The ONE THING You *NEED* on your College Application

The ONE THING You *NEED* on your College Application

Elise Pham

55 лет назад

35,756 Просмотров


During high school, I thought that joining a bunch of extracurriculars was what admissions officers wanted ⚽️🏊🏻‍♀️🎹🎨

I mean, the more the better…right? 🤔


When it comes to extracurriculars, quality matters more than quantity 🔑

And the highest-quality extracurriculars are typically PASSION-DRIVEN activities since they reflect values of initiative and service — qualities that colleges admire😉

So it’s important to understand the difference between COMPETITIVE and PASSION-DRIVEN EXTRACURRICULARS, which I explain in this video.

After receiving ZERO Ivy League rejections and now at the top 5% of my class at Harvard University, I realized that the college admission process is a level playing field as long as you have a GENUINE passion and the right mentor to guide you through the complex admissions process 🌟

I’ve since helped millions of students avoid the initial mistakes I made and secure acceptances into their dream schools 🏆📚

I want to help YOU.

So if you want all 13 of my free college admission guides + access to 5 courses from my flagship program, just DM me “MENTOR” to my Instagram @UltimateIvyLeagueGuide and I’ll send it to you:) ❤️

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