How Many PS Plus Games Can I PLATINUM In A Month?!

How Many PS Plus Games Can I PLATINUM In A Month?!


55 лет назад

101,206 Просмотров

I've wasted a lot of money paying for PS Plus Deluxe over the years. At most I’ve played 5 or 6 games through PS Plus and yet just the thought that I might play some of these games one day has meant I’ve been subscribed for at least 2 years now. So let’s finally get my money’s worth. For the month of January I was going to see how many games in the PS Plus Deluxe library I could platinum and see how much money in total I could save in the process. How did I do?

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Time Codes:

Introduction - 00:00
Day 1 - 03:19
Day 2 - 04:54
Day 4 - 08:01
Day 5 - 11:33
Day 6 - 13:01
Day 9 - 15:08
Day 11 - 17:00
Day 19 - 19:52
Day 22 - 23:24
Day 24 - 26:06
Day 26 - 28:13
Day 31 - 29:50
Platinum Awards - 32:45
Conclusion - 34:33
Outro - 36:09

How Many PS Plus Games Can I PLATINUM In A Month?!

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