Your pitch variation doesn't make you sound like a woman, It makes you sound like a Göteborgare.
Which is still not good.
Your deceent
ОтветитьAt swedish
ОтветитьDet gör vi
ОтветитьLove the Sox hat! You a fan? :)
ОтветитьWith the example you showed about "min broder" and "min bröder" is quite hilarious of the difference, if we also disregard the grammatical error (min/mina)
ОтветитьWe Swedes are good at hearing dialectal differences, a way to determine differences between us and them. Therefore, it is easy to determine whether you, as an English speaker, are from Sydney, Liverpool or Houston. And yes, we understand when someone says "dick" about "deck" on a boat, that they are from New Zealand...
ОтветитьSweden is positive
ОтветитьPro tip, for more pitch accent (or accent I general) go to the west of Sweden. The closer to Norway, the more you get.
ОтветитьAs a Native swede i agree with the statement "To learn swedish all you nedd is patiance, time and SVT Play,"
How do i know this
Its baisicly just SVT Children channel
(Dont bully my gramar pls)
I'm sorry, but the yelling at the beginning reminds me of Squidward yelling "Ja, men den har är GRRRATIS!" in that episode where he throws a pizza in a customer's face 😂
ОтветитьI think maybe the more conservative idea of what "woke" means, isn't perfectly appliable to Swedish culture. Swedes are generally more egalitarian, concerned with fairness and consensus, while also being one of the most secular and individualist countries in the world. This means our society often will tend to policies seen as progressive. But the american idea of being "woke" is now completely absobed into the culture war and identity politics, which just doesn't look the same in Sweden, we don't think about these things from the same point of view as people in the US or Australia. I think the fact that we are a thoroughly secular society is a very important factor when it comes to which values we base our politics on.
ОтветитьWhat is the app you use for audio books
ОтветитьBelieve in Jesus Christ, trust in Him for your eternal salvation and repent of your sins!
ОтветитьWhat I do is talk and not care about if a Swede wants to leave. They are to polite to tell you to shut up. Just talk like it is your last day
ОтветитьAs a Dutch guy learning Swedish, this video was really helpful and fun to watch!
ОтветитьNerver thought about that, but I belive you are correct, women speak Swedish with more pitch variation than men!
I am male, but I belive I have an inordinate amount of pitch variation, so I guess I sound a bit female 😅
guitar and piano analogy works until the 99th percentile of players IMO, good vid
ОтветитьHilarious that you notice that your pitch was a bit feminine, I could not for the life of me figure it out before you said it yourself. I love that you highlight so much of our language that we in fact are unable to explain sometimes.
ОтветитьIs swedish much easier than german,or not
ОтветитьI've had that funny experience encountering Swedes, since I started learning a few months ago: two of my colleagues (at a very small charity) are Swedish, and on a day trip recently in rural England, I happened to be standing near a group of Swedes in a tiny shop 😂 It comes in handy to see how much you understand!
ОтветитьYour panda buddy needs friends and not left on top of the TV.
ОтветитьTry Finnish-swedish.
Ответитьif you're using svt for learning swedish then i have two words for you Grammatik Bolaget. keep in mind that you still need to know basic swedish to get what they're saying but it's really good for honing the craft
ОтветитьYttrandefrihet är en grej.
ОтветитьBara en sak den här grammatiken kommer döda mig låter lite konstigt det är rett inga problem och det flesta kommer inte tro något men det är mer normalt att den här grammatiken kommer ta livet av mig men där säkert bara jag
ОтветитьInte bara du har trot norska är svenska på yt har jag set vids av norska och trodd det va svenska men jag är svensk
Ответитьas a swede, i can confirm that the jokes here are not woke, but can be th opposite at times. This is because most people have high leniency for jokes and banter in sweden, so everyone is ok with making jokes about almost anything. (as long as it's a joke)
ОтветитьI was ready to comment your good pronounsing, than you start to talk about a difference between male and female Swedish speakers. So intressting, I've never thought about it. Maybe it was why I liked your pronounsing (the pitch) as I'm a Swedish women 😂.
Och jag vet inte varför jag skriver på engelska när du kan svenska 😮.
Swedes love travel. I use my Swedish virtually everywhere I go. Obscure town in Hawaii? Check. A day into a long hike in Tasmania? Check. Tiny roadside cafe in NZ? Check. Dozens of restaurants and coffee shops all over the USA. Alltid nån att öva språket med.
ОтветитьTumme upp för Dips referensen. Roligaste som någonsin skapats på svensk tv. 👍
ОтветитьAbout the wokeness. Sweden are one generation ahead the rest of the world, so the progressive part of wokeness is not so aggressive, because it doesn't have to be. It is more mature.
For example, women does not except men to pay for the date. The gender equality has sinked in a lot more than the rest of the world. It is not a "thing" anymore. Women don't get custody money after a divorce and they do not automatically get custody of the kids. The default is 50-50.
The same about racial issues, LBQT and treatment of disable people. However, to be misonigyst or racist for real is social suicide, because it is more like a norm already. Racism is also more subtle, like hidden under the table, it do exists. What people will say about arabs after a few drinks around friends are sometimes jaw dropping....
The comedy is much more edgy, but it has always been like that. Swedish comedy can be quite brutal. Nordic humor is quite dark, compared to the rest of the west. But the boarders have been set on what is allowed for some time now. We have already had the fights the rest of the world is having now.
Also Swedish morals and behavior differs immensely between the private life and the public life. Swedes show one face in public, expressing political correctness like wedding wows, but privately they are often more conservative than the rest of the west. There are a lot of hidden anti wokeness stirring under the surface. Swedes are very afraid about losing face in public...
To be honest, the keyboard part isn't THAT easy as a German. I'm constantly switching because I need my ü, which is being turned into an å in the other layout. But it also reverses y and z, as well as all of the extra symbols !"§$%&/()=?+# which I can never find with the swedish layout. It's quite annoying! Haven't found a way yet to just make a shortcut that turns alt+ü into å. Å is the only letter I'm missing.
ОтветитьPronunciation is better learned by listening than by speaking; it's like with music: you get to be a better musician more by listening than by playing :-)
ОтветитьInföding här, hade inte tänkt på skillnaden i tonart mellan män och kvinnor, fick också tänka till en extra gång då jag var nära att skriva den här kommentaren på engelska.
En svårighet med uttal är också relativt stora regionala skillnader.
As an Irishman, I learned Scanian
ОтветитьThe SVT Play tip is excellent. A great way to learn a new language is to watch something in a language you understand while reading subtitles in a language you don't (or vice versa). I'm Swedish but spoke fluent English by age 7 because of all the American movies on TV, and as an adult I found it just as helpful for learning both German and Spanish.
ОтветитьI think the switching to English to sound less serious is very common for a lot of languages with speakers that still know English well. English just doesn't carry the same "weight" so it can be used to soften/lighten up speech (like how people have an easier time talking about their feelings in a foreign language)
ОтветитьJag tycker ditt uttal är jättebra! Du har lämnat den fällan som engelsktalande hamnar i med ”au”-ljudet som hela tiden spökar. Bra jobbat!
ОтветитьI find it really funny how the resources for learning swedish you recommend (audiobooks, children’s media, tv) are the reverse of how I, a swedish native, got so good at english
ОтветитьYep! Although Swedes are not that many people, they are spread far and wide across the globe. I literally have relatives on every continent except Antarctica. 😂
ОтветитьAs a Swede living in the US for 35+ years, I still don't have a Swedish keyboard.... Just use A and O....
ОтветитьGo Whitesox! Liked the video- thanks!