"Distortion" - Dark Hip Hop Beat | Free Hip Hop Rap Instrumental Music 2017 | Whity #Instrumentals

"Distortion" - Dark Hip Hop Beat | Free Hip Hop Rap Instrumental Music 2017 | Whity #Instrumentals


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@OneOfTheUnknown - 20.02.2025 22:05

Bro can i get a pass i can send you a demo it will slapp with crazy wordplay frfr. Get at me bro

@OneOfTheUnknown - 20.02.2025 21:54

Bro I absolutely love this! I can use this on Tiktok without getting muted too! Awesome

@shaquonalleyne9446 - 01.02.2025 22:23

Hi, can i use this for free for my upcoming track only to post on yt

@MokshalaThanujani-vc1pw - 10.01.2025 22:13

Best i need this love u brother Whity 🎉

@hasanaufa179 - 08.01.2025 18:33

Aufa⚔️🛡️: one roll smash, in the sky, malah ketemu bang sky, Mentang sudah jadi Raja kau pemenang VRB, layak langkahi Rimaku, Kubuangkan ke asal mu, Pendekar langit Bodoh, i Punch You from to the sky, Your the Rhyme i will pick off back in Tree Oven.
Sky Ranger♂️☁️: elu kira elu hebat bisa menantang gitu aja, ku pendekar langit will just the slice, kau terbelah the last of Peace, balas beat saja kau meleset well be on the Tracking is come true, Go the Lime be not to Rhyme.
Aufa⚔️🛡️: kamu bilang bisa datang, gue nya Haha in elu, Tracking itu sebuah dari kata-kata dari akulah, sudah beta jadi Raja tapi kok main nya sombong, My flow to getting we so long, i will Catching true be the song. Meraba mu masih payah, Diss lama mu kau TINGALAH, mari jungkir kalo kau bisa apa!
Sky Ranger♂️☁️: skill seperti perosotan, udah kusut kayak debu, elo nyuruh gue tinggal, like a my diss not to the fish, cuma geleng pala doang, tapi ujungnya spontan, mah kluar jelas lawan dulu si sniper, tapi kau macam-macam dengan si Power Ranger.
Aufa⚔️🛡️: Menembak~ meleset~ baru gitu belom saja bisa, katanya pendekar langit, Masuk pertempuran Sengit, Awas nanti elu sakit, Rima flow kubasi kubakal GESIT, BUKA SINI MATA SIPIT.
Sky Ranger♂️☁️: Harakiri Tadaima, selamat makan lu melontar, dalam tembakan diriku, tangkis Pedang klo bisa, Wheeler the shooter on deeping Lightning ON the Club be Faster, aku Sky siap tuk menggugurmu, Main bacok sini ku TEKUK..

@dzuzr - 06.01.2025 13:57

I love this beat. Here's 4 verses:

Yo, I'm zoning, mowing the competition
They XY axis, I'm zero turn kicking asses
They smoking grasses, I'm making advances
they scratching surfaces, I shift plates beneath us

Focus turns beam to magma, test levels above viagra
I'm making plasma, psychopath welder full throttle
Watch the bridges wobble, the support columns hollow
Better Call National Geographic, running damage

I'm a trained savage, well far above the average
Ahead of the curve, swerving my car over the curb
Come out smelling like a rose every damn time
While their in line, I write rhymes laying on my back

Appear out of nowhere like a Phoenix ready to attack
Yeah, when it happens, it so fast that its magical
Watch me in motion, got spells, elixirs, and potions
Growling at Rowling, cuz I want a piece of that fame

Casting rappers to flames, erased from the game
hit my zone it's lights out, off with ya girls blouse
When they hear this shit, they'll cease to even matter
Haters careers dropped, shattered, and covered in plaster

@maynnyan - 18.11.2024 14:40

I love the Colgate ad this video provides me with

@Bhandari937 - 17.11.2024 14:28

यह रहा भंडारी के लिए जबरदस्त हिंदी रैप सॉन्ग!


