ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!! Cole Hocker UPSETS Matthew Centrowitz With EPIC FINISH!

ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!! Cole Hocker UPSETS Matthew Centrowitz With EPIC FINISH!

Total Running Productions

3 года назад

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@vernonfrance2974 - 25.05.2022 14:40

Hocker has been beaten many times since then. Centrowitz won an Olympic Gold Medal. I doubt if Hocker ever will.

@gilmartinez9244 - 07.08.2021 18:51

Jakob is on his way to winning two more Olympic 1500 meter gold metals in the future. He will be unstoppable for the next 8 years.

@fnnpere - 08.07.2021 01:28

Cole might've won, but his style is not as clean as Centro, just saying.

@Batman96925624 - 07.07.2021 16:04

Correction: Cole hocker is from INDIANA, but goes to college in Oregon. Dislike because I’m from Indiana

@spotteddogmemphis - 03.07.2021 12:45

You should give Kate Grace some love with her recent Diamond League win. It was a PB and the 8th fastest women’s 800m, all time.

@stefanpoulin1593 - 03.07.2021 11:45

He had no choice to push, he hadn't met the Olympic standard yet. Great finish but, the other two had already reached the standard.

@gbenz6494 - 03.07.2021 07:30


@BladeRunner-td8be - 03.07.2021 04:22

Hocker needlessly lives dangerously by running in crowds and getting boxed in. With speed like he has, why not immediately go to the front and then settle into 3rd or 4th position until he needs to make some type of move, depending on circumstances. If nobody wants the lead, and he has to be the frontman all the way, so be it; the slower the race, the better. Who is going to outkick him?

@hassanouanir3137 - 02.07.2021 07:01

This distance leave it to Kenyans. It will be interesting this summer

@jamesmarker3956 - 02.07.2021 05:31

Honestly, kind of sad Craig didn’t pull out top 3, was really rooting for him…

@theworldsmostinterestingma7592 - 02.07.2021 00:08


@caitlincaitlin4703 - 01.07.2021 15:10

cole will run them down in the last 200m.

@Angrylittleboys - 01.07.2021 11:54

Won't make the olympic final but he's probably already ticked off his goal with this race. With cheryiout and ingebrigtsen racing each other the Olympic final will be sub 3.28. Cole hasn't got that in him.

@mikephalen3162 - 01.07.2021 03:47

I haven't seen Cole Hocker up close, but it seems to me that he has a thicker torso than the average middle distance runner. He looks more like a soccer player than a classic Galen Rupp build.

@garywilliamson2511 - 01.07.2021 02:44

Actually, Cole was in a very good spot throughout the race. He immediately went to, and stayed, on the rail. Therefore he ran the shortest distance possible. I'm not an expert and did not spend a lot of time analyzing, but I bet that he ran at least 10M less distance than Centrowitz who was on the outside on turns several times. It is said that Lasse Viren ran 40M less distance than Steve Prefontaine in the 1972 Olympic 5000M because he was meticulous at staying on the rail during the turns.

@carlosolivares2405 - 01.07.2021 02:05

What was the final 100 run in though :/

@olotbesalu2258 - 01.07.2021 01:46

Well , that was Quite the commentary !! 🙄

@JL-ec1by - 30.06.2021 22:51

Centrowitz didn't look like he was straining. There's a big difference between 1st in Olympic trials and gold medal in Olympics.

@ebenburger111 - 30.06.2021 20:19


@OslerWannabe - 30.06.2021 15:11

God, Hocker is an odd runner. That had to be just about the least strategically intelligent race ever run by the eventual winner. But... his form! Ungainly, with his face to the sky, arms flapping wildly, head bobbing randomly. And the 1970s pony tail. He only lacks Argyle knee socks. You have to wonder just how fast he'd be without all the energy waste of integrating Afro-Caribbean dance moves into his running mechanics. I'd love to see that.

@DennisWilliams-nf2gn - 30.06.2021 05:48

Wow, USA looking very strong. Represented by every nationality thru out all the Olympic events. The only reason they don't win almost every event is only if they self destruct.

