Yes please.😊
ОтветитьIt's interesting how DL2 both improved but also regressed with the infected. It really seems they went into making the night too easy even on hard unless you really try. That being said compared to on launch, it's much better but still a ways to go. I think howlers should be decreased in favor of more volies. Volies encountered in the streets should start a chase while on rooftops you can get a 1v1
ОтветитьWeak spot "the head" done
Ответитьbut virals+bombers were already in DL1
the 4-level chase Amongus zombies were original ones
I remember this one time I decided to kill a volatile using only fists and lets just say it was easy
ОтветитьApex volatile "oi what do you mean theres no alpha volatile M8 im right here i just got a name change"
Ответитьso basically dying light 2 was made gamer friendly so that more people would play it?
ОтветитьFun Fact: UV light makes the Demolishers/Goons easier to kill since Their "skin armour" burns a bit. Try it out
ОтветитьVarients you missed/miss informed.
Suiciders (NOT BOMBERS) do spawn is the sunken area without draining it. Although its rare.
You didn't cover the hag varient of the banshee.
You didn't cover the tyrant variant of the volatile. (Their is major differences such as. It always nocks you down, summons virals if no backup is around/left, unique attacks, bigger, stronger, more durable.)
The differences between a rampage and a charger.
Volatiles are actually the stronger opponents as they can kill even with immortality like cheats and all
ОтветитьAs far as banshees are concerned you can just use UV flashlight / UV flare (flare works better for me) to immobilize them or even kill them. Just throw UV flare under them they wont move and it can kill them on its own. As far as Demolishers are concerned use bash if you cant dodge but that sounds like skill issue to me :D
ОтветитьIt's been a while but I believe perfect dodging a charger staggers it, window to hit, but admittedly been a while since I've come across them.
ОтветитьFling and frost mod absolutely massacre demolishers and volatiles
ОтветитьIm glad they are bringing harder darker nights and roaming volatiles anyday now
ОтветитьFor me, when a Viral tries to tackle me, I can usually time an attack with a hammer and bash them in the jaw
Ответитьthe Charger (actually called Rampage) is a absolute joke and incredibly easy to deal with if you have the grappling hook. as they can be knocked down by it when you use it on them, making them easy as hell to beat.
ОтветитьThis video is slightly outdated, Howlers spawn way less frequently and don't start hunts (chases) anymore, instead the Volatiles that now spawn in abundance both on the ground and the rooftops initiate a hunt.
Aside from that, I have extensive experience fighting the infected in melee combat and I'll be giving you my insights.
Biters: recommended weapon; 2-handed sword.
-Biters are mostly a threat in numbers so having a weapon with reach and decent swing speed is great for chopping them down.
-They grab at you as their oppening attack and are quite persistant with that 1 attack method.
-The initial damage from a grab can be prevented by holding block, you'll still need to shove them off however.
-If a biter attemps to grab you from behind you wont get grabbed, instead you will stumble and take some damage.
-I'd advise against [dropkick] as it will leave you open to attacks
-Armored biters: Advised weapon; 2-handed [any type]
The armor on them dampens the damage from one-handed weaponry but not 2-handed regardless of blunt or slash.
Virals: Recommended weapon; 1-handed.
If they try to jump you flash them with UV or dodge to the side.
Spiters: [Bash] or {grappling hook} then [head stomp] them, follow up with a few swings if needed.
Howlers: use the {grappling hook} / [bash] / or [slide] and [headstomp] them, a few follow-up swings may be needed.
Banchees: Clear out other infected and humans as you're able.
Keep an eye on her, when she pounces at you, dodge backward and [head stomp] her when she rolls over.
I'd still advise using a bow and the [pakour shot] skill.
Chargers: Advised weapon; 1-handed
let them hit a wall and go nuts on their back.
Goons: Resistance booster recommended
To counter its 3 attacks are as follows
-overhead swing: dodge to the side.
-horizontal swing/spin: dodge backward
-stomp: hold jump don't dodge
Demolishers: Resistance booster recommended
attacking them head-on can be effective if done right.
