Minecraft Exploration is FINE — Here’s Why

Minecraft Exploration is FINE — Here’s Why


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@humanharddrive1 - 26.07.2024 12:41

they're having a yap off

@blaneonthemoon2507 - 26.07.2024 13:45

Ah the day when opinions can be wrong has come huh? Cause personally, i agree with that video. After ive got everything i need, theres no reason to explore. Most places dont have incentives to explore again like the deep dark or end.

@NoTimef_r - 26.07.2024 19:21

I haven't seen that video in my recommendations "a dozen times" I've however seen videos like YOURS in my recommendations a DOZEN TIMES

Jesus christ why do people love painting themselves as saints at any given moment?

@chear8145 - 26.07.2024 20:20

the best way to nerf the elytra is simple
give it a niche, if horses have the exploring niche and minecarts have the going place to place niche then give the elytra a quick repositioning and vertical movement niche which all you would have to do it make it less good overtime, personally i would do this by nerfing its durability a bit and maybe add a enchantment that gives you more fine controls with it or makes it so you don't take damage while hitting a wall or the floor and then make that enchantment not be able to go with unbreaking or hell just remove unbreaking from being able to go on it cause it can't actually break, this means on long trips you have to repair it by waiting for phantoms or finding a quick exp source both which could take awhile in some random part of the world far away from your base which makes it better the closer you are to established locations with some infrastructure.

@nuke7777 - 27.07.2024 03:41

Elytra doesn’t need a nerf learn now and learn it fast with the amount of work you have to put in it’s perfect

@Rudalph1726 - 27.07.2024 16:15

Honestly if you don't focus on it, everything's fine and good.

@cjba. - 27.07.2024 16:20

i just thought of a great nerf for the elytra, just make it so it starts of with like with like 0.3 durability per second and slowly as you go quicker/higher it takes more durability until it like caps at 1.5/s

@RastrKrok - 27.07.2024 19:20

What do you mean in Netherite's part? Most server's Nether is 5.000x5.000 limit with world bounds, and overworld is 10k-20k.
Its pretty much possible to suck all resources from Nether, if you really have intention to do it in like... 6-12 month?

@knuckleheadwestwind3585 - 27.07.2024 22:59

Jetstarfish: “I believe we can solve this problem without using racial slurs”

Zaylic: pauses video

Me: 😱

@Shaymuhs - 28.07.2024 01:55

Minecarts could be faster; but they're hands free, can be ridden afk for long distances, and are useful to transport mobs & goods especially villagers, not to mention both speed and power rails can be duplicated in the current vanilla game if you don't like the price, just like carpets.

Minecarts are also great in a highly developed server like mine, with many long roads and spread out cities in different places, because they can be marked with signs and lead directly to a destination without getting lost or needing a map. And later with enough effort an ice highway with boats can be an extremely fast method of transportation and upgrade to an existing rail network if you really want to save time.

To summarize I think there are more uses for any particular thing than any one person can recognize and that's why useless is a word I save only for people 😂

@ConnorPhalen-x8b - 28.07.2024 06:02

Remove the ability to add unbreaking or mending to the elytra however add the ability to add prot as compensation while still making it worse for fighting than a chest plate

@captaincookie72 - 29.07.2024 03:14

As always it seems, these people that have this view of Minecraft only view the game from a speedrunner's perspective.

@PotaraP - 30.07.2024 05:39

Slight correction, you said that elytras have limited quanitity on servers but later said that netherite templates didn't because you can explore more.

@mssheeba1965 - 30.07.2024 13:34

I don't know if anyone said anything about this yet, but for Java Minecraft there is a mod that nerfs the elytra in a really unique and clever way, that still makes it viable called Aileron. It removes the ability to use fireworks, but replaces it with the ability to use campfires as updrafts, and the more campfires you have in one place, the stronger the updraft. Not only that, it adds 2 exclusive enchantments to the elytra as well. Smokestack, which lets you build up a limited amount of boosts you can use mid air, and Cloudskipper, which makes the elytra fly better at higher and higher altitudes. Now, instead of just building a gunpowder and sugarcane farm for fireworks, you build routes of bonfires and watchtowers that let you fly long distances, making the elytra require as much infrastructure as a minecart system, while still being a fast, endgame form of transportation.

@pineapplewhatever5906 - 30.07.2024 22:03

How did you get those wings? They look awesome.