@trinidadrodriquez876 - 30.06.2021 05:34

I think the Norwegian kid is faster than hocker. The European has run 3.28 I think. And is also20 years old.

@spurtree1 - 30.06.2021 05:01

He might have won the race but he hasn't met the Olympic standards yet so he is not on the team.

@ConnorJazz - 29.06.2021 18:43

That finish was pure guts. Incredible!

@CaryKelly11 - 29.06.2021 18:27

Cole Hocker hushing the naysayers after he crossed the finish line was pretty savage.

@MrJpleb - 29.06.2021 17:58

I wish you wouldn't spoil race results with your titles. It means I can't follow your channel sadly

@stuartwilkie4887 - 29.06.2021 17:42

I finally subscribed after watching this. TRP has done a fantastic job of covering the American trials and astonishing up and coming runners from abroad. I hope to see more of this fantastic content. Cole isn't a beautiful runner but he really gets the job done. Lets hope he really hits top form going into the Olympics and really upsets the world MD order.

@seanikinz6248 - 29.06.2021 16:48

Cole Hocker's stride looks so messy when he sprints but it's so effective!

@ww2remembered983 - 29.06.2021 15:51

Golly Jeepers, Wally! What a kick this man has!!!

@munnikandy4154 - 29.06.2021 13:52

wait but Cole has not ran the olympics qualifying time has he?
it would be unfair if usa gets special treatment and he gets to go to the olympics

@selzerhexor - 29.06.2021 10:03

1500/5k/10k olympic this year gonna be awesome !

@Arpsie1 - 29.06.2021 09:44

I’m fast as fuck boii

@RyanPrentiss - 29.06.2021 09:39

Currently, Hocker's only chance is to win Olympic gold is to hope the field gifts him another slow pace, as he's yet to even meet the Olympic standard which is five seconds faster than his PR.

@JuJuHouse24 - 29.06.2021 08:19


@8931888 - 29.06.2021 08:15

Become a fan of the pocket blond rocket watching over the last year. Damn, to run 1500/5000/10000m killing it in all distance he is like some kinda race horse ( going twice the distance with his short legs and having to mostly run wider line around competitors) he must be exponentially fit.

@dabedwetter - 29.06.2021 07:22

Lol they say 108 is hot but it is like 120 here in arizona

@tarponmonkey39 - 29.06.2021 07:22

Poor Craig - going to miss seeing that Stash and Mullet combo at the games.

@andyrobinson8414 - 29.06.2021 06:48

Pricks had him boxed in! Doing what they could do to not let him win.

@anthonygargano1861 - 29.06.2021 06:12

That was legend and minus 2 seconds for the heat and send that young man to the Olympics!!

@jimboy659 - 29.06.2021 05:55

I wonder who is going to be doing more speed work ???

@rosecalderon2394 - 29.06.2021 05:27

Yup. Cole It's winning the Gold on this OLIMPICS

@billiefranklin2511 - 29.06.2021 05:12

he still hasnt run the required time to qualify for the olympics tho. he won, but centrowitz and nuguse are already going to tokyo and he still a "maybe"

@CoReOmega - 29.06.2021 05:06

Idk if hocker can make the team If he doesn't have the standard

@TAROTAI - 29.06.2021 03:36

"And, as always . . . until next time". So, let me get this straight - you know with absolute certainty that you will always be around next time ? That motto is sloppy-joe & has to go!

@justinludwig4186 - 29.06.2021 03:33

Cole hocker going for gold in Tokyo

@kosukemedia - 29.06.2021 03:28

He closed the last 100m in just over 12 seconds .. that’s ridiculous given that the pace wasn’t even that slow throughout the whole race

@timciccarelliciccarelli8583 - 29.06.2021 03:10

Yo Delilah, we all love you too as the lady from USC. I'm going to call you Miss C. This 400 meter hurdles team should sweep in Tokyo, and this could never jinx this squad. And Miss Little I am awful sorry about that glich. You, young lady, are already a champion.
