Mississippi Blues Riffs that every guitar player should Know! (Maxwell Street Jimmy Davis)

Mississippi Blues Riffs that every guitar player should Know! (Maxwell Street Jimmy Davis)

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@ronday4210 - 22.02.2025 17:09

That smile and joy in your face is enough to motivate 🤙🏽 and we thank you.

@toddnadell1754 - 22.02.2025 17:34

You have such an amazing ear to pick up all of the nuances of these great blues rifts.

@bqwood - 22.02.2025 17:41

Cool. I always though this sound, notable from Hooker's "Country Blues" album, was achieved with an open-G tuning. Nice to see it in standard tuning too.

@niguel4438 - 22.02.2025 18:05

Fantastic. You didn’t mention it but you your foot is constantly keeping time. Everyone should do this. Thanks as always.

@TheProhetess - 22.02.2025 18:20

Talk to me, my guitar player, with the guitar talking ❤😊🎉

@charliesideshow8400 - 22.02.2025 20:08

Fantastic! Your lessons are the best there is, Heath! Thank You very much! Last week Robert Petway this week Jimmy Davis - "new" and extremely interresting blues players keep "popping up" in Your lessons! I appreciate that very much!

@popatyourecords - 22.02.2025 20:18

Great playing my friend cheers

@mrx-b3i - 22.02.2025 21:31

such great blues man folk singer muddy waters also good

@elicalif - 22.02.2025 23:51

hey guy…awesome lessons and sound…thanks… I am looking for a lesson you gane reviewing Mark Knopfler and he was dressed in a tank top….cant find it anymore…can you provide name if the song

@keithbarker-e4q - 23.02.2025 00:27

Thank you again. You are the Dude. Enthusiasm is a resource...... For sure . All the best Keith

@FishTillYouDrop - 23.02.2025 12:25

What a great lesson. The best blues teacher I've found.

@williamcopperge7909 - 24.02.2025 00:31

Really Kool

@akmt123 - 24.02.2025 05:49

Excellent, cheers from Canada.....

@akmt123 - 24.02.2025 05:52

Wish can play Finger Style too .... very difficult after using Pick for 40 years....😢😢😢

@GuillermoGuzman-nm8nb - 25.02.2025 02:57

Sound best with a guitar like yours

@Шизлманизл - 25.02.2025 10:47

Hey! I was wondering if its possible to ask you to breakdown and teach a certain material?

@somone4800 - 26.02.2025 17:55

did you inherit jIMMY DAVIS's guitar, What a great sound, I see its a taylor. it must the strings Jimmy used.... great blues

@somone4800 - 26.02.2025 17:58

no me. its called technique. Awesome technkique

@DMAX_DIY - 27.02.2025 05:48

you are a great teacher.. wtf.. Im all in on this (and i live in MS) so.. thanks glad i subscribed thanks

@Gonecrazy666 - 03.03.2025 17:44

Awesome my friend! Gonna try that!😁👍🏻

@herrhardi - 03.03.2025 22:52

fun tune, big up 🤙

@tonyvalle794 - 05.03.2025 05:46


@Hugh_Manitee - 08.03.2025 08:04

The old Maxwell Street in Chicago was like a several blocks long outdoor flea market. Some stuff may have been a little "hot" but you could find deals everywhere.
Outdoor food vendors were everywhere. The smells of bar b que was in the air and you could just walk by without getting some.
Live music played by locals for gratuitous passersby added to the ambience of Maxwell Street. You could spend all afternoon there.
Then is was gone. University of Chicago wanted the land to expand and they got it.
I'm glad I was there when Maxwell Street was a cultural experience that was Chicago.

@78vinnieb - 09.03.2025 20:18

Very nice. Been into playing this stuff for a while now, youre a great help, thnx.
Would you help me figure out, Oh Death by Charlie Patton. That would be great!

@Виктор-я7к4к - 10.03.2025 09:00

объясняет великолепно. Чуть удивляет постановка левой руки)) (игра прямыми пальцами там, где это не требуется). Но получается более наглядно)). А самое главное, что "наблюдается " явный прогресс, когда в конце ролика играет лучше, чем в его начале

@jimbob1427 - 10.03.2025 12:12

I just found your channel and i love it ❤ thanks for this great content

@jimbob1427 - 10.03.2025 21:28

Could you do a video on some blues endings for songs like this ?

@rolfhauf4266 - 11.03.2025 03:49

I already digged in man.. thanks🎸

@RustyRaceHorse - 11.03.2025 08:12

Ok. I’m joining.

@วีระอักษรพินิจ - 11.03.2025 17:50

I am play acoustics guitar very well because of you.Thank you very much.I love you.(Ever onwards.)

@lamper2 - 13.03.2025 21:37

Would you consider analyzing Tampa Red's Jump Blues stuff like Rockin' in Rhythm and The Jitter Jump but most of all what i consider the missing link between old time Blues and Rock but there's a guitarist on this i forget his name but the song is EVALENA!

@bigsidable - 14.03.2025 21:10

My family from Belzoni Mss. Smack dab in the middle of Cross Road. Clark's Dale to Jackson on The DELTA Blues Hwy. Why I chunka chunka chunka.

@bigsidable - 14.03.2025 21:12

I started playing guitar because of Led Zep,Stone,Clapton,. Come to find out, this is where they got their sound.

@BlueSageJake - 17.03.2025 08:22

This is flat out awesome! Love the way that you listen to the original and then break it down. Love your energy and enthusiasm! Keep it Coming! Thank You.

@pietroanania - 17.03.2025 10:11

well done very clear,same you can do for Chicago blues riffs?
