessed Footballer who has ever kicked a ⚽!!!!!!

@pranjals29 - 29.11.2022 21:27

When God wants to play football he said this goat in this world.

@victoradriandicamillo9671 - 11.09.2023 04:01

please someone tell me how many of those passes has Ronaldo done in his entire carrear

@aatifshaikh4413 - 10.10.2023 20:43

he is in a parellal universe where ozil, pirlo, iniesta, modric, savich, david silva, yaya toure, kevin debryne, martin odegaard, and next 20 or 30 dont exist.

@ahmedolakunleolasupo3659 - 27.03.2024 02:43

The version of Messi I love the most ❤

Who's watching this in 2024?

@RumeyAhmed - 03.05.2024 09:38

These are my MSN 💝