@reljabosnjak6750 - 31.07.2024 00:18

Okay so let me say what how I would fix shit. The minecarts speed should definitely be buffed as well as making them connect to one another. Then for the horse. The horse itself is pretty fine but the thing that nerfs it is the Minecraft generation itself. Most of the trees are way too short to navigate with a horse and that's one of the main reasons the horse is bad. The fix for this would be a general generation update, aka updating the biomes by making trees taller etc. And finally the elytra. The one that puts all of them into f tier. I can't agree with you about them making fireworks useless for elytras. The fix here would be to decrease the amount of boost each rocket gives or something like that. But hey that's just my take on this

@McMemeTME - 31.07.2024 20:57

No. Not another “correction” video because someone doesn’t understand what the guy’s trying to say. “A lot of people seem to like it for some fucking reason” and yet you’re the second person I’ve seen make a video on this video. Proves the diversity of our community, doesn’t it? Get a glass of water, make it iced to help speed the process, and sit down on your couch and THINK. For all anyone could know is that it’s based on a single experience, but keep in mind if it can happen to someone, it can happen to ANYONE. And ohhh that elytra section got me goin’ too. Sure, he spat out a considerably bad solution to the elytra problem BUT IT’S ALMOST LIKE THAT IDEA WASN’T A SPITBALL CONCEPT, EY? You people aren’t even giving our points of view a CHANCE. And the netherite upgrade segment was the sugar on the cream, pal. Not everyone has the time or patience to move THAT MANY BLOCKS to find one upgrade template. Consider the mobs, the hazards, potential PVP! The player will succumb to burnout and boredom before they can even get close, but hey, it is, in fact, scientifically possible to accomplish, and that’s enough- right? Not like this video was made and published BEFORE trials were even a thing, right? These are all reasons to explore, and it’s less like looking at a map and more like looking at a tesseract. You’re missing the points, which all revolve around the exploration process. This is a bad solution to “wrong videos” and I can’t wrap my mind around how people agree, and it’s hard to find someone who will explain it without telling you “how wrong you are”, and not just saying “how you are wrong”.

I sound like a total idiot to you, don’t I.

@thefusionmasterultimate8371 - 01.08.2024 20:13

As a solo player, I think a problem with exploration is when a new biome comes out and I want to get that wood (i.e mahogany wood) in a world that I play in I have to walk so far just to maybe find one. Also mojang please make it so horses to swim please

@zcgamerandreacts2762 - 02.08.2024 00:31

Minecraft exploration is endless.
A seed I had for a town server I had created but not really a proper server cause I'm not that technical cause I'm on ps4.
Maybe south or. East. Or north. West?? There is a woodland mansion on a giant tall monolith of cobblestone! Where you can easily see the mansion in the forest below or when you're pulling up in a boat. It was a crazy thing I saw.

@Cookinlikesanji - 02.08.2024 02:53

The guy who made that video is a ret

@carlislepoe5966 - 02.08.2024 08:12

Good vid. You forgot to mention the mod to "fix" all of those issues that he was trying to SELL, which is ILLEGAL as it breaks the rules of Minecrafts EULA.

@jaffa - 02.08.2024 20:10

Great video man! Breakdown content like this lets the people know whats sup

@logosking2848 - 03.08.2024 04:13

I think you were definitely right about the elytra but he was right about the horses. it's fine to nerf the horses as long the elytra is also nerfed heavily like making it so that fireworks don't work like you said

@RConTRSMC - 04.08.2024 07:39

who the hell even said exploration is fine? it's never fine and never has been, jetstarfish is right on every point and there's no need to explain why. every player is stuck on this stupid loop.
the main problem is that it's so fucking bland u just take ur horse or just use the elytra and wander around till u find a structure that u can loot in a min or two, don't even get me started with the inventory problems.