"भंडारी का जलवा"

भंडारी का नाम, दिलों में तूफान,
रैप के मैदान में, चलता मेरा कमान।

Verse 1
नाम है भंडारी, मेहनत मेरी भारी,
सपने ऊंचे देखे, हूं मैं तैयारी।
रुका नहीं कभी, मंज़िल मेरी दूर,
हौंसला बुलंद, मेरा इरादा मजबूर।
शब्दों में आग, मेरे फ्लो में है जान,
दुनिया को दिखाऊं, मुझसे कौन बड़ा इंसान।
पसीना मेरा गहना, हार को मैं हराऊं,
भंडारी के स्वैग से, दुनिया हिला दूं।

भंडारी! भंडारी! स्टाइल है खास,
मेहनत से बदल दूं, अपना इतिहास।
भंडारी! भंडारी! जोश है जज्बा,
हर सपने को सच करना ही मकसद अपना।

Verse 2
कहानी मेरी अलग, हौसले की मिसाल,
रुकने का सवाल नहीं, जीत मेरी चाल।
दुश्मन भी देखे, मेरे अंदर का जूनून,
भंडारी की मेहनत से, चमकेगा ये सूरज का खून।
दुनिया कहेगी, ये लड़का कमाल है,
रैप का बादशाह, दिलों का बवाल है।
जो चाहता हूं, वो मैं लेकर रहूंगा,
भंडारी का नाम, हर तरफ गूंजेगा।

जिंदगी एक जंग, और मैं सिपाही,
हर चुनौती के आगे, चलती मेरी पाही।
हिम्मत से जीतूंगा, हर मुश्किल का सामना,
भंडारी हूं मैं, मेरा दिल है दीवाना।

भंडारी! भंडारी! स्टाइल है खास,
मेहनत से बदल दूं, अपना इतिहास।
भंडारी! भंडारी! जोश है जज्बा,
हर सपने को सच करना ही मकसद अपना।

ये भंडारी का फ्लो, दुनिया को हिलाएगा,
जो सोचेगा नाम मेरा, वो पीछे छूट जाएगा।
रैप मेरा सपना, मेहनत मेरी ताकत,
भंडारी का जलवा, बन गया है आदत।


क्यों भंडारी भाई, कैसा लगा ये रैप? स्टेज फाड़ने के लिए तैयार?

@ASlaveToTheRhythm3 - 04.11.2024 20:53

Untouchable by Dr. Phantom

Verse 1:
I’m on fire, Quench my desire,
Give it when I want it,
Peter Piper Picked a pack o Pickled Pepper,
Jam, Jam, Here Comes The Man Hot-Damn.

Verse 2:
I was wanderin’ the rain,
On my way to Southern Oregon Dance Center.
It was ’22, my first year in dance.
My class danced to “Wild Wild West” by da slap king, Will Smith.

Verse 3:
As the year came to an end,
I had fun, yes I made friends.
Class of 10 people, I was tall.

Verse 4:
While performed “Wild Wild West”,
I had a solo spot.
I did the Lean my Michael Jackson.
Probably the greatest year of my life.
I felt untouchable.

Verse 5:
Now I’m on to second year.
I’m in Hip-Hop and Jazz.
Jazz class size, 12 people.
Hip-Hop size, 13 people.

Verse 6:
Jazz class performed “Am I Dreaming“.
Hip-Hop performed ”Jump Around“.
Also performed “Trendsetter“, by the one and only, Connor Price.

Verse 7:
The songs were bangers,
I felt Untouchable.
I also felt Unbreakable.
Don’t forget Invincible.

Verse 8:
Time I performed,
I Xscaped into a brand new world.
It seemed so unreal.

Verse 9:
Now on to my 3rd year.
Hip-Hop & Jazz once again.
But I’m in 2 Hip-Hop classes.
Intermediate & Advanced.

