04. Light Blending In - Thought Processing

04. Light Blending In - Thought Processing


55 лет назад

239 Просмотров

Album: 06. [14.01.2018] Light Blending In - Last Word [DNP01]

light blending in Bandcamp: https://lightblendingin.bandcamp.com/
light blending in/Virtual Dream Plaza Bandcamp: https://virtualdreamplaza.com/light-blending-in
light blending in SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/lightblendingin
light blending in Xiami: https://www.xiami.com/artist/nn9lcXe924a
light blending in Twitter: https://twitter.com/lightblendingin
light blending in Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lightblendingin/
light blending in MusicBrainz: https://musicbrainz.org/artist/7ca66378-0564-462f-bc43-f7dce94a9f28
light blending in Discogs: https://www.discogs.com/artist/6368272-Light-Blending-In

Part of the "fount/⛲" & "仮想夢プラザ/Virtual Dream Plaza" Collective.

fount Bandcamp: https://fount.bandcamp.com/
fount SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/fountnet

Virtual Dream Plaza Website: https://virtualdreamplaza.com/



CMD094 Bandcamp: https://bandcamp.com/cmd094
CMD094 SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/cmd094
CMD094 Twitter: https://twitter.com/cmd094
CMD094 vk.com: https://vk.com/cmd094
CMD094 Last.fm: https://www.last.fm/music/CMD094
CMD094 RateYourMusic: https://rateyourmusic.com/release/album/cmd094/lost/
CMD094 Discogs: https://www.discogs.com/artist/6316348-CMD094


Sangam Bandcamp: https://sangam.bandcamp.com/
Sangam SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/sangam
Sangam Twitter: https://twitter.com/HVRTSangam
Sangam Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sangam_dream/
Sangam Tumblr: https://sangamhvrt.tumblr.com/
Sangam Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1ORqMSJSmrCCJtFNUt7OqR
Sangam Discogs: https://www.discogs.com/artist/2740413-Sangam
E-Mail: [email protected]

Album or Song Description:

Stream: N/A

Download: https://lightblendingin.bandcamp.com/album/last-word-dnp01-2 / https://downpourspirit.bandcamp.com/album/last-word-dnp01

Album on Discogs: https://www.discogs.com/Light-Blending-In-Last-Word-/master/1337235

Album on MusicBrainz: https://musicbrainz.org/release/bdbfc8b0-e67c-414b-9790-cd4edc1f5fde


Hailing from Canada, ''Light Blending In'' produces cold, distant , warming, emotional landscapes.
Equipped with lo-fi downtempo drum beats here and out the album 'Last Word'. With a distinct meaning
behind the artists music, a sense of freedom to express.
Lost souls , Lonely Nights as much as we like the dark.
The light will always blend in.

Artwork Taken by Light Blending In.

released January 14, 2018

Additional Production on Track 1 & 2 by twitter.com/cmd094 &

Track #1: https://soundcloud.com/lightblendingin/lamp-feat-sangam-dnp01
Track 1 from 'Last Word' [DNP01] Downpour Spirit, feat. Sangam @sangam twitter.com/DownpourSpirit
Different Artwork

Track #3: https://soundcloud.com/lightblendingin/ever-know
Track 3 from 'Last Word' - Out now on Downpour Spirit
Different Artwork

Track #4: https://soundcloud.com/lightblendingin/thought-processing
Track #4 from 'Last Word' [DNP01] - Out on Downpour Spirit Jan 14th 2018 twitter.com/DownpourSpirit

Artist information:


Different Names & Aliases: light blending in, Light Blending In
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