Why I Stopped Making YouTube Videos | Goodbye 2024

Why I Stopped Making YouTube Videos | Goodbye 2024

Jake McCollum

2 месяца назад

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@magamaga1827 - 02.01.2025 12:37

good lord you make me sick! i don't know who i despise more, you or austin augie. guess fucking what, people die in your life. it only gets worse the longer you live so get used to it. you're problem is you're a feable and week minded mother fucker and a fucking drug addict. fix yourself. jesus christ, 19 yr old kids were shipped off to germany to kill real life nazis in ww2 and you're bithing about your mental health. we're such a weak country with "kids" like you.

@NathalieNadeau-u7o - 02.01.2025 17:00

🎉 Happy New year 🎊 You have a good heart and He will show you!!

@madr1d3 - 02.01.2025 21:10

Hey jake I hear you like Japan i think there is a Channel you might like @Nomadpush lives on a moped scooter thank you for all the videos

@HectorFlores-tu9pn - 02.01.2025 21:27

Stay strong my brother this too shall pass peace 🕊️❤

@Sithslegion - 02.01.2025 23:12

as someone who started watching your channel years ago it wasn't the car living or gig work I enjoyed seeing it was the freedom and travel. seeing different areas to me was super interesting and seeing someone who isn't mega rich and being paid to be there was what I liked.

@bennelson4469 - 03.01.2025 01:50

Bro I was worried about you!

@cr4zy4christ - 03.01.2025 11:43

man you got this your vids have allways been good

@dbc.ash. - 03.01.2025 13:43

DBC..Daily Blessings Coming!
Thank You ALL for Everything, EVERYDAY!!
THE GOOD, The Bad, Happy & Sad. I BELIEVE EVERYTHING Happens for a Reason!

@daveraivo8468 - 03.01.2025 18:22

The fact that almost 10 k people have watched this video in a couple days should show you there are quite a few of us who absolutely relate and like you. Just catching up on what’s happening is awesome. Keep up the good fight my man.

@DankNissan - 03.01.2025 21:54

@robertdemko5608 - 04.01.2025 00:26

Nice video Jake 😊 glad to see an update how’s Houston?

@HighPorte - 04.01.2025 05:37

Jal NM cannabis. Gl OG.

@rickyglaser - 04.01.2025 21:14

wishing you the best bro

@MaxRoycroft - 04.01.2025 23:00

the new HEB on congress?

@jorgeanaya4393 - 05.01.2025 01:09

Yo don't over think what may or may not work, weather it's u living in a car or doing economy jobs or living in rich people's homes while taking care of their pets,,, subscribers who have been there from the beginning can say that they are here not just here because of those things but because of the person you are, that's why I'm atleast still here bro, just keep filming what ever comes to you at life bro, and I think thats what makes this channel special, it's going through the up and downs that not everyone has the balls to document and be real about, so keep up the good work my dude.

@davidcamacho3513 - 05.01.2025 02:51

Brian (Adventure Van Man), has been add it for about 10 years. As a nomad, he’s survived by working seasonal jobs. It’s allowed him to travel a lot. I’m sure his YT channel has helped some. Just a thought.

@gearslip8325 - 05.01.2025 04:41

I don’t want to sound harsh or atheist, but look at it this way God helps them who helps themselves… there really is no such thing as God’s way or God meant this to be . we are all individuals , and we all have our minds that if there is a God, he gave us of a mind to make choices.. I lived through the 2008 home crash , lost my home and depression is for me. I do not want to invest or get involved in another home or renting because I feel it’s not stable . although I have a full-time job and working , I’d rather live a van life. And hotels and crash at family, then to have all my money tied up in my mind thinking that any livable place is a stable place. And I’m OK with that. Maybe gather up some thoughts and change your life to what you think you would be most happy and comfortable with and go for it. Never give up the dream, but also look at reality. 🫶

@susanbredeken1559 - 06.01.2025 02:09

If you are doing gig app new one called papas pals. Help seniors with errands services. Some insurance companies are paying for the service through seniors benefits from the insurance company

@marytrachsel6693 - 07.01.2025 02:53

I was glad to see a new video from you. During this past year I have found your videos on meth addiction very helpful as I have come to terms with my adult son's meth-induced psychosis. I lived in Austin for 8 years during the 1980s. Hope you can endure that summer heat. Brutal, even back then.

@TonyTarantinoo - 09.01.2025 01:45


@Username-o5r - 10.01.2025 05:05

Atleast your sober bro 🙏

@BBYBEANN - 10.01.2025 18:50

You have 52 THOUSAND subs. You've done great, You're still doing great. Make an upload schedule, stay passionate. Find that fire again and I guarantee you that you will blow up. Go on adventures. You live a life that the working 9-5 man wishes he had. You lead an amazing life. Now it's up to you to make it as amazing as you want it to be. Get to work

@BBYBEANN - 10.01.2025 18:53

Look at Vancity van life, He's making thousands and thousands. He lives in a nice van, sure. But he's going on adventures and documenting everything. This is niche, But there is a market out there for it. Break out of your current routine and keep changing it until you find something that works, good luck man

@gianniclaud - 10.01.2025 19:53

I think you’re meant to be some kind of monk. Or at least a Krishna devotee, you seem very service to others oriented and obviously spiritual.

@areaeightythree2505 - 11.01.2025 06:25

I got a lot out of this. Thanks.

