Life in East Germany | Animated History

Life in East Germany | Animated History

The Armchair Historian

55 лет назад

2,168,104 Просмотров

After World War II, the Soviet Union transformed their occupied zone in Germany into the German Democratic Republic. One of the many communist states in the Eastern Bloc, East Germany developed a unique culture that defined itself in opposition to the West. In this video, we explore what life was like for the people of East Germany under communist rule.

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Kopstein, Jeffrey. "Chipping Away at the State: Workers' Resistance and the Demise of East Germany." World Politics 48, no. 3 (1996): 391-423.

Hodgin, Nick, and Caroline Pearce, eds. The GDR Remembered: Representations of the East German State since 1989. Rochester, New York: Boydell & Brewer, 2011.

Vilasi, Antonella Colonna (9 March 2015). The History of the Stasi. AuthorHouse

Armchair Historian Theme by Zach Heyde
Byror by Hampus Naeselius
Call of Duty World at War Heart of the Reich
Covert Affairs by Christoffer Moe Ditlevsen
Sentlent by Gavin Luke
Covert Affairs by Christoffer Moe Ditlevsen
Deyja by Hampus Naesellus


#East_Germany #The_Cold_War #Call_of_Duty_Cold_War #Cold_War_History #Communist_Germany #Soviet_Occupation_Germany #Soviet_Union_Second_World_War #The_Berlin_Wall #Fall_of_Berlin_Wall #West_Germany #Bonn_Republic #German_Democratic_Republic #The_Vietnam_War #The_Korean_War #How_was_germany_divided_after_ww2? #what_happened_after_ww2 #history_of_communism #the_eastern_bloc #uprising_of_1953 #Walter_Ulbricht #The_GDR
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