FLAVOURFUL Redstone 2020 Meritage (Ontario, Canada)

FLAVOURFUL Redstone 2020 Meritage (Ontario, Canada)

Michael Pinkus

55 лет назад

49 Просмотров

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From the folks at Redstone, in Ontario, Canada, comes a 2020 wine that should come as no surprise to us living in the province, but might to those new to Canadian wine : Redstone 2020 Meritage - available at the winery (and other fine wine stores).

Wine Review videos appear weekly ... And look for the "The Short Review" on YouTube

Learn more about Redstone Winery (Ontario, Canada) : https://redstonewines.ca/
Website: https://michaelpinkuswinereview.com/
or https://thegrapeguy.ca/

About Michael Pinkus, The Grape Guy: https://michaelpinkuswinereview.com/about

Social Networks (and ways to get In touch) …

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LINKED IN: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/michael-pinkus/14/704/4b8
PODCAST: "Two Guys Talking Wine" on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9T0CZUp-Ymcn43EkR-6-SH9-xz3WQYG_
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