Everything Wrong With: Akshan | League of Legends

Everything Wrong With: Akshan | League of Legends


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@TheJst100 - 16.09.2023 14:26

Maybe if his w passive was a function of getting the kill specifically with his ult and it only revived one teammate, itd keep with akshans theme as a character while being tolerable. Also akshan breaks another rule of league , infinite stealth, honestly fuck akshan.

@Reinhardtx - 16.09.2023 16:29

I love how skill expression is not mentioned here at all, he is by far one of the hardest champions to master, i agree his playstyle is very frustrating, and especially in low elo the meme of "ranged top" is a fair and valid point, however blatantly disregarding that one misstep means death, and going even is losing on akshan, should be a subject aswell

has anybody ever played akshan against malphite with wardens mail, yeah good luck bucko your giga useless unless you have 1 or 2 good roams, which can also lose you even more, he is coinflippy and annoying, very true, but at the same time incredibly punishing if you mess up

@erichmoller1439 - 16.09.2023 19:17

Skill issue

@SolviKaaber - 17.09.2023 08:00

Anyone who says Akshan is a bad design and Vex is a good design is someone with no game design experience. You made a 14 minute video which you complained but said nothing of value.

@amysakalov6915 - 17.09.2023 18:59

Riot: Revive is an outdate summoner spell that unbalances the game.
Also Riot: We gave this champion revive, but it only works for their team mates and only if he kills the person who killed the champ.

Seems legit.

@itsm1ha104 - 17.09.2023 22:02

Ok i wanna know which psycho got the idea to give akshan a revive. If u look at other games, take Sage, Lifeline and Mercy, they are SUPPORTS who have to facetank the enemy team and "channel" for a set amount of time to res ONE teammate, then theres akshan, who just does his job and has a potential 4 man res. Its like we're in a mineshaft and you can either mine, collect, transport, or sort ores. But then theres one guy who is like if he cant do mining he can transport too. And then its like if he does EITHER of those, he gets a free meal, a month of free rent and 2 new fkin cars

@Wandallz - 19.09.2023 08:56

I play mainly aram. And he is by far the biggest offender in that gamemode, like literally a mass Zilean ult on his passive in every teamfight. Because of portals whom ever revived joins like 5 seconds later. He is the reason i wish we could ban champs in a aram

@HeartYgo - 21.09.2023 15:08

you should totally talk about how some champions should be top laners but riot forces them to support, Such as Rell, Tahm Etc.

@ARROWOFRETRIBUTION - 23.09.2023 08:12

Sucky developers are making a lot of new champions and very strong ones, but they made Akshan even slower and he has so little life that he can be killed in two hits, at the top Akshan is simply disgusting. I'm very angry because I don't like more than one champion in the game League of Legends, including Akshan, but he's just terrible to play.

@Kamikazeman1234 - 25.09.2023 06:24

I love how vayne has 2 passives but one of them takes up an ability slot, but akshan? HE HAS LIKE 4 PASSIVES, AND NONE OF THEM TAKE UP AN ABILITY SLOT because they are either on his actual passive or attached to a button he can press already for no reason

@thomasbutler7412 - 26.09.2023 06:13

You forgot to mention that on release, if he died but the enemy that killed him was killed within his assist window (and was damaged by him) he could revive himself too.

@eraea9179 - 28.09.2023 09:45

If Akshan is allowed to revive, Mordekaiser should be allowed to:
A.) Bring you to brazil
B.) If you die to him in brazil, he gets a portion of your stats
C.) Your champion will be made into a pet for him just like old Morde
D.) Allow him to access your champion abilities in an alternate keybind for QWE
E.) Build the Realm of the Dead

@zachariashoeldtke8567 - 05.10.2023 01:41

Akshan is just awful!! No one should have that much damage, mobility, neutral game, and SOMEHOW STILL COME WITH A REVIVE!! Its just not feasible. The only reason you dont see him often is because his kit is pretty complicated. But that doesnt offset the complete lack of weaknesses.

@Halbell_ - 05.10.2023 19:37

Akshan top is so cancer

@DecrepitFlunky - 11.10.2023 23:20

"the first true assassin marksman in the game"

uhhhhhhhhh twitch?

@GayCherryJuice - 18.10.2023 12:58

Personally I think Akshan was a bad idea that got out of hand.
He's the bollywood gary sue come to life... And nobody is having a good time because of it.

The only reason his playrate isn't as high is because a majority of people would rather not play him.

@cammurray4648 - 20.10.2023 09:18

Riot’s obsession with assassins and their power fantasy is what has been slowly but steadily ruining the game for a very long time. “But we can’t just have assassins NOT 1 shot everyone! What about their power fantasy????”

@stainedglassliker6511 - 22.10.2023 12:01

I would like you to consider from point of wiev of not ultimaletly balanced game but a game that allows those revive 4 teammates and win that way by 1 in 10.000(idk) games. Also it helps to create memories and strories to form stronger connection with the game. Otherwise all the matches played would be inherently more or less the same. And also as you stated there is practicality of things.

