Doom Timeline Explained | Eligible Monster

Doom Timeline Explained | Eligible Monster

Eligible Monster | Gaming Lore

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@idontargueonfreeapps2781 - 28.03.2020 00:21


@scottnrick - 28.03.2020 00:23


@irishboy_pa - 28.03.2020 00:32

I didn’t know it was a soft reboot. Nothing soft ever works

@Hinokassaudifan1 - 28.03.2020 00:35

Here's an abridged version of what happens: here's a ton of guns. Kill everything that moves.

@_Sleepyhollow_ - 28.03.2020 00:43

Huh always mars huh interesting

@TevyaSmolka - 28.03.2020 00:52

I love doom it’s really awesome

@Just-J-10 - 28.03.2020 00:54

Yeah, you did mispronounce the antagonist's name from Doom 3. 👍

@miknarf - 28.03.2020 01:16

I thought they made it clear that doom guy from doom 2016 was the same from Original Doom and 64. It’s a direct sequel

@officerbucktuddrussel394 - 28.03.2020 01:39

It sounds like the whole doom franchise is humanity saying "this time it'll work for sure", using Hell and then having everything go sideways. Over and over and over again.

@overkilltheoverlord6725 - 28.03.2020 01:39

Oh now I understand the Doom movies more now Doom movie 1 is based off Doom game 3 and Doom movie 2 is based off Doom game 4 so probably And hopefully when Doom movie 3 comes out That's when Doom guy comes out in Doom movie 3 then they would use Doom 2016 game story for Doom movie 3 I understand now

@greenlanternhg5141 - 28.03.2020 03:23

Soooo...I’m guessing Heaven saw all of this and went “nope! Not getting involved!” 😂

@omegared6850 - 28.03.2020 03:26


@MainDoorFrames - 28.03.2020 04:32

If you read my comment when the game genshin impact comes out you should do a lore drop too

@teshaines - 28.03.2020 05:54

so is doomguy from 1 and 2, the same doomguy from 2016 ?

@RAWatson1989 - 28.03.2020 09:27

The full story for darksiders would be awesome.

@Frisky9768 - 29.03.2020 14:17

Omg this is comicstorien

@RooftopSloth - 29.03.2020 15:19

The way I think the timeline goes is doom 1, doom 2, doom 64, then doom 2016 and doom eternal. I’m pretty sure 1 2 and 64 are the only games that explicitly say the player is doom guy instead of just “space marine” and in eternal it’s shown that the doom slayer and the doom guy are one in the same. So it creates a perfect bridge between 64 and 2016 having doom guy stay in hell until he somehow opens a portal to argent d’nur kickstarting the legend of the doom slayer

@RX7821979 - 30.03.2020 04:32

Doom 3
Doom 2
Final Doom
Doom 64
Doom 2016
Doom Eternal

@MrJuggernaut2828 - 01.04.2020 03:21

benny you are so cool.
thanks buddy.

@jeremyjw - 03.04.2020 00:10

i was trying to pay attention to what Benny was saying

but was distracted by the random game scenes

re-do this video
but use scenes from the games to help tell the stories

@randomguy3080 - 04.04.2020 03:44

I just realized how similar the new doom games are literally the same as the old ones just on steroids, the first doom and doom 2016, on mars, fighting demons, cyber demon and spidermastermind as bosses, goes to hell

Doom 2 and doom eternal, halting forces of hell on earth, final boss is icon of sin,

Going by that logic I wonder if the new doom will get a 3rd game and if so what it will be like if it’s anything like doom 64

@KR1EGL3R - 02.05.2020 12:25

But what about SIGIL?

@notproductiveproductions3504 - 10.05.2020 18:59

Let’s call Doom 2016 (and God of War PS4) sequel-boots

@notproductiveproductions3504 - 10.05.2020 21:23

After a certain age, virginity in males gives you the label “wizard”. DoomSlayer went through time and back no nutting and endured the Divinity Machine, think on this

@danielpalacios7057 - 06.07.2020 07:57

The footage has nothing to do with the narration.... 👎👎👎👎

@anthonyhudak9363 - 29.07.2020 04:09

You should definitely have a video analyzing all the lore in the Doom Eternal through the codex logs like history of the Sentinels, the fall of earth, brief history for some of the more significant demons in the game (Doom Hunter, Marauder, Icon, etc.), and how the Doom Slayer factors in.

@razorwireclouds5708 - 06.08.2020 11:02

it's doctor Betruger, which means "Betrayer" in German :]]
id wasn't very subtle with this one

@kingdom13keeper - 07.10.2020 04:01

Yeah... I always just drop 3 and resurrection to be it’s own thing ever since doom 64 was made full cannon for eternal. Thus making the cannon doom list:1-2,64, eternal (prelude), doom 2016, doom eternal. Can’t wait for more doom in a little while with the dlc!❤️

@rasputino3433 - 15.11.2020 19:26

We need this Comicstorian to review the comic books of doom

@paulparmarter5709 - 19.05.2022 15:45

I love how he says Petruger's name
