The Book Every Editor Has to Read — Walter Murch and In the Blink of an Eye

The Book Every Editor Has to Read — Walter Murch and In the Blink of an Eye


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@Gurjeet_gureta - 29.05.2024 15:14

Is there available best book on cinematography.?

@cddasdarasfdasf1157 - 29.05.2024 16:14

This so-called studiobinder must be a great one because this software was created by people who really have an understanding of movie and television production techniques.

This software certainly meets and understands the needs of real creators, welp I must have try it now,I been going around with videos and blogs of yours these days .you really breakdown so many things puzzle me a long time in a such clear way guys Thankyou !

tbh when I firstly ever read Murch's book I dont 100 percent get what he meant by cut for emotion but finally I see in my editing process I do now

@Sheoran00098 - 29.05.2024 16:30

brother pls answer my question that if rolling shutter speed is 20ms and shutter speed is 1/16sec(62ms) so brother frame has information bw 0 to 20ms brother am I right ? Thanks for your help

@DelightLovesMovies - 29.05.2024 18:51

I don't work in the film industry, but I am a fan of films and their makers. Thanks for recommending Mr. Murch's book. I look forward to reading it.

@SamIRIZARRY84 - 29.05.2024 19:00

This is gold for me. All of these rules apply as a storyboard artist and no one ever taught these principles to me. The book is a godsend!

@The_Camera_Guy - 29.05.2024 21:41

I worked with Walter once. He said the best way to edit was to not even look at the screen but listen to the sound and use that to find the cut point. I did think maybe he’d done to many mushrooms as this idea seemed rather odd. I tried it and it didn’t work but hey horses for courses.

@Raj-mt7gc - 29.05.2024 22:00

The production quality of your videos is absolutely amazing. Just subscribed. And I"m sure more will too. Keep up the good work!

@aix83 - 29.05.2024 22:13

The music is like in Tenet. Over the exposition.

@AhmedTarek-tl9jz - 30.05.2024 09:13

Could you please make videos about sound such as sound recording on set and types of microphones

@joaquimlopes2133 - 30.05.2024 12:32

A wonderful book.

@dennisvanooyen9638 - 30.05.2024 14:10

Thanks for making this. The book was already amazing. But this video too!

@almost_harmless - 30.05.2024 18:17

I love the narration on this as well as how well edited(!) all these videos are and how well presented and clear it all comes across. Excellent work!

@darshandabrase3265 - 31.05.2024 08:01

Best decision of my life is to subscribe to this channel.

@JudgeFredd - 31.05.2024 20:40

Great content

@MegaJacob04 - 01.06.2024 03:05

I'm inspired to read the book thank you!

@gurdhiansingh2477 - 01.06.2024 06:24

How can I buy this book?

@othersvisual - 02.06.2024 11:18

this made me really conscious about every time I blinked 😅

@mnkr-nhl - 03.06.2024 13:07

manual blinking like crazy through this video

@shoseki - 04.06.2024 00:25

I'd love to see a great editor take a film that is considered terrible and recut it, and see if they could fix the film.

@Azad-gc2bd - 05.06.2024 21:29

This voice has immense maturity and conviction in it. Seems like some old man describing his life experience. I am happy that you are back. thank you...

@huha47 - 05.06.2024 23:16

Having taught media studies for 14 years at Uni, when it came to editing, In the Blink of an Eye, was one of my important resources when presenting and discussing editing in class. I also had spent a lot of time at the dailies on two features which gave me a lot of insight as well. Our editor had done a lot of the editing on Star Trek, and was brought in to finish the editing on Dances with Wolves.

@64dr64d - 06.06.2024 14:57

Superb video

@tomlewis4748 - 07.06.2024 20:25

All great stuff. As a video editor for decades and a student of cinema, once I became a novelist, I tried to apply what I'd learned, wanting to create a movie in the reader's mind. This knowledge from Murch helps a lot.

Writing on the page is all about shifts in focus, just like edits in film are. A sentence full stop, a paragraph break, a blank carriage return, even a comma, clause, or phrase, all indicate shifts in focus, some large, some small, some in between. 

What it took me years to learn is how important presentation is to what the reader experiences. Yes, the story, the plot, the characters, the line-by-line—all very important. But how everything is framed and the rhythm of framing it, is just as important. Much of the power of story lies in the presentation, and Walter Murch understands this.

So maybe I need to do this even better. And maybe I can figure out how to make these 'cuts' in sync with when the reader 'blinks', psychologically, when their focus from element to element, shifts. Or maybe I can be who determines when that focus shifts for them. Certainly worth finding out.

(you may notice above that this has been edited. Of course it has. I'm an editor. I edit everything! 😇)

@gregsonfilm - 08.06.2024 02:22

Ssshhhh... you guys are giving away all my secrets..

@24FP - 09.06.2024 19:16

Please make a series "explaining" highly respected film books... like this always great job. Thank you

@salientfilm - 09.06.2024 21:24

Do not let anyone borrow this book!!!!

@justdony4276 - 10.06.2024 06:02

can u talk abt Karen pearlman rhythm pls

@oatboatly - 11.06.2024 01:22

Cinematographer, or whomever is framing the shots, also ought to have “eye trace mind.” Pretty obvious, but sometimes helpful to state.

@GothTropical - 12.06.2024 19:53

I attended a talk he gave 11 years ago. Afterwards, I asked him to sign my copy of ITBOAE and he let out a huge groan that said, "are you f**king kidding me?". I was fresh out of film school after majoring in editing...

@spandanpatnaik5270 - 13.06.2024 17:50

Now I'm blinking consciously 😭😭

@almamunasif - 14.06.2024 16:24


@StayFractalesque - 24.06.2024 21:41

I love which clips are chosen to illustrate your points.. for cinephiles out here, who understand the true context of the scene youve repurposed, it adds this extra level of cheekiness to whats already an excellent video.. here's to the masters of subtext and 'the cut'.. 🍻

@Framestofilms - 28.06.2024 17:26

I Just ordered my book. Hope it’s as good as everyone says 🤞🏾🤞🏾🤞🏾

@tunlac1957 - 07.07.2024 04:14

Thank you for this wonderful brief of the book.

@Dolphine43 - 20.07.2024 14:05

Thanks so much for sharing. Great info!

@Recapsulate - 03.08.2024 06:32

This book was great. I want to read it again. Art of the Cut is good too!

Also does anyone else think Walter Murch sounds like Kermit the frog?

@annatarbaby - 06.08.2024 02:17

Thank you so much! Each of your videos is a gem

@ayanbanarjee6154 - 10.08.2024 08:49

very very interesting make some more on editing

@JokerFleck2 - 20.10.2024 21:35

Excelent video

@HentusSkyus - 03.12.2024 11:33


@greysins190 - 31.12.2024 03:26

Im actually finishing this book today, the first half is pretty useful, the second half you could probably skip as its more of a history and future of editing

@fitthickchic6732 - 15.01.2025 18:59

YT Algorithm is crazy! I was just looking at this book on Amazon.

@pasalasaga - 27.01.2025 23:47

You are pretty good. I wonder how do you see editing and cinematics on things like the games from Hideo Kojima.

@edanriveranegron6312 - 01.03.2025 10:08

You guys do a great job at explaining the book. I am currently doing my college thesis in editing and would like to know from where you got the audio recordings played in the video, so that I can reference them in the thesis.
