47% of Americans Have LOST Their F***ing MINDS

47% of Americans Have LOST Their F***ing MINDS

The Humanist Report

3 недели назад

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@jonathanplooij3666 - 07.11.2024 15:33

I did not know things were this bad in america

@henrikejekel2247 - 07.11.2024 18:45

Christians who are in favor of puting people into camps... No words, just....how are you Christian exactly?

@kitastro - 07.11.2024 18:46

I think this is the wrong approach. Democracy ONLY works when you have an informed and educated population

@KohniHart - 07.11.2024 20:08

as a european where immigrants DO cause problems, a LOT, I am not sure if my situation is comparable, but it helps me understand

@CharliReef - 07.11.2024 21:27

I don't doubt the law will try to deport documented immigrants too, hiding evidence, finding loopholes. I'm afraid for my friends

@Rezn8d0utlaw - 07.11.2024 21:33

C’mon…they ARE stupid and gullible

@CharliReef - 07.11.2024 21:34

I'm gonna send this to my conservative friend, wish me luck

@_zaaphiel - 07.11.2024 21:57

Starting off by calling your opponents brainwashed 😂

@kloatlanta - 07.11.2024 22:26

We’ve lost our humanity as a country…if we even had it

@Wol333 - 07.11.2024 22:48

Why would you ever believe people are rational?

@jhjffjfjkddf - 07.11.2024 23:20

my little sister's baby sitter was columbian. (i say was because we don't work with her anymore, just couldn't afford her. she was great)
she got into america legally, did the paperwork, waited years to get here. trump's election makes me worry about people like her. she's a babysitter, making ends meet. she doesn't smuggle drugs, she doesn't rape other american citizens, she isn't eating cats and dogs in ohio. and yet the people who said yes in this survey would send her to a camp. i'm white, i was born in america, and shit like this makes me scared.

@M.2000-v2g - 08.11.2024 00:00

Trump's propaganda has deeply effected people

@alaxt.6215 - 08.11.2024 00:43


@aicram62 - 08.11.2024 01:44

Californians need to move to the south east.

@ska187 - 08.11.2024 02:48

LMAO this sounds more like a poll for Israelis than Americans. Then again, Americans already live in a fascist state well before Trump was a thing. The average American cant read or write well so how am I not surprised. This is the same country that has Guantanamo open. Just a reminder that liberals like yourself are more likely to side with fascists than lefties. Just look at Weimar Germany for a real example

@ska187 - 08.11.2024 03:01

Since you are a student of history, you would know that Americans are no stranger to using concentration camps. They used them in the Filipino American war. So why are you surprised? This is why liberals especially poli sci folk are so weak. You are shocked that the country you reside in is not the beacon of hope you thought it was when it never was that in the first place

@Dudebro7678 - 08.11.2024 03:22

its so joever for my country

@Loenod - 08.11.2024 03:40

The most ironic part about this is that this nation was literally BORN out of immigrants. We are not "native" to this land in the sense that the English are native to theirs. Our ancestors had to come across a whole ass OCEAN to get here.

@thecozyintrovert - 08.11.2024 05:46

Watching this after the election hits hard 🥹

@aguspuig6615 - 08.11.2024 06:23

Its incredible how you can come across as a dishonest person even when youre mostly correct. This is like when in 2016 i found myself agreeing with alot of Sargun of Akkad types on their european immigration takes, yet i could still tell they were not good people.

Idk what to tell you bro, soy ass mfs like you are what got Trump elected just out of being so unlikable, deadass. Im not even an american, and if i was id vote for Kamala everytime over Trump, but the left is so fucking gross that they made Trump look good in comparison.

Reminder that Bernie wouldve run for president if the online breadtube crowd didnt openly support him and made him look like a terrorist by asociation. I fucking swear, your whole speech is invalidated when you say ''this is the natural consequence of capitalism'' you can only think trough your ideological/religious mindset and its fucking pathetic

@Khazorin - 08.11.2024 11:55

It's not 47% of Americans, its +/- 2500 people. Still f*cked up, but saying half the country supports this is a heavy overexeggeration

@marshall_zhukov - 08.11.2024 12:54


@GnosticAtheist - 08.11.2024 16:23

And now its gonna happen. 47% is a lie by the way, thats just the people who say it out loud. I think you can say around 60% support genocide, although most would prefer it if they dont know the details.

This isnt just Americans btw, its basic primate psychology. As long as the "problem" goes away, most people dont care how it was done, as long as they dont have to find out, because rationalizing it is painful and time-consuming for the individual. If that happens, they will do as the Germans did after WW2, and pretend they where against it all along ("If we just knew" scripting). The problem here is that the so-called kinder more empathic people just dont know what the "beast" within is, much like religious people, so they cant see the truth. Either they have had a sheltered nice life, or they have experienced harsh abuse that strenghtened their empathy, blinding them to the reality that everyone is playing pretend.

@whitewall2253 - 08.11.2024 17:11

Economists and Political Scientists are wrong and have always been wrong. HUMANS ARE NOT RATIONAL ACTORS.

@lamontrucker9580 - 08.11.2024 19:08

Yep the cult have you been to a Trump rally

@orbitaloutcast9878 - 08.11.2024 19:22

My friends, the brand new world we're in right now, might be terrifying, but the years upon years of pain under a fascistic dictatorship is exactly what America needs. The weak and fragile will die, only the strongest will perceviere. Those who are smart and intelligent, those who have love and pride in their hearts, those with reason and ambition for a brighter future will see through this. And together they'll rebuild America, brick by brick, head by torso, arm by arm, leg by leg. Like an ouroboros, the America we see now will eventually eat itself. And what remains, will be fertile land for a new kingdom. A new people. Darkage before the golden age.