@SuperCosmicSpaceMagnet - 31.10.2023 06:36

The grappling hook is the only part of Akshan I like.

@sidneyw.mathiasdeoliveira8621 - 01.11.2023 19:44

Bro could tell everything wrong with Arkshan in LESS than 2 hours! Bro is a legend

@swaggingswagster5357 - 08.11.2023 05:22

My two favorite champs are Akshan and K'sante what is wrong with me?

@marcusshepert105 - 06.12.2023 19:41

tbh if his E didnt reset and if he didnt revive, I'd be fine with the rest of his kit being absolute cringe.

@Liam_theX - 10.12.2023 07:55

I love Akshan, but I knew from the very beginning that he is absolutely busted, just the passive alone was enough for me to know

@Redcross970 - 21.12.2023 22:45

Gos only owns mcu multiverses not dc superman kill him with ez Beyond overkill.

@yunwang1243 - 23.12.2023 10:09

It is a theoretical analysis. In practice, Akshan is countered by cc, and it’s e is relatively easy to interrupt

@Sea-Voyager - 26.12.2023 23:19

all i hear is tears cry more

@JumpscareRodent - 04.01.2024 03:32

Excuse you, Twitch is the first true assassin marksman

@pesho8221 - 06.01.2024 08:14

I never get the complaints from Akshan E since its so easy to completely remove any chance he escapes by just dashing into him or shoving yourself in his face. Especially any tank can just sit right next to him and he has no chance to kill them since they have so much hp and he cant run away because you cant swing when you’re being body blocked

@QuestionableObject - 07.01.2024 15:13

Watching the killfeeds in those clips and seeing that stupid golden revive notification makes my blood boil

@minhbui9584 - 09.01.2024 11:06

Master Yi's passive: Double aa after three times
Akshan: Every single time as long as you don't cancel it. And even if you do, no problem because you get movement speed
Like WTF?

@cvalerinv - 13.01.2024 23:55

Akshan, is what happens when devs are too sure of their ability to create balanced mechanics. Imo league devs are the ones thst suffer most from anime character syndrome. Akshan's swing should simply do no damage. And his revive should be on a cd after single use, so he only rezes one person despite multiple kills by one target

@MIDO44444 - 02.02.2024 11:12

I think everything besides the W passive is "fine", for me he is like a modern twitch and he plays like one but with more mobility in exchange of range but being able to get to revive your ally which actually just punishes anyone who do their job aka kill their enemy is just a really bad design choice

@Inastewpopotogo - 29.04.2024 14:38

Most I see of Akshan is in AI games spinning on wolves so they can afk

@richardgesegnet5481 - 01.05.2024 01:20

Idk man. He has a cool kit but gets countered easy. Whats the ban rate in akshan?

@NearAir - 25.05.2024 16:50

I like how Vars talks about how Akshan just ignores the rules… which is also like, his entire personality XD

@lonwolf7922 - 29.05.2024 03:32

Every Akshan player I've seen does the exact same thing. Goes to the wolf camp and spin in a circle till the game is over. No kills, no jungle kills, no assists, just a bunch of deaths either by blue buff, wolf camp or enemy players.

@papaya3996 - 16.06.2024 04:44

Just take the revive away and see what happens

@muratemreyurdalan2734 - 26.06.2024 18:22

Stealth asassin with a waveclear, poke, sustain, engage/disengage and ability to revive allies.

@Justahumbletalonmain - 14.07.2024 15:38

Few if any assassins have ranged attacks
*shows a clip of an assassin using a ranged attack

@lolmenx4 - 27.07.2024 18:06

Rules are meant to be broken!

@ChaplinChapman - 28.07.2024 08:45

Wow i didnt know kaisa was to be played like that. I was so confused over her design that i didnt even tuch her. 😂

@StealthFoxx_ - 30.07.2024 20:52

⁠I feel like they should just make it so that you revive the teammates a scoundrel has killed if you get a takedown on them within a few seconds of hitting them with your ult instead of just any takedown period, that way his ult has more value and his revive has a cooldown

@Darslan123 - 18.08.2024 01:22

akshan was my first main (yes i started playing in like 2020 oh well) i dont think hes THATTT bad anytime i play him since i backpocket him i think its really easy to get fed on him since its midlane but if you dont get fed hes really bad but even the slightest amount of being fed leads to a 1v9 god but when i play against him as katarina i feel like i can shut him down easily but again i used to main him so i know his tricks

@Convicted_Melon - 23.08.2024 15:29

How to fix the revive: Make it only revive if akshan scores the kill, only revive the last teammate killed and give it an enormous internal cooldown.

@KaoriSakuraCh - 05.09.2024 04:29

The main problem is his Heroic swing skill that allow that player to afk in the jungle the whole god damn game.

@InkSheep27 - 05.09.2024 18:30

I play Akshan because of his voicelines are just so cool.

@Carlo_von_Habsburg - 23.09.2024 14:26

The title is missing an „is“ : everything is wrong with Akshan

@Keln02 - 30.08.2023 18:01

When your passives have passives you got a problem
