Where are the photos of the men down the mines, in the foundrys, on the construction sites?
ОтветитьHappy people before Russian marxism came to make people dumb 😂...
ОтветитьI think this period of dress was just the right amount of class to practicality ratio.
Earlier too Victorian and later too plain.
Loved the pictures, a window into people’s lives who we will never know.
Make America White again 😁. Great video. God bless the great White European race 👌🙏😇
ОтветитьGirls were so beautiful back then!
ОтветитьAmazing colorization job!
ОтветитьImagine, drinking fountains instead of plastic water bottles. How simple and quaint.
ОтветитьLife was so much simpler back then . Everything was black and white, good or bad, right or wrong. People, by and large, believed in God, followed his biblical principles, worked, studied, went to church, were respectful and polite to everyone, did the right thing, had backyard socials and barbecues with their neighbours….Then came the hippie movement, the sexual revolution, feminism, the homosexual explosion, the trans movement….Everything went to hell in a hurry. So utterly sad. God help us. 😢
ОтветитьJust shows what eating American invented fast food has done for the world. They’d all be 3 time the size these days.
Ответитьkill the music
Ответитьbefore the great degeneration
Ответитьpainful to watch and compare with USA today..
ОтветитьUSA today is barbaric
ОтветитьIts amazing how you show two decades of US history in photos and managed ro jotinclude a eingle ohoto of goloured people fascinating
ОтветитьBack when Women were women and Men were men.
ОтветитьThe colorization looks atrocious.
ОтветитьBeing overweight wasn't an issue in those days. There is a lesson to be learned.
ОтветитьEveryone looked fit.
ОтветитьNo Jeans, no Tees. The clothes were much more classic and elegant. Also, people looked much slimmer and healthier.
Ответить"Colorized" photos? You know, color film WAS available back into the 1920's......
ОтветитьAmericans have gained 1 pound a year from then to now. Do those clothes sizes even exist anymore?
ОтветитьEven the people in skid row dressed better than most today. And a fat Person was a rarity.
ОтветитьKid eating the dirt 😂
ОтветитьDon't feel too sorry for these depression era people, they went on to the west coast and bought that real estate for pennies on the dollar in California when things improved and made fortunes. I knew a few with that story.
ОтветитьNot too many fat people eh? This was before the days of fast food and slick TV advertising, the combination that turned most Americans into lazy, fat slobs.
ОтветитьIf only those people could see how terrible things have gotten.
ОтветитьI didn't see any gang grafitti at all in any of those photos.
ОтветитьThe woman "Waiting for a train, 1943" is obviously highly stressed being harassed by those pathetic attendants - because she is alone traveling with child at that time.
ОтветитьNot one overweight person in the photos.
ОтветитьWhat's the name of the second piece of music?
ОтветитьI love how women looked back then.
Ответить"Oxley's drug store, that her family ran for over 200 years" I don't think so.
ОтветитьLook how much healthier people looked back then! Politicians who allowed our food supply to become so processed and toxic should be held to account.
Ответитьwhen America was all white it was too boring apparently so they had to diversified her now it looks like shit
ОтветитьLike they were taken 3 days ago.
ОтветитьNotice how NO ONE is obese. Hooray! Well, these pictures were taken about 20 years before I was born. I was born in one of those sleepy-never-changes farm towns out there in the middle of the USA in the late 1950s. So basically I was raised by the people in these photos and we still shopped on the same streets in the same stores. It really doesn't take any imagination power at all for me to animate these photos in my mind. Society changes. Human nature does not. Despite our obvious weaknesses I still like humans. 🙂
ОтветитьThis made me sad, knowing that the vast majority of these people are dead,the music was good too
ОтветитьAh, the good old days. Nazis invading Europe. 6mil dying in concentration camps. 60+million dying in War. Segregation still strong in the South where people were still lynched for being the wrong color. Women not allowed to have their own bank accounts or credit cards if they were married. No polio vaccine and small pox was still around. Up to 25% unemployment during the Great Depression.
BUT everyone dressed so fashionably! The world was a better place because they dressed nicely and lived on Main St. in small town America.
The music sucks.
ОтветитьTo see the resolve of these people like my parents born of Italian immigrants went through depression war rebuilding a nation and look at what our nation has become and a generation called Z the symbol of degrading society morons zombified by the education they received. Fodder for the strong who will eat them alive as the fight over pronouns and dress as clowns.
Ответить@:27 the girl dancing has 1 skinny and 1 fat leg.
Makes me wonder how retouched these photos are.
very good selection, but the photos of all channels are the same, someone adds some inserts to somehow unique their videos, but it still does not improve the photo itself ((
ОтветитьLook how clean the cities were back then! Wonder why they are such trash now???
ОтветитьLove the music
ОтветитьI get the strong feeling the written narratives for at least 99% of these photos are completely made up.
ОтветитьWow, colorizing these pictures makes them seem so much more lifelike.
ОтветитьAnd those present day morons want we believe that past was terrible and today is great…..we live in middle of slowly global destruction
Ответитьtake me back please