Psychiatrist discusses work burnout and fatigue symptoms

Psychiatrist discusses work burnout and fatigue symptoms

CBS Mornings

3 года назад

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@rainynight02 - 12.06.2023 23:44

That it is or ease worse for someone else doesn't negate that it is bad for you right now too.

@lawontrial - 09.05.2023 01:21

Self-employed + unpaid for months +gaslighting by people who owe me = burn out.

@saxahainerz4148 - 27.04.2023 02:51

It's not just home issues, it's workload for most companies! If upper management hasn't done the work they never really understand what is going on!

@johnnycalderon9951 - 17.04.2023 23:43

Where was this condition all these years. I swear people need to grow up. If u don't want to work open your own business.

@iworkatlowes4789 - 07.04.2023 12:49

I dón git tie'd😄 the very fact that I said such a goofy thing reveals how tired I actually am. Lord forgive me for my mediocre sleepy after work talk in this comment section of these kind people. 😂😅🙏🙏🙏today was a busy but productive day. May God protect those who do have a job and may God provide for those who don't have a job right now.🙏🙏🙏

@shyvixx1 - 02.03.2023 16:43

BS my life has gotten sooooo much better working from home, I'm so happy to be home, not deal with micro managers, racism and troublemakers at work

@whiterabbit4048 - 14.02.2023 10:04

Missing the human connection? Lady I hate my co-workers. I rather work from home besides my rabbit rather than in an office that the air is so bad.

@trevorambrose3554 - 08.01.2023 15:07

Drinking or hanging out with family helps my stress from work even on our days off some of the people at work still wanna hang out like dam y’all ever go home for once

@pendlelancashire - 24.09.2022 01:55

She is not a worthy candidate for the role of psychiatric medicine.

@ames666 - 17.09.2022 01:42

crazy that this was only 2 years ago.

@woonsiew - 09.09.2022 10:46

I'm experiencing burnout again after 1 year break from my previous stressful job. Every morning I would drag myself to on the laptop but stressed out when I see email notifications and teams messages popping up. After lunch time I couldn't touch my laptop again as it just stresses me so much. I don't know what to do. I don't want to go through another episode of burnout as it sucks, I delayed submissions, no response to my coworkers, throwing all responsibilities behind my head. I know it's not right but I just can't help myself. Someone please help.

@redtiger6047 - 05.09.2022 18:30

she is very right.

@littlemschat1052 - 31.07.2022 18:23

She is mixing mental fatigue/stress with burnout.

@unknownunknown5244 - 20.07.2022 12:14

I start to work counting the hours and even minutes to finish my shift and just wanting go home and sleep! I have this feeling that Im in stuck in this place doing something wherein i should be somewhere else doing other things! But i cant resign or take a long break bec bills, loans and need to save! Plus I get ill every now and then so i need the company health insurance. Feels like im dying instead of living.

@kram9076 - 09.06.2022 10:09

There is no finite end to your day. That's what I hate. More especially if you are dealing with volume.

@virgobutterfly1680 - 04.05.2022 14:21

I am burned out, so I changed jobs. Two months in at the new job, the work has not slowed. 🙁

@Paul_425 - 15.04.2022 22:03

Employees that burnout is a reflection on managers and company itself. Not the employees fault, reason why many quit is people are understanding their value.
Burning out is another way to measure how the company takes care of employees. And is not normal.

@MirrorsforEyes - 05.04.2022 13:31

I feel burnt out from my job. I work in speech pathology, and while I'm learning plenty of fascinating things, I feel like I dont have a good work life balance thanks to being understaffed. No matter what I do, work keeps trying to get into my personal life, and I feel sick of it. If I didn't have college debt, I think I would've quit my job by now 🙁

@yfoog - 01.04.2022 21:52

69%…. Heheehehehhwweh

@jubreakitjubawdit5188 - 23.03.2022 22:29

I think everyone needs to quit whining and complaining about not being comfortable. Life is uncomfortable. Get used to it

@okaminess - 22.03.2022 10:31

I don’t like newscasters these days shouting at me. Ugh… I love the world and humanity, but the news in general is just so shouty these days. I’m glad I can still read about burnout instead of hear it.

@cedrikmarksildora6399 - 07.03.2022 21:06

I am exhausted with my work. I am a call center agent. No one understand. No matter how you explain. Now I came into this, and watch this to look for a better ways and Ideas to overcome from it.

@brittanygarber9369 - 26.02.2022 10:07

I am a full time college student with a full time job. I'm exhausted.

