What about if a 2 and a half year old Rhoad Island Red hen lays eggs but they have no shells and are just eggy masses of moist material yet she seems healthy otherwise even when her diet is the 16% Dumor brand?
ОтветитьHell I can’t remember from yesterday much less a month ago!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьI found out today and it wasnt stress they came out with babys. 2 of my90 ch8ckens. Theyre loose on 10 acres😂😂😂😂 they usually lay in the coop but if theyre wanting to set they go under the barns. I keep my chickens to keep the bugs , flys, spiders and ticks down
ОтветитьI dont believe in molt any more. I started worming them once every year and a half with ivermectin only its the only wormer that really works. I sprinkle it over their feed . Itsthe cattle injectable but they cant overdue it so theres no matter how much they get. I figure about 5 drops per chicken. When i have done this now for 16 years ive neverhad any chicken molt not ever, no mites , no scaley leg either.
ОтветитьThe chicken feed is not what you think it is anymore. Theyre killing the animals off.
ОтветитьTo me water is the most important thing. I let my hose trickle barely all the time and theres no wet on the ground ,ive had it regulated perfect. If it gets cold like 20 below 0 then i turn the hose up a little
ОтветитьNo rooster
ОтветитьMy flock is only sex links because they usually are the highest egg producers. I was getting an egg per day from each hen then one decided to brood. That stopped the chickens from laying and getting a hen to stop brooding is next to impossible
The other thing is although I have 3 nesting boxes all of the chickens lay eggs in only one box. The other two boxes are empty.
Strange birds
Is your kid autistic
ОтветитьThank you
ОтветитьMy chicks had a rooster and when it was killed they actually produced more. Now it seems they aren't but now they are running over to my neighbors wall. I found two eggs in the bushes and now I have to go over there every day to see if they laid. They are not laying in the coop. I have one that runs into the baby coop and lays there every day. It is just weird trying to figure out what is happening. One was sick and now her neck looks bare. All the chicks are around 7 months old.
ОтветитьWinter and molting.. If I give mine higher protein when they're molting like millworms. When it's pretty well dark all day long.I put a light in the coop.During the day and turn it off at night
ОтветитьThank you for giving them a loving home. They’re fortunate to be part of your family.
ОтветитьWhen it was warmer, I usually found one or two eggs outside every week. Since it's gotten colder, they're laying inside, usually in the nesting boxes.
ОтветитьI intend for my chickens to raise their own babies, but I don't know how many can be trusted to set the nest for three weeks and raise the babies.
ОтветитьHow many eggs you get throughout the year also depends on the breed of chicken. Some breeds are known for 75-100 eggs per year, while others are known for up to 300 eggs per year. If you want higher egg production, raise breeds that are known to produce more.
ОтветитьNeither do we eat our hens, we just go to the grocery store to purchase chicken that we have no clue what they were fed.
ОтветитьIsa brown is the very best layings guaranteed ive had every kind of chicken there is im 91 yrs old have raised every kind of chicken my favorite is the isa brown I will never buy a different kind of chicken
ОтветитьI feed my chickens my left overs mean meat, rice, fresh fruit, oats and their own feed worms and other birds. All 34 of my chickens lay eggs everyday so many until I just give the eggs away
Ответитьi had a hen- our best egg producer die, for unknown reasons. story: i was going to check for eggs in their coop, a spacey one with a run outside and a secure wooden door leading to the run, a chicken wire door leading inside the coop (so a human could get in.) and 2 little milkcrates on the wall as nests, a bucket on the wall with those 2 milkcrates and another nest, and a little roost for them. i came in, and first thing i saw was that hen, laying on the floor right by the door, eyes open, but, i think, eyes droopy, and panting. i immediantly tell my family and we take her and give her water, because we thought it was dehydration. about 3-4 hours later they inform me she died. we still do NOT know what happened.
ОтветитьI thought my chicken coop was rat proof. I wasn't getting but one or two eggs a day sometimes none. I found a small hole on the backside of the coop. I sealed it up and got 5 eggs the next day.
Rats love eggs and once they figure out when to show up for them it's over.
Make sure your coop is rat proof. It may not be the chickens.
I don't name my chickens because they will because chicken noodles soup some day.
ОтветитьWell done video
ОтветитьTIP: Put some salt water in plastic soda bottles and float it in your water- it won't freeze.
Question: How much feed/day do you give the chickens? Also, how do you keep the squirrels from eating it?
YEAH I let one of my broody hens set on 3 eggs to hatch, feeling sorry for her. Now I got 3 extra roosters 🐓 😢
ОтветитьJets flying over triggers the instinct of poultry fearing aerial predator attacks. Maybe yours got used to the jets. For moulting, we always added a whey block. The last question we'd ask our customers is to listen: are your chickens crowing? Then, don't expect them to lay eggs.
Ответитьits 23 degrees and im getting about 5-8 eggs a day in Alaska
ОтветитьLove the way you love your Chickens.
ОтветитьWhere did you get your nesting boxes
ОтветитьI never fed my chickens. They were free range, they mostly stayed in the yard but sometimes (rarely) they would visit the neighborhood
ОтветитьIn other words,,you don't have a clue
ОтветитьI tell my chickens 1 egg a day or you get the ax😢😅
ОтветитьI use dual purpose after a year or two most go to freezer . Get new ones
ОтветитьAlso I use portable coops
ОтветитьI would be happy to get a breeding hen, get her a rooster!
ОтветитьWhen winter hits we use thrift store crockpots on low, no freezing water.
ОтветитьThey could be molting
ОтветитьHeat lamp in my coop helped them start laying again.
ОтветитьLet them have a break. They're not machines.
ОтветитьI made a nice roll away nest. They stopped laying eggs. Not only that, a new chicken likes to roost and poop there.
I put a small cage in the coop to introduce new chickens or break chickens' habits. I put them in for a week or less.
Ya but even if im sick i get my period! 😭
ОтветитьLove chickens. People do not realize it, but chickens are really smart.
ОтветитьYou could possibly use an aquarium heater to keep water from freezing.
ОтветитьIn other words, anything can stop them from laying?
ОтветитьI had one get broody .but luckily only for about 3 or 4 days
Ответитьwe went to water soaking the feed because the feed we were using had such a high amount of hard kernels, then we found a feed where all the hard pieces were broken up and our eggs doubled in a week
ОтветитьIn Australia, I don't seem to be able to find oyster shells. And why doesn't my chicken like any sorts of pellets or crumble? I can't get them to wat it ever.. But they do have complete free range of the whole back yard which is really big, with lots of trees and shrubs etc. I don't even close their pen door at night because i don't need to, no dogs, or any predators can basically get into my yard, and I'm just continuing what was here already, the chickens were here before i moved in, as it's a rental from a friend, and they've always been free range and taking themselves to bed etc without me ever closing that pen door. They get a lot of bugs etc and I supplement with grains and where i can find grains with shell grit.. also give them a small handful of meal worms each day, i can't find black fly larvae here in au, at least not anywhere near where i live. But I am noticing that the eggs are a bit easy to break the last few weeks so I'm wondering how to correct this. I know i now have to get more grit, and try to find oyster grit.