AWS Solutions Architect Professional: Your Guaranteed Pass - Step by Step!

AWS Solutions Architect Professional: Your Guaranteed Pass - Step by Step!

The Cloud Investor

1 год назад

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@Learn_IT_with_Azizul - 02.09.2023 15:24

Great 👍 please continue.. hands on… Ty

@seetsamolapo5600 - 06.10.2023 04:57

About to write the SAA CO3 soon? Would you advice to do this cert or the SysAdmin one first when the aim is to get a foot in ASAP?

@deepas - 27.12.2023 20:40

Thank you so much for this video. Very helpful.

@bonker27125 - 17.07.2024 09:00

as of now i am planning to do cloud practitioner and would like to do professional architect: can you please tell me which associate level i should do to achieve this ? associate developer ? or associate architect is enuff ?

@tejasdevgekar1154 - 17.07.2024 12:26

Hi @thecloudinvestor777, how long wdoes one take to clear it byinvesting an hour daily? 1 month? 3 months?

I think i'll plan the white papers quickly then try some mock exams, if the exams turn out bad will check course by stephen maerek or something like that.. wish me luck :)

@arsenalonlydabest - 12.08.2024 15:15

Thanks for your video it has been very helpful.Please what will you advice someone starting from scratch to becoming a cloud architect with zero knowledge of cloud computing. Should I do the practioner, then cloud associate and finally cloud professional? Or can I start with associate directly then move on to the professional. I have registered on cloud-guru which is now under plurasight and will have access to the materials there for almost one year. Do you see their materials as good enough to get me ready for all the exams and to gain hands on experience or what extras will you recommend.Also will it be impossible for me to go all the way to attaining the professional certification if I spend alot of time studying and practicing labs on cloud guru within 3 months? The book that you suggested for preparing for the cloud professional exam by Zeal vora was published in 2018. Will this not be a problem considering the fast pace of changes in the cloud or is there a revised version that is up to date for cloud in 2024. Thanks for your response in advance.

@kibaedwin - 01.03.2025 05:30

I just had my SAA 03, I look forward to take the professional in 4 months… hope it’s possible!
