Blue catfish threaten Chesapeake Bay seafood | NBC4 Washington

Blue catfish threaten Chesapeake Bay seafood | NBC4 Washington

NBC4 Washington

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@davealmighty9638 - 11.10.2023 17:23

I can't believe more people don't eat blue cat. They have a reputation for tasting muddy, but that is rarely true. When prepared properly, they are excellent. In the south, they are probably the second most popular wild catch behind crappie. I love blue cat.

@wendyshoo879 - 22.11.2023 16:18

Cat Fish Meat are one of the most delicious river fish. Follow the Chinese cooking style. So many type of cooking dishes can be made. Steam Cat Fish is one of the best method. Goes with rice and 1 dish vegetables. Soup basic seasoning after steam in electric auto steamer (Khind DB600 Oval Shape) Lights soy sauce restaurant style, chilli, garlic, ginger oyster sauce. Soup: Steam 1.5 hours with black bean. Add basic seasoning 1. Abalone sauce (2-3 tbsp), light soy sauce (2 Tbsp), Sugar (1 Tbsp). 1 pot soup (5 soup bowl)

@TommyD-n8g - 10.01.2024 23:32

Old news! Article outlining this in The Fisherman Magazine lat month!

@alexcollins812 - 24.03.2024 20:54

The government can't control the border, but thinks they can control open water. Hilarious.

@edott9371 - 22.04.2024 20:24

Love the blues they bin in the james for every y u trying to scare people

@mikejordan6036 - 25.04.2024 01:53

How goes it Josh, Holly and William. How is everyone? LOVE from Crabby Daddy.

@josephwilson3077 - 06.05.2024 11:34

How long have they been "invasive"? 50 years ago I caught 50+ in one evening in the South River. They were invasive then.

@josephwilson3077 - 06.05.2024 11:38

A friend caught some in the Bush river and when cleaning them found a condom in one's gut. He threw the whole catch into a dumpster. Can't blame him. I don't eat them anymore from any river or the bay.

@kenneth9874 - 16.05.2024 02:03

These people are silly, bluecats are delicious and have coexisted with crabs forever down south....

@brandonbishop9877 - 10.09.2024 07:08

What's crazy about this is all they have to do is ship them south.where the demand for catfish is extremely high. Catfish is on the menu at almost every restaurant down here.

@sayitaintso7544 - 14.11.2024 16:34

I would definitely be on board if they ship them to Ga. Publix, Walmart, Kroger come on!

@hoanguyen-vh8po - 02.12.2024 00:05

The thing is, there is news about high levels of PCBs and toxins in the catfish . A lot of people just catch and release
