Nutrition & Supplementation for Female Fertility | Dr. Natalie Crawford & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Nutrition & Supplementation for Female Fertility | Dr. Natalie Crawford & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Huberman Lab Clips

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@memastarful - 16.11.2023 04:31

I couldn't get pregnant for many years but then I started drinking copious amounts of pure pomegranate juice every day. After a month after drinking pomegranate juice, I got pregnant right away with a healthy baby girl.

@purepotentialityNow - 16.11.2023 05:29

Fabulous. Thank You So Important
😊😊😊 Blessings Professor

@Stefman1983 - 16.11.2023 11:17

Just looking at dr. Natalie Crawford increased my fertility. Thanks.

@DrinkingStar - 16.11.2023 17:11

Excellent video in dispensing this nutritional advise. Dr. Crawford confirmed everything I learned in getting my Master's Degree in human nutrition in the 1990s.
As an addendum to body fat and female fertility, there was an article, whose title I do not recall, in the 1970s in Scientific American that mentioned girls in Puerto Rica where experiencing their 1st menses at a much earlier age than typically expected and that pilgrim girls in New England in early colonial times had a delayed menses of several years. The earlier than expected menses observed in Puerto Rican girls was associated with the beef they were eating which had high levels of hormones that was given to cows to make the cows heavier. The delayed 1st menses of the pilgrim girls was associated with their very low body fat.

@Ranbir604 - 17.11.2023 23:30

Lower inflammation, good sleep, diet high in fruits & vegetables, grain. Healthy weight. If you have dairy have whole versions i.e. whole milk yogurt, avoid processed dairy i.e. skimmed milk. Meats - eat fish 4-6 ounces 3 times a week. Not too much fish if pregnant because of mercury, avoid raw seafood for risk of infection. No processed meats (hotdogs, deli meat), red meat in moderation/organic. Avoid added sugar and artificial sugar - cause inflammation & stress. Lowering inflammation is good. Long story short have a healthy diet, everything moderation , have good sleeping habits & exercise. You can eat the bad things, just don't make a habit of it. SUPPLEMENTS: take folic acid, take prenatal vitamins, take vit d, - 1000 IUD omega 3 - 1 gram, CoQ10 - 200mg x3 day. Excellent as always

@abc_cba - 18.11.2023 09:37

Dr. Hubermann was blushing just looking at Dr. Crawford.
Look at the gaze at his eyes 😂😂😂

@user-ly3of7vf6o - 22.11.2023 04:04

Wow feminism has completely brainwashed this dude. Check the self deletion,homelessness and alimony/child support stats before making videos.

@fernandorosales2789 - 23.01.2024 06:40

I love how reliably health optimization content attracts douchebags in the comments sections. :) I'm not saying bE moRe rESpectFul. It's just funny.

@Wholefoodshealth - 08.05.2024 16:29

Good info. Can’t tell you how many patients of mine have gotten pregnant after changing their diet and getting their vitamin D over 40. Vitamin D levels in insulin resistance, pretty much involve everything in our bodies, including fertility.

@askmeaboutGod - 14.05.2024 16:48

We couldn’t get pregnant for a year, and then I as a male started taking the zinc and coq10 and L carnetine and boom 6 weeks later she’s pregnant

@DrVanessaBrooks - 04.06.2024 01:56

Folate or folic acid??? Huge difference and what about methylfolate? Isn’t there a correlation with folic acid and some miscarriages etc? It’s folic acid manufactured and added into our diet starting in 1993?

@IUTIUBES - 23.06.2024 11:57

This woman seems so smart and generous, thank you so much!

@jazzed4us - 25.06.2024 21:02

All I care about is how brilliant, beautiful and bold Dr Hubberman is. How is this man single ? Or is he ? I’ve never had such a big crush on someone I didn’t know personally. He’s perfection

@tayebehshalmani6157 - 04.07.2024 16:49

Can't really trust most of her nutrition advice tbh...

@seanykinz - 13.07.2024 22:48

Could not stand her... she was spitting off the most generalized information without any real background or reasoning to nutrition

@TheTruth-fully - 27.07.2024 17:21

Amazing information. Thank you.

@courtneygriffin3584 - 06.08.2024 18:15

Her information nutritionally is so inaccurate, main stream and outdated. Unimpressed.

@ashtenbarnes - 11.08.2024 21:38

she should have mentioned eating quality animal products sooner in the video. As well as addressing mineral deficiencies such as Zinc, copper, magnesium, potassium. I also disagree with tofu & soy based products. Bioavailability is key.

@tamartamunanemsadze7750 - 01.09.2024 15:44

What is normal BMI?

@Fertilitydrive - 02.09.2024 19:38


@LisaCulton - 05.09.2024 00:15

There's no reason to eat fruit (full of sugar and basically no vitamins) nor fiber / whole grain (not digestible and no nutrients)

@anthonyneitzke2521 - 15.09.2024 19:17

Bacon is not highly processed. It is smoked pork belly that is sliced

@stephanieanderson5379 - 19.10.2024 21:29

Love this so much. I’m a registered dietitian and this whole conversation is spot on. Thank you for having a realistic take on a healthy balanced diet and consuming minimally processed foods from all food groups as well as avoiding/limiting added sugar and artificial sweetener! This is so important.

@berenice__music - 07.11.2024 08:48

When she said tofu is not bad for you I realised I can't trust anything she says.

@imjustsaying670 - 12.11.2024 13:35

Dairy is trash... so is tofu especially if your estrogen is already off

@DaboooogA - 10.01.2025 15:51

As generic as advice can possibly be