@JohnDoe-sl6di - 01.02.2022 23:34

She had me until she started talking about commuting

@carltiox5115 - 31.01.2022 20:47

Personally, not missing the connections at all. More about finding meaning besides work and work stops being your #1 goal. When that happens you just cant see why you should be working so hard...

@Lucas-iv6ld - 27.01.2022 17:32

I'm working from home 2 years now.. and I had 15 days of vacation divided in 2 times..
I'm burnt out af

@faithinallthingsw4088 - 20.01.2022 07:07

This me all day🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️it's too much 😳yes, more work coming in than I can handle.

@taurus8263 - 15.01.2022 01:35

Work from home is not a problem. It is actually better and much more efficient instead of work from office. The problem is employers expecting to give up your life for the company. Anyone who will work 10-11 hours a day with no break will eventually become burnt out

@quincykearney9862 - 04.01.2022 21:13

I am so burnout from job. My hold body is hurting and aching. I feel like my job don't care about us anymore.

@nathanericschwabenland88888 - 27.12.2021 20:57

Am I missing out on something gigantic or not?!

@nathanericschwabenland88888 - 27.12.2021 20:56

I am starting to feel burn out as well

@owochar6471 - 22.12.2021 20:53

No one is burn out from staying at home and not going into the office or that money and time wasting stupid morning and evening commute. Go f urself.

@ayaray1100 - 22.12.2021 05:59

I left my previous job because I work an average of 14 hours a day in a shifting schedule, then I started in a well known firm thinking I’ll get the work-life balance I deserve but it’s practically the same, actually worst. They expect results from me same with a team of 5 people. I’m only 22 and in a span of 1 year in 2 companies I lost myself. My mental health has plummeted and I literally feel hatred over everything. As if life is no longer worth it.

@tatin82 - 22.11.2021 08:02

I burned out from my job in IT this year. We're considered essential personnel and were having to pull 6x12 shifts for most of 2020 and 2021. It really gets to you, man.

@user-gh1gm8lp6t - 19.11.2021 05:24

Imagine burn out still working exposed to covid commute and more stress

@jasminewhitehead1752 - 17.11.2021 06:03

I just recently became an assistant manager. I’m used to working 2nd (2p-10p) but now every other weekend I have to work 6a-2 to do the paper work. We have completion opening up on Thursday and things are stressful. I know I’m an manager but I should be used to this by now I’m just tired. I hate not having a good sleep schedule. I’m sick of working on my off days. Sick of it all.

@SpookMrsSpooky - 11.11.2021 23:29

I've worked from home for 15 years. I'm burned out for other reasons - I know what my problem is, and it's nothing to do with the pandemic or working from home.

@SKF358 - 02.11.2021 19:41

Up 35 percent or up 35 points? My guess is the gizmos at CVS don't even know the difference.

@sarahhelmer7902 - 30.10.2021 06:20

My boss stresses me out

@Shine365 - 26.10.2021 04:54

Thanks for sharing. Sometimes you don't know if you are suffering worker burnout.😵

@thebrinksf69 - 23.10.2021 02:39

But what do we do?

@ahaumen - 28.09.2021 00:24

How about us who worked all the way through the pandemic...we are burned out!

@JDYTCHI - 02.09.2021 17:57

this is spot on...

@meddlin - 11.08.2021 07:43

Yes, I'm burnt out. But that artificial office is going to make it worse; not better. Remote work just highlights the lack of culture and lack of awareness.

@TacticalBeard - 09.08.2021 17:53

This is pathetic... work burnout from working from home on a computer 😂

@kxfromga5359 - 24.06.2021 19:59

Burnout are the worst

@nhdsalim2114 - 24.06.2021 15:50

It’s really exhaustion after working from home for 15 months now.. my body just feel like breaking down.. it’s really worse than working in office..

@kawaiiphase7829 - 15.06.2021 21:52

I've lost the will to work because we're all loosing 25% of our social security benefits in 2031 and yet working class americans will still pay the same taxes/an increase is being discussed. I'm tired of living in a trash country that takes a large portion of my average income with nothing to show for in the future.

I'm sure glad the govt. handed out $10 billion contracts to Elon and Jeff for their f//king space programs but my retirement is disappearing. Glad it was such a fight to get mediocre stimulus checks but corporate bailouts were $4 trillion. Yes, if this country doesn't fix it's defects I'm immigrating tf out of here.

@lilrabbitcuz - 11.06.2021 18:57

People are so different. I would rather work remotely.

@andrewmurray9391 - 08.05.2021 00:12

I passed out in my own barf after literally running at full speed for 14 hours a day, 6 days a week. I'm not here to tell you how you feel about you own body but playing on the computer at home barely seems like a hard time IMO. That's my recovery!
