5 Things You Should NEVER Do to a New Tattoo ‍️

5 Things You Should NEVER Do to a New Tattoo ‍️

Sorry Mom Tattoo

1 год назад

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@Mr_Bawon - 01.05.2023 20:33

good video

@officialjaytakeflight4794 - 20.06.2023 08:58

when is a new tattoo “completely” healed ?

@solidbudz8602 - 17.09.2023 21:32

I just tattooed myself last night

@G4MBIT - 10.10.2023 13:15

Is it ok to workout after 48 hours?

@loverain99ph - 04.11.2023 11:37

Hi I just got my new tattoos and the skin around one of them on my shoulder looks yellow (others are fine), what should I do? Is this infected?
Or is this because my sensitive skin?

@6Iack - 27.04.2024 16:24

When can I go outside with sunlight ?

@merdimukenge1786 - 05.05.2024 14:33

Maaan I just swam 💀

@Trippyboho - 24.06.2024 04:36

I literally work outside so the next day my tattoo was automatically exposed b/c I work at an adventure park but I made sure to wash it 3 times while at work with antibacterial soap & applied Aquaphor so hopefully I don't ruin my hand/wrist tattoo 😭🙏🏽 Any advice I'll take, my tattoo is was also done with red ink.