@howmanydislikess - 05.08.2024 07:27

This video has 101 dislikes

@UnJayOkay - 05.08.2024 12:50

I actually don't hate the horse stamina bar idea, I'm on board with letting my lil buddy rest a bit while exploring

Also I didn't know the elytra was a problem since I never use those lol

@Hyena_Razorclaw76 - 06.08.2024 04:51

to be honest, every idea that he made suck ass because it breaks the point that he’s trying to make, especially with the Elytra

@michaelr3077 - 06.08.2024 20:45

If elytras need a nerf then my solution is add an encumberment system so the more items you carry the harder it is to fly until you cant fly at all. This make elytras more suited to quick travel and surveying the areas or simply getting around base fast but isnt designed for transporting everything or gathering huge amounts of materials. This leaves room for minecarts and horses to be more suited to transporting large amounts of materials (and mobs) for when you find an area you want to start harvesting at.

honestly not sure how that would feel in practice but i think its the least offensive way to nerf something that lets them all have something to contribute without removing all the benefits entirely.

again on the minecart thing, people always seem to neglect the part where minecarts transport mobs (which boats have been nerfed on) whereas no other form of transportation is capable of doing... so realistically minecarts dont need fixing all that much.

@TheLeafcuter - 09.08.2024 18:38

.. but WHY nerf the elytra at all?????? It's an end-game item. It takes a lot of risk to get it, and once you have it all it can do is let you glide. Yeah you can fly with rockets. But guess what? ROCKETS REQUIRE RESOURCES!!

The average player is not going to build massive paper and gunpowder farms in order to supply their endless flying needs! To the average player, once they get the elytra (if they even bother at all because a large amount of casual players don't even make it to the end IN THE FIRST PLACE) they are going to use it sparringly, because gunpowder is annoying to obtain organically, and paper takes a while to grow.


@felipequaresma4215 - 11.08.2024 01:22

i mean there are some improvements that could be done to exploration, like a overhaul to biome specific structures like the desert temple, or a touch up of the end, and some ideas he brings arent all that bad, minecart my beloved. but a lot of his takes dont make sense

@_tetak.777_ - 11.08.2024 12:36

I mean exploration is great but it can be better in many diffrent ways. It feel borning bc of limited amount of structures and fact that theres not really anthing intresting abpuy exploration in new updates. Id like to see something like pillager villages or smth like that so exploration is better and l not only 5 yrs old structures

@randomcat7246 - 11.08.2024 20:29

I actually disagree with the netherite upgrade thing. Don’t get me wrong, jet is a scammer and makes horrendous points. But saying that the Minecraft world is infinite as a justification for this is ridiculous. If I’m playing on said large server, I don’t want to travel 3000 blocks in the nether while the others on the server first were able to get their templates within a 500 block radius of the portal spawn. Not to mention the hardcore explorers that loot everything even perhaps thousands of blocks away. People can be competitive depending on the type of server, so it is definitely possible that you wont be able to trade for one. I think using vaults with keys inside the bastions would fix the problem entirely. so that every person can get an upgrade template from the closest bastion instead of disadvantaging some players.

@antynomity - 12.08.2024 15:28

I do think exploration is a bit flawed right now compared to old versions in that... Biome generation is very... Predictable. Thats my only real gripe, its pretty rare to see a desert near a snow biome compared to very old versions.

I played with a friend once and legitimately an area of 5k by 5k blocks around spawn were warm biomes ONLY.

@derpherp1810 - 17.08.2024 15:35

Here is how we fix elytra, instead of having rockets be so readily available for elytra fuel, players have to collect dragon's breath and fuse it with a rocket in order to have viable rocket fuel otherwise right clicking on a rocket mid air with elytra just causes it to explode and disable the elytra.

Also disable the ender dragon's ability to break blocks, or add new dragon arena structures in other parts of the end, so players can still build their nice end-spawn bases.

Further more for multiplayer, I think trial spawners should be a new feature in revamped minecraft structures and in the revamped end, after defeating a mini-boss of some kind players get an end city key which allows them to get a guaranteed elytra. Dungeons and Taverns knows what they are doing. Renewable sources for rare loot.

@someguyinazoo - 24.08.2024 17:14

Modern Minecraft fans when their SANDBOX GAME isn’t a rpg of terraria or Elden ring: 😭😭😭😫😫😫😫😫😫😫 wHeRs My VeRtIcAl PrOgReSiOn 😣😣😣🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

@_Decathect_ - 25.08.2024 01:33

Look man he’s just trying to feed his family

@aluxsatania5339 - 31.08.2024 17:42

Yooooooooooo RAINSHOWER

@RossLemon - 31.08.2024 19:43

I swear I detest players like JetStarfish. "This item isn't something to be used as armor or a weapon?!?!?! Useless!!!!! Decorative blocks????? What's that?"

@Volstx - 04.09.2024 01:59

The only problem with exploration is that theres nothing to see other than terrain and a few structures