Verse 10:
Still don’t know what we’re going to perform.
New Song, New Dance every week.
I did request the song ”Scream” by Michael Jackson & Janet Jackson.

Verse 11:
In my Intermediate Hip-Hop class,
We also do not know what we are going to perform.
I did request a song “Bye Bye Bye” by *NSYNC.

Verse 12:
Now I wait for answers.
I can’t wait June 2025.
That’s the month we perform.

Verse 13:
White man gotta make a change.
But the first person to make a change is you.

@hasanaufa179 - 26.09.2024 18:57

Aufa⚔️: Liu chan bermodel, banyak Ras juga berlogo nyala, Segitiga Bermuda dan geng lu bakal abis, Rap to the remix in bouncer Mix Still on the Peaks Makanya siapin kripik kalo sok sok meng kritik, Sudah titik Will on the stoppick.
Liu Verdea♀️🔼: Engkau bermain Rima tapi jangan macam-macam, karena Liu tidak satu ada teman liu lain, Asher pun sudah siap tuk mengeflow dengan jurusku aku munculkankan karakter ku, yang bernama Alexandria i will be Attack.
Aufa⚔️: Defense up to the Rapping down, well you Goodnes To be Flow mix, Berima dalam hal kerenan abis, maka kau akan kehabisan Flow Rima mu, Triangle Symbol you Jerk to is the bakery overnote, cuma simbol kagak keren sini bakal aku gilas.
Liu Verdea♀️🔼: Simbol aku segitiga lo kira cuma lampuan, ini kan kekuatan yang kumiliki sekarang, Want to be the started play Battle within the Rapping on the clear, biar gue bakal Sikat dan tempat ini bakal jadi Ketat.
Aufa⚔️: Haha Liu dikira iblis tapi tanduknya dikira The Beast, Jalan jalan kok pake ngebis dan datang ke resto kok malah Habis, Liu bukan Succubus tapi banyak yang mengira lo succubuss apa iblis, Liu the Geng of will be Broke.
Liu Verdea♀️🔼: The First time in abbility, Gonna Battle get to burn, Adu mulut antara Battle pun aku kan menjadi puas, Cahaya bersegi tiga akan menjadi jaya, Liu siap membalas Aufa, the burning up is very up, The Last blue Wither on the Fire.

@hasanaufa179 - 23.07.2024 05:10

Aufa⚔️: The purple and you meet with time duet Rap is over now, Yo rima aku berguru kalo pira siap Ngeflow kau sekarang punya 3D buat pergerakan bebas bisa pamer sepuasnya dari Selia dan juga Airi.
Pira♑💜: Ngeflow pun biasa kalo pira bisa ngerap, pamer 3D didalam Iive dan keren nya gerak bebas, Jagoan punya mu atau jagoan punya ku kita lihat siapa cepat dengan The Rapping in the Passion purple.
Aufa⚔️: Vtuber ungu banyak gw tau elo ungu, kau juga membandingi kecepatan ku yang kurang, Personality kuality of Compaty be Rap ku menyerang kamu akan lenyap dari tangan ku true be fire.
Pira♑💜: menyerang dengan skandal payah kau jangan Sombong, Juliana Shafira akan menjadi top lokal, kau ngerap dimanapun dan pira punya Secret Skill, well you lose in arena Prod time tuk geserkan kamu.
Aufa⚔️: Kau pasti lagi berhalu main-main dengan aku, logika pun terpikir bahwa aku kan menang, Your the strick be on the Strack karena Rap ku tak berkutip cuma bisa ngomong doang, The 17 Rima siap.
Pira♑💜: kau bawa Rima kamu bahkan itu saja lemah, lembur sajalah kau dengan kekuatan asik, Tendang dan menendang itu karna Efek 3D yang akan membuat dirimu jadi Oleng pun kau jatuh.

