Tips and Tricks for Running a Small Firewood Business

Tips and Tricks for Running a Small Firewood Business

Building on Sixteen

1 год назад

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@jeniferkoch4883 - 10.12.2023 06:07

No expertise here but would it make sense to stack it in the truck bed all the same way? Would that help it fall out more orderly?

@thereasoner9454 - 11.12.2023 16:43

Hey there, great info for starting folks. Quick solution to improve your displayed process of unloading. Simply mount 2 pieces of plywood/osb along the inside of the fenders, front to back, but clear of the mat. Make some drop in side racks that you can remove when you get home. This way, you have the wood stay between the 4' space, with smooth sides, and the mat still works. You can even put a front headache rack piece to allow you to load firewood faster without the risk of hitting the back window. 3 removable pieces and your time will be recovered in about 1-2 deliveries max. Good luck with your business and have a wonderful new year.

@hayesrutherford9415 - 21.12.2023 05:56

Well that worked pretty well. Good luck with your venture.

@benjiemullins5498 - 21.12.2023 13:55

Nice work. Only thing I would do is open the front of your shed up so you can get your truck closer to the wood.

@geogesterrett6391 - 21.12.2023 16:39

Great video man, pretty similar situation think I’m maybe 1 year of sales ahead of you did about 10cord this year sold out yesterday nothing crazy but a nice little side gig when I’m home from school. 0 advertising besides a post or 2 in the local Facebook page ended up having more demand than I could ever fill. Had an idea about your tractor not being able to lift an ibc tote. Have you tried lifting one that’s loose thrown should be about a 1/4 cord instead of a 1/3 obviously not ideal but being able to dump totes is very nice. Keep it up man and I’ll keep watching thanks.

@jarrohleddy4038 - 22.12.2023 11:52

3 cord per annual 🎉 smoke and mirrors to match your claims or.
.? Do your customers wait until they put the last piece in before they order down there too? 1/3 cord load delivered 9x you need all the sliver free handling you can get for sure

@SKFirewood - 07.01.2024 12:46

I've made a video on how we use a loadhandler, so simple but effective changes will help you

@SteveAustin-jp3ev - 16.01.2024 12:59

New subscriber, just north of you in Western North Carolina

@Ratherbemilling - 19.01.2024 11:03

What size bed is your truck?

I had a rolling mat like that… it work ok but if you put significant weight on it then you can end up bending the tailgate.

Looks like it worked well for you.

How do you heat the wood in the shed?

Have you thought about building a kiln (solar)?

@RichardMason-qj4ld - 11.02.2024 22:20

Subscribed. I noticed you had a wood jam about half way through. Just pull your truck ahead a few feet, problem solved. Good luck!

@leovogelgesang4398 - 14.05.2024 17:18

How well does you wood season inside the shed?
I pile all of mine on skids and it takes almost a full year to get seasoned.

@CatDaddySteve - 23.05.2024 06:07

Train your customers to buy green wet wood

@FredFlintstone21 - 04.06.2024 18:23

Nice video! Two things that have helped me immensely was, alot of the oak i split is huge, i put it in the vertical, placed a big round of wood by the control, put a cushion on the round, and was able to roll the big pieces up to the splitter, no more lifting. To move wood around my yard quicker and easier, i went from wheel barrow to 5 x 8 sure-trac dump trailer. That was a game changer! This is one of those hobbies whereas if you don't love the exercise and work, probably isn't worth it!

@ih508 - 23.06.2024 03:10

Thank you. I'm starting in this business and I appreciate all this information.

@PainterD54 - 05.07.2024 16:30

You should screw a board on the end of the tarp so it will pull all the material out of the truck bed. I did that with mine and all the gravel, black dirt or wood will come out better, no problem.

@martinv.- - 28.07.2024 07:26

Hello Jason! Your tips are great, they are actually what I'm trying to do since I just started 1 month ago, slow, but I want to do it good and deliver a quality product.
Are you still with 3-cords/year or could you actually ramp it up?

@RollingWithRuss - 29.10.2024 06:55

Nice video man. I am considering this side business when we move to Indiana next year.

@KevinHarvey-qw5mj - 17.12.2024 01:05

When I was selling wood just pickup loads so much for six foot bed and so much for eight foot bed and trailers are measured and come up with price thrown in and stacked are different prices on all but did learn you might want to get a piece of something to put up by back window seen many broken by accident but get a rack to protect the window if it gets hit even apiece of plywood for now but the sliding windows cost more advice is free just saying i sold a lot of wood over the years ya comment protect back window are won't have any profits we be a established company selling thousand dollars to hundreds of thousands dollars a year so we established i guess

@playdiscgolf1546 - 23.12.2024 06:44

That roll off was awesome

@charchark365 - 19.01.2025 06:15

One more thing to consider, selection on wood type.

@philliphall5198 - 26.01.2025 02:18

Keep it small and don’t go in depth
Age it for a year and sale it when others are out of dry wood 😊

@vanwhalen3719 - 07.02.2025 00:45

That’s great man!