-only get 2-3 swings in and backward dodge for his flailing arms
-if he is reading to charge, earthquake, throw or slam [bash] him, it'll interrupt his attack even if he does his adapted animation.
Volatiles: Advised weapon; 1-handed; mods; tip=Fling(on hit=25%) Shaft=Avalanche (activate, ranged freeze)
-UV can interrupt Volitiles but their AI doesn't always comply with this, Freeze from a mod however will guarantee stun them.
-They also have a damage buffer that prevents them from taking more than X% max health in damage from any 1 hit.
-If you catch 'em by surprise and freeze them with avalanche you can kill without triggering a hunt.
Tyrant: Advised either regen or resistance boosters;
-Recommended weapon; 1-handed.
-Frequently calls in virals and volatiles (doesn't start a hunt)
-Neither UV nor freeze works on the Tyrant.
-Side dodge his attacks.
Exploders: Just throw a pan at them.
Humans: Recommended weapon; 2-handed heavy (axe or hammer) mods; Tip; {any-crit} Shaft; Bane (activate, ranged poison)
Mix up your offence with varrying parkour attacks to get around their AI's "adapting" function.
This video really need timestamps. Very informative though
ОтветитьThey have changed the night chase system, now volatiles roam the world and cause chases, while howlers can bring many virals and volatiles to your posistion, making them actually special
ОтветитьThe scariest thing to me in this game is that volatiles aren’t as stunned by UV light so I once was hunted by a swarm during the day. This was during the new update.
ОтветитьThis video was so cool🔥
Ответитьthe times i havea bsolutely shitted on techland for making virals jump are uncountable like am just tryna loot and them mfckers coming in jumping like a frog
Ответитьbro what difficulty are you playing on??? these enemies aren't that hard
ОтветитьSo basically dying light 1 is still better then part 2💀💀💀 Ty for showing this video cause I was finna buy it
ОтветитьNow the chase can be triggered also by volatiles and they are many at night on the roofs but also on the streets
Ответитьits not as scary as it used to in dl1
ОтветитьI want an enemy list and how to find them
ОтветитьYou should update the video
Ответитьdid the chases get changed again since this video or is it my hard difficulty? volatiles are constantly on rooftops at night and they're the ones that initiate the chase. there's also no chase level system
ОтветитьCan you do a updated version of the enemies? There are new infected variants
Ответить"they will become a degenerate" 😂
ОтветитьThrowing knives work well for the bloated bomb zombies
ОтветитьI kill all volatile
ОтветитьThe banshees, aka hags. You can grab them with the grapple, and stun them. So they cant run away. Same with the bolters.
Ответитьcould you make a new video with all the new variants of infected pleaseeeee i’ll even pay you to make it haha i love watching and rewatching these videos. dying lights infected are so unique to me m. PLEASEEEEE😭😭🙏🏼🙏🏼 i beg of you lol!
Ответитьtip of the day ur uv flashlight is your shield and sword use it to cancel virals jumps
ОтветитьThese green virals were just a part of event, not canon
ОтветитьI'm getting back into DL2 (Last time i played was before the 'blood ties' dlc) can someone tell what the difference between the Orange and Purple Encounter icon is ? I tried checking the map's legend but it doesnt show up (maybe because i checked during daylight and not nighttime)
ОтветитьGreat video ps have you heard of the house of the dead and resident evil
ОтветитьVolatiles in Dl 1 are much stronger and hard to kill than Dl 2 volatiles , and in Dl 2 their attack is slower
ОтветитьThe whole game is a weak spot. Garbage game. They completely ruined this.
ОтветитьActually howlers are not the only way a chase can start, volatiles can initiate a chase also and level 4 chase is mostly volatiles. If you play smart, it's super easy to farm volatiles for rare loot n trophies at night if you find a high ground spot near their spawn in the streets which is almost always very close to where U find them.
ОтветитьI got a level 4 Chase and I was able do outrun all of the volatiles I got the achievements Slowpoke for the trouble that took me to get to level 4
ОтветитьThis video didnt age well