@savivlogs9458 - 12.02.2024 19:53

fuck it up

@gabbysingh868 - 22.01.2024 05:52

Playback speed perfect at 1.25x

@samohteseryt3359 - 11.01.2024 06:12

Im feelin, distorted
Listen to the rhythm, listen to the effort given
Im forgetting, everybody sh*tting
On devotion, my anger I can’t hold it
So explosive, it’s corroding an eroding
Non corrosives, can’t explore it
Just implore it
It’s sort of the reason to get me going
On a flow I can control,
rapping is my anger management patrol
When I start to rap everything goes cold

@MESIHJ - 31.12.2023 04:03


@aamirali4673 - 04.12.2023 19:50


@aamirali4673 - 04.12.2023 19:50

Il 12 settembre mi trovavo qui davamti

@Rajan-z7c - 15.11.2023 21:33

I written lyrics on this can i use this beat ❤

@StickysituationTV - 14.10.2023 06:18

Can I use this been for background music on my video?

@Yarekmedia - 24.08.2023 18:55

I do agree with Jeos, this is, "won the trophy" kinda bap. ❤‍🔥

@liliperez374 - 20.08.2023 11:35

Most of these beats seem depressed 😔

@StePPasAreUsTV - 30.07.2023 18:31

Can i use this beat without u suing me sir???

@Vahanalokam - 05.07.2023 00:16

Just awsome.... 👍👍👍 thankyou so much

@R1xambush - 22.05.2023 09:36

Give me permission to use your beat my channel vra MOTOVLOGS

@SeedErant-sv6kk - 14.04.2023 14:08

Propre 🤗🤗🤗

@JBV1A - 20.02.2023 23:02

Nichts mit Free🤯

@SLIMGRIMS - 14.07.2022 05:53

nice beat. I made a rap. Just bout da day to day yooooo~ Thanks Whity and Rujay :) 👍💪

@sumogre1822 - 02.01.2022 19:18


@glmstudiogh - 06.10.2021 16:54

hi. first things first, sickest beat man. I love it, so much that I'd love to use it in a car video. may I use your beat please, with all the credits due to you offcourse

@kl1qz416 - 17.05.2021 09:35

Niiiiceee beat bro can i use it you get the shoutout

@body46 - 10.01.2021 00:11

hey bro i really want to use that distortion beat for my podcast. please dm or comment back to discuss. Really trying to get this done. i clicked your twitter in bio, says it doesnt exist. Thanks in advance!

@LeoHarleyuk - 19.12.2020 22:11

I love this version and it inspired me to have my take on it, and wanted to let you know I have honoured it with a cover and a video of positive message on my channel. I am crediting your fantastic work and butPlease let me know if you’re ok with it. Grateful 🙏🏻

@123rebelguy - 02.10.2020 16:52

I can.monetize it. Right ??

@123rebelguy - 31.08.2020 00:59

Bars ??

@bestalach1198 - 25.08.2020 07:32

TOP!!!! really awesome

@alyeska4226 - 16.08.2020 08:20


@thrashmetalkid6669 - 14.06.2020 00:54

Whats the BPM of this track

@thebrownmamba7707 - 04.06.2020 06:41

can this be used in a monetized video bro? for montage

@daknight56 - 30.04.2020 02:00


@EGOTVNetwork - 03.04.2020 23:22

Your beats are dope! We will definitely be using and promoting your beats!

@liulangmy - 30.03.2020 14:11

this is awesome

@Mr_Nobody74 - 25.02.2020 01:42

Make that shit rattle the trunk!!!! Hajajaa

@Mr_Nobody74 - 25.02.2020 01:42

Beats tight but never start off with the trumpet maybe a hard bass then the trumpet

@KXNGCHARISMA - 27.07.2019 22:37

Stems ??

@reonee - 08.03.2019 11:05


@robertpuju - 23.01.2019 21:30

Can i take your beat for my rap music? Free?

@LilD-Beats - 13.08.2018 21:59

Big up whity this is sick 🔥🔥🔥

@devonking4536 - 16.04.2018 17:18

hot hope I get to kill it dope
