Liv Morgan The Ultimate Target of Rhea's Fury!

Liv Morgan The Ultimate Target of Rhea's Fury!


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@ninagreen8228 - 29.08.2024 21:28

Nah liv not the bad guy she got her revenge all is ok when she get her get back

@SadafPopal-b5m - 01.09.2024 00:59

No no liv is she’s trying to take someone that’s already in a relationship I think you’re the one that’s wrong

@trking1976 - 01.09.2024 03:36

Agreed. Ripley was always the villain in this triangle. Rhea has been screwing over Liv since '22. I've always said that Liv's Revenge Tour was completely justified.

@josepovares4563 - 02.09.2024 01:35

Agreed Rhea is actually the true villain because I have watched WWE for a very long time and I have seen has treated Liv and Dom 2 years a go and Rhea actually injured Liv Morgan last year then the night after WrestleMania Liv Morgan gave Rhea the karma she deserves some fans might not know about this because they are fans of Rhea so Liv Morgan and Dominik Mysterio are actually the victims and Rhea is actually the villain of this story.