@GoldenEraBox1ng - 11.01.2025 07:10

How come you don't just make these vlogs bro? We love these types of videos where you talk about life. Seems like you'd barely even need to edit them. Would be cool to get like a weekly update vlog on how things are going for you

@gen6976 - 11.01.2025 22:13

Yes podcast!

@safetyfirst3132 - 12.01.2025 02:45

Jake! Miss you so much ❣️ Yes, journal vlog sounds great. Can you throw in the running and skating occasionally? Your edits are amazing and something I really miss about your videos. I know you can be a bit of a perfectionist and it's a lot of work (especially those running edits) so I don't want to ask too much. But pretty please? With sugar on top?
Good to see you again my friend. Hope to see you again soon.

@annieaviles4760 - 14.01.2025 04:57

I miss your videos Jake. I know you influence people positively. And help people want to be better. God bless you.

@annieaviles4760 - 14.01.2025 05:00

Just start sharing The Word of God. It’s what is needed more than anything right now.

@ericedwards12 - 16.01.2025 11:22

Keep going Jake

@Morennial83 - 18.01.2025 06:20

Hey Jake! Glad you made a video. Been wondering where you went. I can definitely relate to everything you’re saying. I had to give up my apt and leave the Austin area due to my job just not paying enough. It’s been a struggle getting a good paying job. I had to live in my car my last 2 weeks at my previous job. That’s not the first time I’ve lived out of my car though. Times are really hard these days. Praying for you! Praying we can get through this.

@Aznmf - 19.01.2025 23:10

Jake. Freedom is the ability to work when you want, how you want and for whom you want. Youre a single guy, no kids, no debt besides the prius. If you downsize the car, drive a car like your acura, you will be debt free.

@NCollins86 - 26.01.2025 18:51

Man i feel that "being stuck" comment. I'm 38. Just had to move back in with my parents after living in my car for 2 months. My lease was up on my apt and i just couldnt afford it anymore. Rent is ridiculous now anywhere you go. I understand the comfort of living out of your car, but right now in Ohio it's freezing (in the low teens) so not ideal. Journaling is my go-to when i need to vent, so I'm saving other ppl's ears haha. I enjoy seeing your journey. I still dont know what I wanna do with my life and that's okay. Listen to your heart because God will guide you the right path! and dont overthink too much about the content you put out. Clearly we all like u or we wouldn't be here! You're one of the real ones, Jake, and that's refreshing. Take care! GOD BLESS

@lorij9649 - 27.01.2025 20:03

Miss You. Now BREN P Grace is talking all good Stuff about YOU! You are his Role Model. Thanks for all you contributed.

@yovanamesias - 28.01.2025 00:30

I’m a new subscriber. God bless you. I found your channel today because of Bren P Grace.

@larrysalem35 - 30.01.2025 03:52

Blessings Jake!

@TheBrainBazaar - 31.01.2025 11:24

Hey man!! it’s great to see you post a video! I’ve been in a slump lately as well and god is the reason i’m able to get through it. I love your videos, and I would watch more daily blogs and your perspective on life!

@MyPalScout - 01.02.2025 09:30

I followed your channel because of you. I found your posts inspiring. I would appreciate updates of how you are doing. You can talk to us anytime you want. :)

@MrRWF2004 - 01.02.2025 11:37

If Jesus christ died for us, does the Christianity believe in Karma and transfer of Karma of one human being from another. If Jesus already taken the karma of the past, present and future human being's sins, why there is suffering in the world, why small children suffer and die of cancer and because some children are born in a country where there is war had to suffer for food, shelter everyday?

@bigpostie - 08.02.2025 09:45

Winter's coming to an end. Travel to one of the cheapest states like north/south dakota. Find a place man. This is what I'm thinking about doing. Cost of living in colorado springs is so bad and it's a struggle to find a job that pays liveable and doesn't destroy my body or car. I think life gets easier in cheaper states.

Edit: I just wanted to add some more. I've seen your videos a few times. I'm not doing great either right now. Before I start rambling paragraphs I just want to give you some advice. I think you should retire from car dwelling. But, continue to do it during a transitional phase. I want you to find the cheapest studio apartment and the least degrading long term employment that is maintainable with enough to save as well. I think your last stage of recovery includes rejoining society. You are not abnormal. I've talked to thousands of people online because I was basically raised by the internet. Drug addiction and trauma are the norm. People just hide it better than some. I can see it in your eyebrows when you talk that you hold on to frustration too much. Just totally let go of mistakes. Find a place and rejoin society fully. In a nice quiet low populated area. I find big cities unbareable... I hope we both figure our lives out and find meaning and some happiness along the way.

@charlesmorgan9706 - 08.02.2025 10:33

I'm an Uber Eats driver and giving a lot of thought to car life. My concern is keeping my car registered, how do you register your car without an address?

@dtt1805 - 20.02.2025 11:07

Jake! Thought about you today and was thrilled to see a video! Just wanted to say I like your videos because you're real with your journey. Yeah some things might be done by other people but other people aren't you and don't have your perspective. At this point your videos are like catching up with an old friend- the subject matter isn't really the point. But you do what works for you- we're here regardless. God Bless!

@alicemeyers7639 - 02.03.2025 01:08

Our purpose is to obey God and love Him. He will use us as He has planned before we were born. You have no doubt helped people. God has brought you closer to Him through your circumstances. He uses all things for the good for those who love Him. Keep trusting and walking the narrow path. ❤