@4terrascorned - 08.11.2024 19:31

Roughly 18% of human beings are sociopaths. I have no doubt that most if not all sociopaths are predisposed to conservative political and economic ideology.

We are a sick addled and deluded society.

Addicts and junkies wallowing in the induced psychosis that comes from treating lieing thieving cheating cowardly amoral self dealing self serving failures as ligitimate and equivalent

@ralphotero8532 - 08.11.2024 19:54

America the beautiful has become America the moronic . This is what happened when the American elites decided to dumb down education. An uneducated public is easier to exploit. They thought that they themselves wouldn't be affected by this, but they were wrong. Today's America is not only moronic . It is also incompetent. However, this is not something that is happening only in the USA. It's also happening in all the countries that are part of N A. T.O . Misery loves company. Adrianna Huffington predicted 20 years ago that The United States would be a third world country in 20 years. she was right. If this is any consolation, we can say that England is more of a third world country than we are. However, we must not despair. America went through a depression after 1929 and we overcame it. Maybe, we'll be able to do this again. Our country is like a child that has gone awry, but we love that child all the same.

@Joshsalt - 08.11.2024 20:22

Yeah why can't the right understand that corporations need cheap labor that Americans don't want to do

@parcirecords - 09.11.2024 05:00

if you look at history .. it is fear that rules the people the most..
that 47 % feels they need too put illegal immigrants in camps.. is weird .. yes it is but think about how fast they put japanese people in camps or what they did with possible moslim terrorists.. it isn't that weird.
USA is going into a dark Era .. but that isn't as shocking either, the writing was on the wall with Bush jr .. because if you see what is happing in Europe it is the same BS more right wing parties that are winning or even extremes that get more than a voice.. but it the circle of it all still not that weird or shocking!! just the same old same old!

@DefianceCrow-ji1rr - 09.11.2024 15:59

Most people have a problem with accepting responsibility for their own failures in life, so they must blame someone else. These people can't admit that their life sucks because of their own poor decisions.

@tz-b5309 - 09.11.2024 18:27

I fear for this world

@youkofoxy - 09.11.2024 23:11

You just suffering from the curse of knowledge.
You know is unethical and bad, and immoral.
Do they know?
Do they even know what a Militarized camp is or how it works? Do they do they?

To me that is just ignorance combined with a dose of "I can agree with the first solution I am given"
There are still the possibility they just do not care about others.
Does that make them bad? you judge.

@AtomicApple-lk9gm - 10.11.2024 00:41

Too small of a sample size to even be accurate.

@rage8631 - 10.11.2024 00:56

I agree but with camps its more a thing of naming if you called them concentration camps I suppose result would be better but still 🫣🫣

@BitTheByte - 10.11.2024 02:02

Without introspection you will not learn the lessons needed to make a successful 2028 comeback.

Point the fingers and whoever you want. Some point at Joe Biden, some point at Kamala, some point at the voters, but maybe it’s time step back, and consider perhaps you don’t have it 100% correct. Maybe there is something you are doing wrong.

The more certain you are 100% right and there is nothing you can improve, the more likely you have failings you are refusing to see.

@datnoobbee8576 - 10.11.2024 07:08

Why am I not even surprised that America could be the next Nazi Germany... I can't even put any more of my thoughts into words because of how deplorable this study is. What a fucked up world

@andreasgabriel8268 - 10.11.2024 13:57

You're so right. Sadly.
It's the same here in Europe and in Asia. People getting more racist, xenophobe and narrow minded.

I'm so tired...

@Marcelini1989 - 10.11.2024 20:02

The "rational actor" principle was abolished in (sane) economics decades ago... maybe it's time to do this at last in political science as well?

@TheScottishBOLSHEVIK - 11.11.2024 00:02

America is not a democracy whenever 50 percent of the country does not even vote and knows the system on atleast a very basic, ignorant none bias prospective fails them.

Ask your self regardless of your ideology, Why do you think suddenly millions filled stadiums with anticipation to support Bernie Sanders?


He offered a new voice despite it being stolen and watered-down polices from the green party's election manifesto's to work within the democratic party's fascist-ethos.

Let alone the electoral college can act on the upper class's interests or even their own. Democracy is when people control the government. Not when people are dished yup ballot papers with 2 candidates to stimulate an illusions yet the people who actually are reasonable for moderation of people's vote's litterlay have the power to ignore 80 percent of voters on both sides and do what they want.

@RobertA-hq3vz - 11.11.2024 00:48

You don't need a degree to see Americans are messed up. The real question is how did this happen, and what can you do about it.

@Selatapey - 11.11.2024 10:48

We need a reformed democracy where below [x] intelligence your vote counts as half because dumb people are ruining democracy, not just in America but around the world

@littlestbroccoli - 11.11.2024 10:51

It always goes the same fking way. Dumb people + fear = "Blame the Immigrants!!"

@sadekrahman9598 - 12.11.2024 05:03

I too am a student in Political Science and Public Admin, and i'm very shocked by the US elections. Also, Why would a criminal like Donald Trump elected as President of the United States???

@sadekrahman9598 - 12.11.2024 05:05

America is nation of immigrants is it not? How can thse same people hate other imigrants???

@sadekrahman9598 - 12.11.2024 05:12

i'm sorry dude but your country is pretty fucked up...

@TheBlackPanther05 - 23.10.2024 23:43

Every day my faith in humanity decreases considerably, and its precisely because of shit like this.
