Ten-Tec 1254 Receiver by YS1RS

Ten-Tec 1254 Receiver by YS1RS

Rob Sal

1 десятилетие назад

18,126 Просмотров

NOTE: This fine receiver has been upgraded. Look for the video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_Gs7UcICZk

This is my Ten-Tec Radio Receiver, Model 1254. Took me 12 hours to assemble. I have had a experience assembling kits before so had no problems putting it together at all.
The kit came complete down to all its single parts. No part was missing and you run tests every time a section is completed. So if you pass each section tests, you are sure you are OK with that and all previous sections too.
The manual was a photocopy with poor quality and it had a lot of addemdums and corrections to the manual. Apart from that, it would have received 100 points or 5 stars. Quality is superb! So my rating for it is 4 out of 5 stars.
Highly recommended it. Has got all the features of more expensive radio receivers. If you can install the Ed Cholakian's upgrade kit for it, it becomes even better with computer interface to control the radio, many more memories, you will be able to tune down to 1 Khz steps, and many more.

This is the Ten-Tec's description of this receiver:
Model 1254 combines the satisfaction of the kit building experience with the performance features expected in a modern HF receiver. Building one's own receiver from a kit has launched countless thousands of people into communications careers or the hobbies of amateur radio and shortwave listening ("SWLing"). You will build a true dual-conversion superhet with a microprocessor-controlled frequency synthesizer. Digital LED readout. Alignment is easy and does not require complicated equipment. You only need a volt-ohm meter and your ear; the kit provides its own 45 MHz test signal. Project skill level: Intermediate. Not recommended as a first-time kit building project. Estimated build time: 15-20 hours.


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