I Tested a Phone Cooler on My Camera and Got Shocking Results!

I Tested a Phone Cooler on My Camera and Got Shocking Results!

Nick Borodenko

54 года назад

494 Просмотров

In this video, I tackle the notorious overheating issue of the Sony a6700 by using an unconventional solution – a $9 phone cooler! With ambient temperatures in my home office soaring between 28 to 31 degrees Celsius, finding an affordable and effective cooling method was crucial for shooting high bitrate 4K videos and using the camera as a 4K webcam.

00:00 Intro
00:34 Unboxing
01:08 Build quality
02:02 Cooling technology
03:18 Cooler performance
04:10 Does the magnet add more noise
04:40 Critical issue
05:43 Partial solution


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